Chapter 16

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Needless to say, Gerard got stuck cleaning up all the blood that was apparently there when Frank walked in.

He was scrubbing and cringing at all the wasted blood that could've totally been used to drink all while Frank sat there watching him.

"Missed a spot." Frank pointed everywhere.

"No shit." Gerard snapped impatiently and scrubbed a little harder at the floor and fridge. This would surly stain the white floor and metal fridge. "Help me?" He looked up at Frank with a puppy dog face.

"Fine." Frank sighed and took a sponge from the bucket and got down on all fours, "but only because I like you."

Gerard smirked. "Do you like me more then Mikey?"

Frank stopped. He didn't move for what felt like hours and slowly looked up. "Um..."

"Damn it!" Gerard hissed, he crawled over to Frank and grabbed his face with his bloody hands. "You don't actually like him like that Frank. It's because he's the one that turned you."

Frank stared into Gerard eyes. "But -"

"But nothing, Frank. You don't actually have feelings for him. You don't like him, you like the idea of him." Gerard was starting to sound pathetic at trying to get the boy that he was close to having feelings for to like him back again. "Please, just listen to m -"

"Eh hem?" Mikey cleared his throat from the doorway. "What's going on here?"

Gerard could hear Frank's hear start to beat faster as he got up and ran to Mikey, clinging to his side for dear life. "He says - he says..."

"He says nothing." Mikey assured and kissed Frank on the lips before walking out of the room. "He's a liar. You don't need to listen to him."

Gerard threw the bloodied sponge and pulled his knees up to his chest and cried into them. It was sad, watching a hundred year old boy wallow in his self-pity because the boy he liked was a under his brothers spell.

You can come to me anytime, you know? Here's my address..

Gerard abruptly stood up and walked to one of the drawers in the kitchen. He found the small piece of paper and stuffed it into his pocket before leaving the house.

He didn't need to see Frank and Mikey doing anything together. He wouldn't wait around and listen to Mikey feeding Frank bullshit that wasn't even true.


" Ray here?" Gerard asked, seeing a boy with a big forehead and weird hair. "He lives here, right?" Duh. You know he lives here, you made sure of it, remember?

"Yeah...and who are you?" The guy - Brendon - which he'd already found out himself.

"I'm Gerard, Ray's friend." Gerard said, looking away from Brendon. "Yes, I'm the guy that was with Frank. Was."

Way to be blunt, Way. "How did you know I -"

"Never mind that, can I come in?" Gerard asked, Ray knows I have his address and stuff." And stuff? Gerard wanted to punch himself.

"Yeah, come in - Ray!" Brendon called, closing the door and walking into the living room where Ryan and Pete were sitting. Was everyone here?

Ray walked downstairs and smiled at Gerard. "What's up? Is something wrong?"

Gerard shrugged. "Kinda- I guess."

Ray looked to his friends in the living room and gave them a signal that he'd be a minute and led Gerard upstairs. "What's wrong?"

"My brother." Gerard stated. "You know how I killed Frank?"

Ray nodded.

"Well it turns out that my brothers blood was in his system when I-I snapped his neck. So...guess what?"

He didn't need to sit for Ray's answer as he carrie on. "Frank's a vampire and he now belongs to my brother and he doesn't love me or even like me like he used to and now it's all about my brother and -"

He felt Ray put an arm around his waist and him get pulled closer to the other boy. "Are you just mad because Frank won't really even listen to what your saying? And everything is about Mikey?"

Gerard nodded. "Even though he did kiss me back earlier."

"Isn't Mikey with Pete?"

"After having sex with Pete while he was still with Frank, yeah. My brothers a dick." Gerard sighed and leaned his head on Ray's shoulder. "Do you like me?"

"What kind of like?" Ray asked.

"Any type." Gerard answered. He just really wanted someone who wouldn't go to his brother like a little whore and someone who would listen to him and care...even though that's not really vampire-like, but that would kind of be stereotyping.

"Yeah." Ray smiled, even laughing a little. "I like you lots."

Gerard sat up straight and looked Ray in the eyes before leaning in and kissing him. He was just needy.

But Ray kissed back nonetheless. And it was pretty great.


Mikey laid down with Frank on the bed, Frank was always curled into his side, but he was small enough, so it was cute.

"Ow, your knee is digging into my rib." Mikey said, adjusting himself and Frank.

"Sorry." Frank mumbled with wide eyes, staring at Mikey, "I didn't mean too."

"It's okay." Mikey chuckled and kissed Frank. "You should probably put on clothes before Gerard gets home or something."

"Your one to talk..." Frank got up and out clothes on. "I'm hungry...and I actually want it from the vein."

Mikey got up and put on his own clothes. He glanced up at Frank and thought for a minute. Should he take Frank out to feed? Would it help to actually listen to Gerard for once?

"Okay...we'll go tonight - but you need a shower." Mikey smirked at the shorter boy, who scowled and crossed his arms.

"But you already told me to get dressed!"

"But I told you to get in the shower now." Mikey argued.

Frank stared at him for a minute, before obliging and leaving the room in a huffy manner.

Mikey went to grab for the sheets when the door opened, he chuckled to himself and walked out, "I thought you loved Frank...what happened to you?"

Gerard was shaking and covered in a concerning amount of blood. "I-I killed him."


Who did Gerard kill?

You may already know, but whatever, you might not. *shrugs* so um...I'm probably gonna be posting a new story soon. If I don't go crazy first, I already have several on hold and a few that I have no inspiration for, but I promise, school is almost over and I will work my butt of to get these done. (Or pump out chapters quickly, but that'll be in about a week or two...)

If my mom doesn't kill me first because I may or may not be failing my grade ):

Xo - Cloee

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