Calling the parents.

Start from the beginning

"We can do an ultrasound to check." Doctor Houston suggests. He is thrilled to give this lovely couple this amazing news. When he saw the information of the appointment he dreaded it a bit. Having to tell somebody they have cancer, especially a young woman who thought she conquered it, is the one thing he hates about this job.

But now he got to tell them they were expecting which made his entire day. The joy he sees in Daniel's eyes and the surprise Stephanie is showing on her face is enough to put a smile on his face that he won't be able to get rid of for a while.

"Yeah ok let's do that." Stevie nods and she lays back down on the table, this time pulling the skirt of her dress up, revealing her flat stomach.
Again Rodney squirts some gel on her skin and he starts to look for the uterus with the probe. It's a bit of a search as Stevie just emptied her bladder and that makes it a bit harder to find what he is looking for, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

But he locates the uterus and inside he sees a tiny bean shaped spot on the screen.
"There it is." He points it out for Stevie and especially for Daniel who has never seen an ultrasound from so early in a pregnancy before.
The ones he saw from his sister were from when she was a lot further along. You could really see that it was a baby in there.

Now he just seas something that looks most like a bean or a tiny shrimp.
But that tiny shrimp is their baby. A little brother or sister for Cole and Zara. It's his dream and it is happening.
Cole and Zara are his kids, that will never change and he loves them more than life itself. He is just sad he wasn't there at the beginning. This time he is though.

This time he will be there for every step, he will see Stevie's body change, her belly growing until it's round and full of their baby. He will be able to feel the baby kick and he will be there to support her through it. He will be there to watch their baby being born and he will be there when it will cry for the first time.

His heart is exploding with love and happiness as he looks at the screen where their little bean is visible.

"I'm going to try to let you hear the heartbeat. I have to warn you, it's still early so I might not be able to get it. But I do see the heart beating, so it looks very good." Rodney tells them as he turns on the sound of the machine.
There's some white noise as the probe moves a bit and for a bit he doesn't think he'll be able to get a sound.

Until suddenly the room fills with the fast 'woosh, woosh, woosh' of the baby's heart beating inside his tiny chest.
"That's it. That's your babies heartbeat." He says.

Daniel feels more tears spill from his eyes. He can't only see their baby, he can now also hear its heart beating, which means it's alive and doing well.

"When I measure the fetus I can tell you are now six weeks and one day pregnant. Which means you're due date will be around the 26th of December. It's a Christmas baby." He tells the happy couple.

"A Christmas baby?! Oh wow that's ... just wow." Daniel glows with pride. He made a baby, together with Stevie of course, but they created life. They are going to have a little combination of the both of them and even though Christmas sounds very far away, he knows at least he'll have winter break so he can be there for Stevie and the baby.

"I drank wine a couple of times these last few weeks. Do you think that will harm the baby?" Stevie asks the doctor.
"I don't think so. At the moment everything looks how it should for six weeks. So don't worry about it too much. Just start taking prenatal vitamins and watch your food from now on. You've already been through it twice. You know what to do." Rodney smiles at her making her feel a lot better instantly.

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