Chapter 3

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Frank didn't really know why he followed Gerard into the bathroom, but he looked upset and wasn't doing anything anyway. He didn't know Gerard and Gerard didn't know him - hell, he still thought Gerard was a stalker but he looked pissed and upset, so why not go see what's wrong?

"Gerard?" Frank asked quietly, peering into the small and very gross looking school bathroom. "Are you okay?"

Frank didn't get a response, just some muffled sobbing coming from one of the stalls: presumably Gerard - the one he saw coming in here.

"Gerard?" Frank asked again, walking along the row of stalls, pushing each one open a little.

"What do you want...Frank?" Gerard finally asked, you could tell he was definitely pissed, even mixed with the fact that his voice is groggy from crying.

"Are you okay?" Frank asked again.

"And why the fuck would you care?" Gerard asked, his voice rising hysterically. "You've never cared."

"What?" Frank asked, confused. "You've only been going to the school for two days. I wouldn't have time to care."

"Exactly." Gerard spat. "You wouldn't care if I've been here a few hours or a few years."

"That's not true though." Frank argued, his voice cracking at the end. "And how would you know, we haven't even talked or made eye contact until last night."

"I've heard how you think about me Frank. They aren't nice thoughts, and quite frankly, it hurts." The stall door opened and Gerard walked out. His semi-long hair sticking to his wet face from the tears.

"I haven't even talked to you!" Frank yelled. How would he even know? Frank only said those things in his head...unless he didn't and did wind up saying them out loud.

"I know more things than you Frank." Gerard snarled, "things that you won't ever know in your whole life."

Frank frowned, "I'm sorry..." He still didn't know how Gerard knew though, and it scared him a little bit.

"Sorry doesn't cut everything, Frank. I'm not offended by anything you say - I've heard it all before." Gerard turned from the mirror to Frank, "the thing that pisses me off is that you won't admit it or that you think you can get away with it."

Frank nodded, "I did say things about you...but it was in my head! I don't even know how you know that I said anything." He shook his head, "it's freaky man."

"What'd you say about me Frank?" Gerard asked, even though he knew the answer. Maybe he just asked to see if Frank would tell the truth. Would he?

"I...I don't remember..." Frank trailed off and couldn't even look Gerard in the eye.

"You're lying." Gerard stated, "I hate liars, Frank." He turned to Frank and grabbed his chin and forced his eyes to look into Gerard's. "Do you want to tell me the truth now?"

Frank shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to look Gerard in his hazel and hypnotizing eyes. "No Gerard..." He whispered, it was almost not heard, but only almost.

"Are you sure?" Gerard asked, his voice just as stony as his face. "I know the truth, but I want you to tell me the truth - I want to hear it from you."

Frank sighed, "I thought it was creepy that you were where I was last night: I think you're weird -"

"You realize Belleville is a small city, right?" Gerard asked, not seeming to be offended by what Frank was saying.

"Anyway..." Frank snarled, pissed because he was interrupted when he finally started talking. "I think you're weird and a stalker because you followed me."

"Is that all?" Gerard asked, seeming more pleased now that Frank had opened his mouth.

"I think so..." Frank trailed off and crossed his arms, this was kind of humiliating - even though no one was in here with them.

"I'm proud of you." Gerard smiled, "even though that could've been less painful if you would've talked sooner."

"Yeah...I don't get why you would ask if you already know." Frank said, still confused.

"I told you, I wanted to hear it come from your mouth." Gerard smirked and grabbed a hold of Frank's face and pulling it closer to his own. "Bye frank." He whispered and walked out of the bathroom.

See? He's weird. Frank walked out of the bathroom and didn't see Gerard anywhere in sight.

"Hey babe, where'd you go off to?" Pete asked, grabbing a hold of his hand and he dragged him off to their next class, and Frank didn't even bother answering.


Frank couldn't really pay attention in class, not that he really ever did anyway. It wasn't even the teachers voice that made him not able to pay attention, it was Gerard's intense fucking stare.

That made him wonder, why the fuck was Gerard staring at him?! He got what he wanted, no matter how stupid and messed up it was. But Frank was right - and he knew he was. Gerard was a weird stalker who had nothing better to do then watch Frank's every move.

Seriously, Gerard's eyes were moving along with Frank's hands, he was drawing some guitar that he wished he could have.

He was considering getting up and telling him off or flipping him off, which he came to the conclusion that both wouldn't end up with a very good ending.

Detention or a lecture were his guess.

Frank cursed to himself as he lifted up his head and looked right back at Gerard. So they ended up staring at each other for the longest moment, was it just him or had Gerard's eyes got even more browner than earlier?

He couldn't look away and man did he want to.

Frank crossed his arms and looked back to the front of the room before finding himself looking back at Gerard for like the third time today and Frank wanted to punch him. That dick!

Gerard smiled and Frank could see his shoulders bouncing a little as he silently chuckled. Thanks for laughing at my pain.

"Um...Frank? Why are you staring at Gerard like he's the only one in this world?" Very specific if you ask me. Frank turned and saw Pete staring at him and Gerard with a butt-hurt expression.

"I wasn't." Frank lied with a shrug, "I was spaced out."

Yeah, more like hypnotized by his eyes, the ones that made you want to hug him. How could eyes do that?

Frank smiled at Pete before looking back down at his paper with the epic guitar drawn on it.


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