Chapter 18

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"It's just um- uh, I didn't mean it like that- it's just that Mikey said that you look different now and I never really got to get a good look at you." Pete rambled and blushed. "Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I don't care about you- I do- and always will."

"Whoa! No- he's mine, I don't care if you care about him or not. Frank Iero is mine." Gerard explained with deadly eyes. "You touch him, you lose a hand. Got it?"

"So I suppose that means Pete can't see his dick then?" Mikey asked, standing in the doorway and 'inspecting' his fingernails.

Frank, Pete and Gerard all turned to glare at the younger Way. "No. He can't." Gerard snarled, ignoring the fact that Frank had moved his hand over his dick to 'protect' it. But he did however glance over at him.

Pete blushed again. "I-I didn't want to if that helps anything. I was just wondering if both you know..."

"Oh. My. Gosh." Gerard smirked and shook is head back and forth. "You're more innocent then little Frankie over here."

"Ah, ah, ah- I believe that Frank is not as innocent as he seems." Mikey cleared his throat. "Vampire kink." He smirked, bowed and backed out of the room.

"Holy fuck! Can we stop talking about me?" Frank asked, standing up and finally speaking. "Let's not talk about my dick or my kinks."

"Dick kinks."

"What?" Frank asked with a raised eyebrow. "The fuck did you just say?

"Dick kink." Pete repeated.

"And what is that?" Frank asked.

Pete shrugged. "I don't know."

"Okay then." Frank sighed exasperated and walked out of the room. "Can I go home?"

Gerard bit his lip and looked to Mikey who shrugged. "Yeah...I guess. But don't kill anyone."

"That's..." Frank trailed off in thought, saying that would only make Gerard not let Frank leave. And Frank wanted to go home. "Nevermind. Bye."

Frank pulled on the white t-shirt and his converse before walking out of the house and down the street to where his mom would freak out on him and squeeze the life out of him.


He stopped and looked back to see Pete running to catch up. "Yeah...?" Frank asked.

"You left me with those two- I almost died."

"Like for real? Or dramatically? Frank asked.

"Just boredom. What's a human supposed to do with two vampires who argue a lot?" Pete asked.

"Hot vampire-human threesome." Frank shrugged like that was an everyday occurrence.

"Um Frank- I think that'd be your type of thing. Not mine."

If Pete wasn't Frank's best friend, then he'd be dead by now. "So what? Are you following me home?"

"Yeah. Probably." Pete shrugged.



"Frank! Why were you gone so long? I missed you- don't ever leave me alone for that long again- you hear me?" Linda started rambling as soon as Frank and Pete walked into the house.

"Sorry- I was at a friends house and something happened. Nothing to worry about, I'm okay now me and Pete are gonna go have sex. So don't bother us." Frank rambled and grabbed Pete's hand and dragging him up the stairs into his room.

Frank locked the door and ran right to his bed and stared up at Pete for a minute with the side of his face pressed against the pillow.

"We're not actually having sex are we?" He asked, walking over to the bed and and crawling over Frank so he could lay next to the wall.

"Mm...probably not. You have boyfriend, Gerard's overprotective and I'm trying to prove not only to myself but to a lot of other people that I'm not a whore- otherwise, I would fuck you here and now, but sadly; it can't happen." Frank explained turning to his other side so that he could face Pete. "Are you scared of me?"

"No. Why would you say that?" He asked, pulling Frank closer to him so that their bodies were touching.

"Well...I'm a vampire now- I didn't used to be but now I am. Do you still see me as the Frank I was before I died?" Frank asked, playing with the zipper on Pete's jacket.

"Yeah. I do. You're my best friend and I'll never see you as anything else." Pete mumbled, stroking Frank's short black and blond colored hair.

"I love you Pete. In a totally non-romantic way." Frank sighed. Not like the way I'm starting to love Gerard. After some thought, he really did see that he didn't like Mikey the way he liked Gerard. Gerard would always I before Mikey. Gerard mattered more.

"I love you too, Frank." Pete said. "Now, I'm tired, so I'm gonna sleep."


Pete woke up to see the bed empty and freaked out for a minute. Where was Frank? Did he leave or was he just in he bathroom? Wait- did vampires use the bathroom?

Pete jumped when he looked up to see Frank sitting in an office chair with his fingers intertwined and staring at Pete with a deep and thoughtful gaze.

He had blood on his face and dripping down his chin. So that meant he must've snuck out a window to feed and snuck back in like some spider-monkey.

"Frank!?" Pete snapped, making Frank jump this time and look him in the eyes with full consciousness

"You okay?" Pete asked, cocking his head at Frank. "You were spaced out there."

Frank smiled and nodded and looked to the door just as it busted open surprisingly quiet and there stood Gerard with a butter knife in his hand. He pick locked the door with a fucking butter knife.

Gerard shut the door with a force harder then necessary and looked between the two with a soft glare. "What's going on between the two of you?"

Frank shook his head. "Nothing."

"How come you told him you loved him..?" Gerard asked with a sad frown. Oh right...the supersonic hearing thing that the half-bat people can do.

"Just a friendly love, Gerard. I've known him longer- " Frank stood up and walked over to Gerard. "And besides; no one could replace you."

"Not even Mikey?" Gerard asked with a raised eyebrow. "You found out he was playing tricks with you?"

Frank shook his head. "Since I found out that I'm falling in love with you."

And man, Frank wasn't sure if he wanted to say that yet. So he remained quiet as Pete stood from the bed and excused himself from the room with an explanation of 'going to see Mikey'.

"Since you what?" Gerard asked finally once the door clicked close. "You what, Frank?"


Hey guys, I'm not dead (and neither is the Black Parade) so I promised a chapter of Bite Me for an apology of the stupid chapter in Drowning Lessons last night, but got tired so I started it and finished it tonight. So here; I hoped you somewhat enjoyed the feels between Pete and Frank and frank's dick XD

Xo - Cloee

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