Episode 48

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While lost in my thoughts and grappling with them, a soft knock interrupted my reverie, drawing a heavy sigh from me before I called out and invited the visitor in.

"Come in," I said wearily. It was Timothée Chalamet, resplendent in his sleek black suit, exuding charm effortlessly. A faint smile crept onto my lips at the sight of him stepping into my room.

"Are you alright?" he inquired with concern, to which I simply nodded, indicating that I was indeed fine.

"You look stunning," I murmured softly. He chuckled lightly and made his way towards me, stopping just behind me. With a gentle touch, he placed his hand on my shoulder, our eyes meeting in the reflection of the mirror.

"You look equally gorgeous, Bella," he remarked, a small smile gracing his lips as we both admired our reflections. I returned his smile with a shy one of my own. As our conversation continued in front of the mirror, a member of the staff appeared at the doorway.

"We're ready," the staff member announced, gesturing for us to prepare.

"We'll be there in a minute," Tim replied, reaching out to grasp my hand reassuringly.

"Shall we?" Tim asked me with a small smile. Swiftly, I took his hand with a smile, and together we stepped out of the room. As soon as we emerged, we spotted Sara waiting for us by the entrance door, her face brightening as she caught sight of us.

"You two look absolutely perfect together," she remarked with a small smile.

"Thanks, Sara," Tim replied swiftly, returning her smile, while I found myself lost in my thoughts until he gently squeezed my hand to bring me back to the present.

"I'm sorry... I was a little nervous about the event," I quickly apologized for my absent-mindedness, offering them a small smile. He simply nodded in understanding, while Sara seemed to notice my distraction without saying a word.

Before we could step out through the entrance, one of the staff members called my name and hurried towards me.

"Emma!" he called out, holding my phone in his hand. "Someone is calling you," he informed me, showing me the phone displaying an unknown number. Before I could retrieve it, Sara swiftly took the phone and answered it.

"Hello, Sara Carter speaking," she said quickly. While she engaged in conversation with the unknown caller, the rest of us waited patiently. She glanced slightly in my direction, and with our eyes meeting, I understood exactly what was happening. So, I extended my hand, gesturing for her to pass the phone to me, which she did.

"Hello, it's Emma Bella," I answered.

"Oh, hello Bella, it's Fernando. Carlos's assistant," came the voice from the other end. I furrowed my brow in confusion upon hearing his name.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my tone tinged with concern and curiosity.

"Well," he paused, exhaling a sigh. "I know it's not the best timing to disrupt your day, but I think you should know," he said. Without saying anything, I simply allowed him to continue.

"I believe you're already aware of Carlos's contract renewal," he began. "It doesn't seem too serious at the moment, but... he's currently in the hospital for surgery," he added. At his second statement, my eyes widened in disbelief.

"What?" I asked slowly, my curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, he's in the hospital in his hometown, undergoing appendix surgery," Fernando explained.

"I just wanted you to be aware," he concluded. I remained in a comforting silence for a moment before deciding to resume the conversation.

"Is he okay?" I asked him, concern evident in my voice.

"Not really. He's having a really tough time right now, and he's quite upset with himself," Fernando replied, further deepening my sorrow. We continued our conversation for a few more minutes, discussing the situation. Before ending the call, Fernando made a statement that left me feeling conflicted about my decisions.

"I know I shouldn't say this to you, but... he needs you, Emma," he paused, his tone heavy. "I've never seen Carlos in so much pain. That's why I think he needs you," he added before we hung up. I remained lost in thought, staring at my phone screen.

"Is everything okay?" Sara's voice broke through my reverie. I shook my head slightly in disagreement.

"No, Sara... I'm not okay," I murmured softly.

"What's wrong, Bella?" Timothée gently grasped my arm, coaxing me to look up at him.  As soon as I met his gaze, tears welled up in my eyes and began to trickle down my cheeks.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Tim asked, gently wiping away my tears. I shook my head and weakly pushed his hand away.

"I need to go..." I murmured, my voice barely audible. Without a word, he held onto my arms, silently urging me to continue.

"I need to go to Carlos, Timothée. He needs me," I added, bowing my head in anguish. He remained silent for a few moments before speaking up.

"Go, Bella," he said softly, causing me to look up at him. His bright smile met my gaze. "I already know that you love him," he said with a small smile. "That's why, don't waste any time. Go get him and tell him the truth about your feelings, Bella," he added gently. I managed a small smile through my tears and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Timothée, and...sorry about that," I whispered softly, feeling guilty for burdening him with my emotions.

"You don't have to apologize for anything, Bella," he reassured me with a shake of his head.

"I'm glad that you found your loved one again," Tim said, giving my back a tight rub as we hugged each other. Our moment was interrupted by Sara, who chimed in with an update.

"We're now in New York, and the private jet will take nearly 7 hours. I've already made all the arrangements," she announced, indicating the flight time. As she spoke, we broke our embrace and exchanged a small smile.

"Go, Bella," Tim encouraged with a wide grin.

"Thank you, Tim," I nodded, swiftly making my way to my car, with Sara following suit. "Don't forget to say hi to Carlos," Tim called out with a bright smile before my chauffeur closed the car door. I nodded in agreement and waved before we drove directly to the airport for my private jet.

"I'll send you the itinerary once you're there," Sara said as she checked my schedule. "And I've scheduled an appointment with John," she added.

"Thanks, Sara. You're the best," I said, offering her a small smile, which she returned.

"No need to thank me, Bella," she shook her head. "I'm just happy you're making your own decisions," she added, giving my knee a gentle touch. We shared a warm moment before she continued.

"And I've already made sure to book the hotels, and I'll send you the details of the hospital and everything, okay?" Sara said.

"Okay," I replied swiftly, smiling and nodding in agreement. After an hour of driving, we arrived at the airport and John rushed towards us as we reached the private jet.

"Am I late, Miss Bella?" he asked hurriedly, taking my hand to lead me up the stairs to the jet.

"No, you're right on time, John," I assured him before disappearing into the private jet. I settled onto the couch, with John taking the seat beside me. Still clad in my event dress, which felt uncomfortably tight, I realized it didn't matter compared to my overwhelming feelings for Carlos.

I think I am in really love with him....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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