Episode 36

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It was still 9 pm when I woke up from my deep sleep. Carlos is already lying beside me instead of lying on my chest. I slowly get up from the bed and walk towards the living room while scrolling on my phone. I read some news and looking through Social Media for a while before I hit a phone call to Sara. After a few rings later she picks up.

"Hello Emma ...Is everything ok?" she asked me. I walk towards the balcony and closed the door. 

"Yeah, I just wanna know my Schedules and how about my Audio Broadcast Interview?" I asked her while leaning against the balcony by putting my both of hands. 

"Well, Interview was really going viral and It was totally hit . And for your Schedules I will sent you E mail." she quickly answered. I hummed at her in agreement. 

"And also What will you gonna do about your Movie?" she added . "I will go back to LA directly when I come back." I swiftly added. "Will he also come with you ?" she asked. I turn my head into the direction of the room and said. "Properly wont ....I don't know". She stays in silent for a while before she added. " Are you really ok with that .....I mean about your Movie?". This time... I know exactly what she means. I let out a soft sigh before I make a respond. "Sara ...I know exactly what to do and don't worry. It will be fine" I said and take a deep breath from fresh air. "Ok. I trust you and I will sent you E mail "she added and we both end our phone call. I keep scrolling through the Instagram until I saw Him. Its makes me freeze for a few seconds when I saw His figure. It was Timothee. He posted with his friends and he is already in LA. I still looking at him until my phone turn into dark screen. I let out a sigh and went into the room again. When I went into the room , I can't find Carlos's appearance in the bed and also in the room. I quickly grab my sneakers and went out from the room. I take elevator and come down to the Lobby , but I still didn't find his appearance. "Excuse me .Uh,...have you seen Carlos Sainz?" I asked to the receptionists with small smile. They both shake their head and said they haven't seen him. 

'It was really late at night and where is he going?' I was mumbling  inside my head while I heard the familiar voice called out my name. "Bella...what are you doing here?" asked me with Spanish accent. "God Jesus! . I thought you disappeared into the air" I said him while I was turning my heels to his direction. "I thought you are starving and went to the Cafe without me but turns out there is no one. So, I just take a way 2 sandwiches for dinner.' Carlos answered and pointed out at his 2 sandwiches. "At least you should call out my name. I was at the balcony with Sara's phone call." I added while I interwind my hands at his arm. He lets out some chuckles and said "You really thought that I was disappeared into the air." "That was just an example ...Carlos" I said him with small giggles and we both walk into the elevator. 

"Don't worry Bella. I wont never leave you alone ....never" he said and rested his head on my head while we both walk back to our room from elevator. *Those words*

"I have Holiday for tomorrow " Carlos said . "That's good. You can take a full rest for this weekend." I said him before I finished my last bite of Sandwich. "Nope. I would like to prefer a date with you" he called out at me while I walk back to the Bathroom. " Are you sure? You can stay at hotel if you want ...I can also stay too" I called out back. He walks up to the Bathroom and lean against the door frame while I was washing my hand . "As long as I can spend my time with you, every options will gonna be fine" he said in softly voice. *Those words really makes me feel different*. He also does the same when I look up into his eyes. "You are a really flirty one aren't ya?" I said him back and walk back to the bedroom. " To be honest, I am really bad at flirting" he said and also join into the bedroom. I give him my narrow eyes and look at him. "I don't think so Mr. Carlos" I swiftly laid into the sheet again. He also laid beside me by turning towards me. Without saying anything we both staring each other. 

"Wanna talk?" he breaks the silent and said. 

"About what?" I asked him back. 

"You ...About you Bella. I want to know" he added. 

"My first career was not a singer. It was Nickelodeon's child actress when I was 10. When I was 14 I appear as a actress in some movies and then at 16 I started my singer career steps and ....here I am." I said him while staring up my ceiling. 

"So, you live in London?" he added. I let out a chuckle .

"Actually, I am not sure about my living. Cause I have lots of houses and I almost full of traveling around the world cause of my business . So , parentally saying I don't have certain place. But I mostly live in my mansion which is in London . I stay there not because of it was big and mansion but because of the Studio Room of that house is pretty nice. " 

"So, you don't have any certain place to stay?" he asked me again. "Yeah, sound kind of weird but it is really. I never live over 6 months every single place." i added. He gives me a small nod.

"So, how about you? Do you have any interesting about you Carlos?" I aske him back. 

"Well ,I don't think I have. I guess" he said. "I started my F1 test at 18." he added. 

"What is full name by the way?" I asked him. 

"Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro" he answered and also asked me too. "Emma Alison Bella" I answered back. "But I would like to prefer Emma Bella more" I added in chuckle. He also lets out a small chuckle.

We both talk each other nearly a couple of hours before we go back to our deep sleep again.

It was my first time I have a midnight Pillow talk with someone else. With him ....Carlos Sainz.

You were the biggest Red Flag ,and Red is my Favorite .Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora