Stuck- calzona parents, lexie girlfriend

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Description- Callie and Arizona got a divorce and started arguing who y/n and Sofia stayed with and one day it got all to much for y/n so she ran away to stay with her girlfriend Lexi grey.

Callie-37 (mami)
Arizona- 38 (mom)
Lexie- 16

Callie had y/n when she was 21 after a one night stand. Arizona adopted her when she was 11 at the same time she adopted Sofia.

Y/n and Lexi have been dating for a year.

Lexi and Meredith know about each other and Lexi lives with Meredith because she got kicked out for being gay, Meredith is 35 so 19 years older than Lexie.
Y/n's pov-

I watched as my moms argued about who had us for the weekend as mami was here to pick me up to take me to school while mom took Sofia to hers.

We had stayed at moms as it was her week but they switch weekends depending on plans.

The parent who doesn't have us for the week picks me up and takes me to school so they can get the high school drama from the day before.

"Morning, sweetie." Mami stopped arguing to give me a hug and mom kissed my head before telling me my lunch and breakfast is in the kitchen for me.

Within seconds they were back to arguing and I just sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"You ready for school Sofia?" I asked as as I put my lunch in my bag and grabbed the fruit bowl.

"Waiting on mommy to help me finish homework before school. I'm stuck." She said with a sigh as she took a bite of her pancake.

"Right let me see, I have a feeling they will be arguing until it's time to leave." I smiled gently and sat next to her and helped her.

"So your mom wants to take you to the movies but I was thinking of us driving to Boston and visiting the new fun optical illusion museum and spending the weekend there."

"Mami, you and mom need to make a proper schedule." I sighed and looked out the window.

"Honey, I just want to know what you would like to do this weekend so I could tell your mom." She sighed and pulled up infront of the school.

"You know what I want? I want my parents to stop arguing all the time, I wanted to you guys to get along and I want you to stop trying to one up each other at the expense of your kids. You know what I really want? I want it to go back to how it was before uncle mark passed away." I told her before getting out the car and walk into the school.

"You okay my love?" Lexi asked as I met her at my locker like we do every morning.

"My moms were fighting again and Mami tried to make me choose again so I snapped." I sighed and leaned against her as she pulled me into a hug. "I can't go home- whatever one it is."

"Why? I'm sure your moms understand why you snapped." She whispered and rubbed my back gently.

"No, I can't go home because I can't handle it anymore."

"Okay, you can come home with me tonight then we will talk to Mer when she gets home tonight but I can't promise she won't tell your moms, she works with them." She whispered into my hair before pulling back and leading me to our first class. "It's all going to be okay."

Meredith is the only person outside of this school who knows we are dating so as soon as my parents say I'm gone she will know I'm with Lexi at their house.
Meredith's pov-

I was finishing work and was about to leave when Callie ran up to Arizona in tears with Sofia following behind her.

"She's missing, more like ran away!" Callie cried and Arizona took her into her arms, gently rubbing her ex wife's back. "I've check both of our houses and all her friends we know of."

"She was pretty upset this morning from what you told me, we have to wait until morning to report her as missing." Arizona sighed before pulling away from Callie and taking a tired looking Sofia into her arms. "Meredith could you keep an eye out for her on your way home, you live near the school."

"Y/n is missing?" I asked as I crouched down to hug Sofia who looked upset and confused.

"I'll keep an eye out for her and I'll let you know if I see her." I told them before leaving the hospital to see what the hell was going on.

I know y/n will be at mine with lexi, either watching a movie or laying in lexi's room doing god knows what and I don't really wanna know.

Y/n's pov-

I was laid against Lexi's chest as she played with my hair gently as we listened to the playlist Lexi made me when we first started dating and she adds to it whenever she finds a song.

I heard the front door open but we choose to ignore it, staying in our small happy music filled bubble.

"Right, y/n get your little runaway butt out here and bring my stupid sister with you." I heard Meredith shout from the living room making us both groan before getting up. "I have food but you can only eat if you tell me what the hell is going on."

Sighing I get up and walk towards the door only to be stopped by Lexi as she pulled me into her arms and into a sweet kiss.

"Come on!" Meredith shouted and banged on the door, making me jump away from Lexi and quickly leave the room.

"Well isn't it the run away, how did I know you would be here."  Meredith laughed as she handed me a burger.

"Because you know me to well." I smiled back and sat in my normal seat when I'm here.

"So what's going on?" She asked once we were all settled.

I started to explain everything that had been going on since my parent's divorce and how I've been feeling and how I snapped this morning.

"Right, I'm going to have to tell you parents that you are here but you're going to stay here for the night and I'll drop you off when I head to work." She said I went to beg her not to tell them about me and lexi but she stopped me. "Don't worry I won't tell them about you both."

"Fine." Sighing I get up and head into lexi's room, getting comfortable and ready to sleep when lexi slipped into bed with me.

"Everything is going to be okay my love, I promise you."

"I Love you." I kissed her gently before falling asleep in her arms.

I walked into the hospital with Meredith, who gently rubbed my back and walked off when we saw my moms waiting for me.

As I walked closer and they spotted me, they ran over and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"You are in so much trouble for disappearing but for now we are just happy you are home." Mama sighed as she held me tightly.


It's been a year since that day, my moms got back together and they are so happy and so are me and Sofia.

I'm in my last year of high school with lexi, oh and I came out to my moms and they met Lexie a couple months after I had ran away for a night.

"So I was think we could all go to Boston for the weekend and have some family time." Mom said as she placed pancakes infront of me.

"That sounds good." I smiled and started my breakfast.

It's great not having to worry about weekends anymore.

Instead of dreading them, I look forward to them.

Not proof read
1350 words

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