Chapter 27

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[this is the last chapter and the longest. I hope this isn't stupid...]

"I've never seen a vampire on life support." Billie whispered.

"Shut up. I can hear you, you know?" Gerard mumbled and sat up. The burns haven't fully disappeared, but most of them were gone. "It's just fucking blood." He said and ripped the tube from his arm, the blood spraying all over him.

"Oh, damn..." He muttered and put the tube to his mouth.

When he looked up, his eyes widened and he scrambled to edge and fell off the bed. Holy shit! It couldn't be...he breathed out and the tube fell to the bed, staining the white sheets.

"Gerard? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Billie asked and the amusement was blatantly obvious in his voice.

Gerard stood up and stared at the three people in the room and almost wanted to cry. This was definitely not happening.

"Long time no see, babe. How have you been?" A voice whispered in his ear suddenly and Gerard almost collapsed from weak the knees. The only guy who'd been able to do that to him.

He turned around. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again Andy."

"So is it a bad thing that I'm here?" He smirked. Damn, he was still tall and pale and skinny and fucking gorgeous. He'd die if Frank and Billie weren't in the room right now.

"No-I suppose not." Gerard said and looked to the ground.

"I was sad when we parted." Andy hummed and brushed a strand of hair out of Gerard's face. "I actually really liked you."

"Okay, what the fuck is going on here?" Frank asked, speaking up for the first time. "I've never seen Gerard act so pathetic around a person before."

" and Gerard go way back, don't we, Gerard?" Andy asked.

He nodded.

"How? Why?" Frank asked with crossed arms.

"I was his master, you fucking piece of shit. But then I saw Ashley, who by the way was stabbed in the fucking heart-ever heard of a vampire committing suicide? No? Well then, I sent Gerard on his way and a week or two later he was fucking Billie."

Frank looked to Billie with wide eyes. "You were his pet?"

"Pretty much." Billie muttered. "I don't want to talk about it though."

"So let's just say that everyone in this room loved me at a point in their life and now want me dead. Sound good to you?" Gerard asked the three.

"Why- sounds about right." Andy smirked, then leaned down and whispered; "or maybe still love you." He eyes shot Billie and Frank who quickly looked away with the similar red coming to their face.

"Well..." Gerard trailed off. "I'm a fucking mess, Bert might as well be standing here right now."

"He actually was." Frank said. "Left a while ago."

"Dammit!" Gerard hissed and smacked his face off of the plastic railing of the bed. "I fucking hate my life. Please kill me."

"Gladly." Bert snarled, appearing in the doorway.

"Yes. You do that." Gerard almost begged. "I can't deal with this anymore."

"What? The fact that every single heart you've played with is standing in this room? Shouldn't you feel proud of yourself Gerard Way?" Bert spat in Gerard's face. "I'll give you a fucking award or something. But I think if you hate it that much, then you deserve to suffer."

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