Episode 18

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" No....I don't want to eat that ." I winced and shouted at Sara. "You need to Emma ...don't be such like a 4 years old kid" she hold that bowl of boiled broccoli with some honey . "There is honey on it so ...you need to eat it " she took out a broccoli with fork and  try to feed me. "NOOOOO.....SARA!" I shouted at her by covering my mouth. There is Dua Lipa who is holding her phone and recording . "If you don't eat ...I am gonna tie you up and feed." Sara said. Finally, I give up her and open my mouth to eat. "Ewwe....what a gross taste" I almost gonna passed out when I start chewing . Dua Lipa fall on the floor by laughing. While they are dying at laughing , I was in a hell by eating that Boiled Broccoli. 

"Are you ready ?" Dua come into my room with massive grin and asked me. I throw a pillow at her . She winced ."Why ?" ."Cause I hate you "I said to her. "You just don't eat Broccoli properly." she starts laughing again. "If you don't stop I am gonna beat you up " I said her with chuckle. "You really look like a 4 years old kid." she said and lay on my bed. "The taste is really bad ....when its combo with Honey ...It becomes double worst." I said to her while I am preparing my beg for Gym. "You have Ferrari Fashion Show Tonight ...Right?" she sit up and asked me. I just give her a nod. "Shall we go ?" I grab my beg and announce. She also grab her beg and we both went out for Gym. 

Everyone calls me 'Gym Rat'. Of course I am . Sometimes ,I spend my half day at the gym . Being a 1.73m woman, I have some benefits to maintain my body shape. I need to fit in every suit or dress I wore. So , I always do work out nearly everyday. *I also have sexy Six Packs too*.

When I arrived at gym, i directly storm in to the Locker room and change into my gym suit. "Oh...You look sexy" Dua said to me while biting her lip and makes a sexy face. "I am always" I give her a wink and said. She also get into the locker room and change into her gym suit. I walk up to the mirror and check myself. Something, pops up in my mind while I am garbing my Work Out Stuff. I grab my phone and take a photo of me and post it on my Instagram.

@emmabella: "Damn! ~"

After that , I start my Fitness work out

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After that , I start my Fitness work out. My phone buzzed from Sara while I am running on my treadmill. I pick it up with my Bluetooth headphones. "Yeap ?" I answered. " The Show will be at 6 so you need to be ready at 5" she said through the phone call . "Roger that" I said in worn out voice. "Are you at Gym?" she asked up . "What did you expect ?" I asked her in small giggle. "Don't be too over work Bella . You are already look perfect". "I know...I know .But I just needed to ." She gives me a hum voice and hang up the call. After running for an hour , I took a step out and drink protein. I sit down for a while before I grab my things back and went out from Gym. 

The Part Time Housemate comes towards me ,when I step into my house. "Miss Bella ...there is package for you ." she said and takes it from the table of Livingroom. It was from Ferrari, they sent me their VIP invitation for tonight Fashion show. "Thank you " I give her a small nods and took a package . I put that package on the bed and take a look on the red envelope which has Ferrari Logo on it. I read at Invitation and put it on the nightstand before I went to the Bathroom to take a cold shower. I really like Cold Lavender Shower after being Gym Rat. They are really perfect. 

It is almost nearly 5:30 . I am standing in front of the Mirror and double checking myself. I also put on the box ,which is full of Cartier Jewelries . I put on some matching Items . I was in a Maroon Dress . Of course , I need to wear Red color that represent Ferrari. 

Emma 's outfit for Ferrari Fashion Show :   

While I was struggling wearing necklace, I heard a knock on my door

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While I was struggling wearing necklace, I heard a knock on my door. "Hello gorgeous". It was Sara who is looking at me with proud smile. "Can you help me with this ?" I asked her by gesturing my necklace. She walks toward me and help me to put it on. "You so freaking Gorgeous ...Bella "she slightly hugs me from my shoulder and said. "I am always do ...Miss Sara" I said with grin. "Lets go ...I don't want you to be late." I give her a nod and we both went out to our car. 

"Don't answer anything about Up Coming Movie . I think they will gonna ask you out for some spoilers." Sara said to me before I get off from the car." Don't worry . I am always professional." I give her a wink and get out off car. As soon as I appeared on the Red Carpet of Ferrari, all of the cameras' lights switch up on me. I slowly walk up to the Carpet by covering my guards .

"Hello ...Bella . How are you doing Today?" one of the reporters asked me. 

"Pretty as well "I said and let out small giggles. "I was so stunned to speech while you step in to the Red Carpet....Bella, You are so shinning and slaying in this dress." He exclaims. "Thank you so much , for today I need to be match with Ferrari ....So, I pick it up." I answered. "And also ,We heard about that Your New Album is currently on the top .So...how do you feeling about that?" he asked me again. "Absolutely , appreciate about that and I am really exciting " I answered and start to leave into the Ferrari Building. 

Hastily, I arrived into the Building the crowd cheering and start their recording. "Hello ...Mis Emma Bella or should I call you Miss Gorgeous?" Rocco Iannone (who is the director of Ferrari 's Fashion Industry) said and hugs me. "Hey ...how's it going ?" I hugs him back and asked him. "Hopefully ,well "he said with grin. "Come on ...I will take you to my 2 Masterpiece Men." He took out his arm and gestures me to grab . I swiftly grab his arm and follow his lead. We both walk passed through the crowd . After that , I saw 2 men who are taking photos and signing autograph to fans. "Hey guys . Please make a space for my Gorgeous lady" Rocco said to the men. They both look at me with different smile and different look. They are Carlos and Charles. "Hello, Miss Gorgeous " Charles grabs my hand and kiss a top of my hand. His eyes are always looking at me with the same tension. "Good Evening , Bella " Carlos greeted at me with his Spanish accent. I turns toward him ,and give him a smile. His eyes are always stated and bright , every times we connect each other. "Hello ...gentlemen" I greeted them back. I took a place between of them . I can feel that , both of them are looking at me with smiles .

Same smiles ,but ...lots of different Means.

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