Episode 47

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"Emma, are you ready?" Sara inquired as she entered my room while I was getting ready for my Vogue Magazine show with Timothée Chalamet. Without uttering a word, I simply nodded at her reflection in the mirror, while all my stylists bustled around, preparing my look for the event.

"Could I have a moment alone with Emma?" Sara addressed the stylists. They exchanged confused glances.

"This isn't a request, ladies; it's an order," she asserted, her voice carrying authority this time. Following her command, they promptly exited the room, closing the door behind them. Sara then approached me, taking a seat beside me.

"Are you absolutely certain about your decision?" she asked softly, turning her head to look at me.

"I'm always sure about everything, Sara," I replied confidently. She nodded in understanding.

"I just want to ensure your certainty," she reiterated. I remained silent instead of responding. "Even if you keep repeating yourself, my answer will remain unchanged." While engrossed in a serious conversation with Sara, my phone buzzed with an incoming call, which I promptly ended. Sara noticed and rose from her seat, making her way back to the door.

"Emma," she called my name before turning the doorknob. "If you attend the event with him, all the rumors will become headlines," she warned. I met her gaze in the mirror's reflection.

"You understand what I mean, Emma," she offered a small smile before swiftly exiting the room, leaving me alone. As she left, my previous stylists returned to the room. Before they could continue their work, I halted them.

"That will be all for now... I'm satisfied with this look," I said with a slight smile. They were taken aback by my words, exchanging glances before leaving the room once more. I let out a deep sigh, resting my elbows on the table and covering my face with both hands. As I did, a wave of thoughts flooded my mind.



It was already 7:30, and our entire team was enjoying dinner together at a downtown restaurant. I was having a great time with Awkwafina and Brittany, indulging in gossip and some alcoholic drinks.

"So, spill the beans about your hot Spanish guy," Snow said with a playful chuckle. It was evident she was already feeling the effects of the drinks, and so was I. Before I began, I cleared my throat and sat up a little.

"Well, he's good-looking, handsome, and very considerate," I began.

"What do you mean by 'considerate'? In bed or out?" Joe interjected, causing the group to erupt in laughter, except for Timothée. He remained silent, steadily drinking from his glass.

"Hey, Joe, let her finish, man," David joined in, bringing the conversation back on track. The group quieted down, eager to hear more.

"He's really gentle with me. He's a completely different person from his stern demeanor as a driver," I explained, taking a sip from my drink. "And let me tell you, he's got amazing hair!" I added, prompting another round of laughter from the group.

"So, how do you feel about him?" Awkwafina chimed in, her curiosity evident. I tilted my head slightly, contemplating her question. "I'm not entirely sure, Fina," I replied after a moment of reflection.

"That's not an answer, Emma!" Joe interjected once again, but before I could respond, Brittany cut in.

"Shut the hell up, Joe," Brittany snapped. "She flew all the way to Bahrain for him... don't you remember that?" she added, taking a sip of her wine.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious," Awkwafina chimed in, joining the conversation. "And just look at Bella," she paused, pointing towards me. "She's positively glowing with happiness," she said with a chuckle, eliciting laughter from all of us. While we were engrossed in our lively discussion, Timothée remained silent, steadily downing his drinks. Suddenly, he interjected, bringing an unexpected shift to the atmosphere.

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