Ths Nt S Dscssng My Nw Stry Tht M Crrntly Wrtng

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So, as I've said in my previous chapter, I had a new story idea, and I have written the first two chapters and they are quite possibly the longest chapters I have ever written, consisting of 1,500 and more words AKA 25-24 pages, I know, not as much as other peoples chapters, but this is not what I want to talk about. I'm actually wondering if you guys would like me to post it, would you? Or should I wait?

I have no problem doing either, just a fair warning, chapter updates might be slow and others I might be able to pump out a new chapter everyday for a story for a while, but that might also slow down...

So what do you think I should do? Should I post it, I do have some ideas for my video game!Petekey story and I'm actually liking it so far, so please tell what you think...and if I should upload it or not.

**scrap this, I write like it's nobodies business and I'm currently editing all my stories and I'll wind up having new ones up soon anyway :p**

(It's long, just like their song titles XD)

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