Chapter 23

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A/n: I just wanna say thank you for all the reads, votes and comments even though my stories are crappy and misspelled (I'll work on making my future chapters better)

Even though Billie really did think that the coven needed more vampires, he didn't like the idea of carrying two limp bodies over his shoulder. Especially when the sun was gonna come up any time now and he could be baked alive if he didn't hurry.

And blood from Ryan's neck was getting on his favorite shirt, even though it was black, it was still staining.

Billie could hear the voices of everyone as he walked through the forest and got closer to the ruins of the cabin. They should really be more quiet.

"Billie- who are they?" Mitch asked, a stern expression as he watched Billie set the two bodies on the ground so that they leant against each other.

"Vampires. Well, gonna be." Billie explained.

"What is with you bringing in so many newcomers lately? Tell me." Mitch demanded.

"Because." Billie said. "I don't want the coven to be overrun by werewolves. They need to know that we run the place. Not them."

Mitch sighed. "Fine- but don't tell them you said that. And take them to that empty room down hallway C."

Billie nodded and picked them both back up before running past Mitch and into the basement of the cabin.


"Have you found out anything?" Pete asked with an exasperated sigh. He hasn't had anyone to hang around except Gerard and it was boring as hell.

Except hell would be more fun then being here.

"Pete." Gerard looked up from his work. "Shut the fuck up before I drown you in my bathtub. I don't care if you're with my brother and I don't care if he likes Frank too, but I will kill you if you don't shut the fuck up."

Pete pursed his lips and sighed again, falling back on the couch and taking a bite of the sandwich he just made.

"No." Gerard mumbled. "I haven't, I've even searched town. I-I can't find anything. Just some stupid cabin in the forest and an old warehouse over in that condemned lot; they may not even be in the town anymore. And I just seriously don't know where to even go from here."

"Mm.." Pete nodded.

"Was that an 'mm' you heard me and acknowledging the fact that I'm talking or an 'mm' your sandwich is good? Seriously Pete, I don't get you." Gerard asked.

"I'm thinking." Pete held up a finger and took the last bite of his sandwich before standing up. "Why not actually go into the buildings? See if there's anyone there. Then if not, we go to the next town over." He suggested, feeling quite smart all of a sudden.

"Yeah. That will work." Gerard stood up and walked to the door. "I'm hungry anyway."

Pete gagged. "I can't watch you do that."

"Then don't." Gerard said with wide eyes, Pete was fucking stupid.


"There are a lot of people here." Frank said quietly. Mikey nodded and looked around. It was like a fucking mall in here, people were everywhere.

"Well, I'm gonna go off and see who alls here." Mikey walked off.

Frank sighed and looked around. He knew no one here, this felt like middle school all over again.

So Frank was the outcast who knew no and stood like a fucking tree in the corner of the room which had the news on for some reason. Frank wasn't sure if anyone even watched it.

"You look bored." A voice announced from somewhere else in the room. "Do you need a friend?"

And Frank didn't even know the guy but all of a sudden hated him because of the mocking tone he used.

"Shut up. I've only been here for a few hours." Frank argued and crossed his arms.

"I'll be your friend." He was closer and when Frank got a closer look, his eyes widened.

"Okay." Frank said, and pretended that this guy talking to him was not a sex god but just some ordinary person that didn't have black hair and a lot of eyeliner.

"Is it weird that we kind of look alike?" The guy asked.

"What?" Frank asked, looking to the guy. They do not- "oh. I guess I could see it." If you count the black hair and eyeliner looking like someone.

"Not trying to be weird or anything." The guy shrugged. "I'm Billie. And you're probably one of the coolest looking motherfuckers here."

"Thanks?" Frank said, sounding unsure of himself. "So exactly how much friends do you have here?"

"Not much." Billie answered. "I've been told that I make people look bad- weak, because I have stronger powers then most of our 'species' and they don't like that."

"Oh. I'm just adorable then most." Frank shrugged. "Like really fucking cute so that people fight over me and stuff- I shouldn't be bragging but..."

Billie chuckled. "I could see how they would. Now come on. I'll show you where he best place to find people around here. Like for food and shit. There's a suburb on the other side." He grabbed Frank's hand and walked with him up the stairs and through the cabin door.

And Frank didn't think of Mikey. Because again, this was just like middle school and Frank got a new friend that he'd rather hang out with.


"You got a little..." Pete pointed to his chin.

"How many times do I have to tell you to shut up, Pete?" Gerard asked, looking ahead of him as he came across the locked fence that surrounded the warehouse.

"I don't know." Pete shrugged. "How do we get this fence open?"

"Leave it to me." Gerard said and smashed the lock with his fist. "Follow me." And he couldn't help but smirk as he saw Pete's face from the corner of his eyes.

They walked up to the building and inside. And Gerard realized that they weren't in here because the floor was weak and would give out any minute and there would be noise because Frank talks a lot and Mikey does too when Frank is around.

"They're not here." Gerard stated finally.

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm smarter then you." Was Gerard's answer as they walked out of the building and to there next destination.

"You so lucky that you are a vampire- because then I would argue and then I would-"

Gerard slapped a hand over Pete's mouth. "You're arguing right now."


Didn't know where to end this, thanks for the reads though, I love seeing comments and I just really love seeing that people actually see my stories and read them

Xo - Cloee

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