Chapter 7

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Gerard kept thinking of Frank as his property, but did Frank know that he was his property?

Frank really didn't know a lot of things, like for one, Gerard's a vampire.

He smirked, what would be Frank's reaction when he found out?

"Gerard, shut up, your thoughts are making it hard to think for myself." Mikey said from the doorway, he tilted his head, "why is it all about Frank?"

Gerard rolled his eyes, "you and I both know how fucking amazing this boy is."

Mikey only nodded. "Well, that's why I'm going to see him." The brother walked away from the door and in seconds the front door open and closed.

"Shit!" Gerard snapped and rushed after him, it really wasn't a good idea to be running full speed after your brother who is also running full speed down the road to see the boy that had taken up both of there thoughts.

He could hear Mikey giggling as he couldn't catch up to him. He didn't necessarily want to get caught and executed anytime.

So he stopped and went to strutting down the sidewalk to the small two story house that Frank lived in.

Mikey was already there though and Frank was talking to him. Gerard was starting to think that maybe Frank didn't like either him nor his brother.
Ouch, that hurts.

The scowl on Frank's face was enough to say it all.

"Why are either of you here?" Frank asked in a beyond irritated tone.

"Well, you see, I was actually coming over to stop Mikey because I figured you'd probably has enough of our shit for one day." Gerard explained. Which, was true.

"Were you really?" Frank asked with crossed arms.

"Yes, really I was." Gerard nodded.

Frank sighed, "why are you here Mikey? Haven't you ruined my life enough already?"

Mikey shrugged, "I wanted Pete -"

"Do you still want him?" Frank asked in somewhat sad voice. He actually did care about Pete-did that mean he still loved him or ever loved him? No.

Ye- no..." Mikey sighed, giving up. "I really don't, I thought I did but now I want -"

"Me." Frank finished, "well, guess what? I don't want you and I won't ever want you." He snapped, "even if I were to want you then how would I know that you wouldn't drop me too?"

That was one difference between Mikey Way and Gerard Way, Gerard didn't ever go after anyone unless he know that he wanted to be with them for a while. Mikey on the other hand seemed to drop and pick up new boys like they were new shoes.

Honestly, Gerard had only one boyfriend ever and he became a vampire at least two years before he did because he was sick and dying. He then had to run off with the person who changed him and they were presumed to have a happily ever after. Much to Gerard's fake delight.

"I'm not sure, I was hoping that I'd just be able to compel you and you'd be a lovesick puppy over me or something." Mikey shrugged and awkwardly looked at the floor.

"Wow." Frank sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "That's fucking low - wait - compel? Since when did you become Damon Salvatore?" Gerard eyes widened at Frank, did he really just compare Mikey to vampire in a TV drama about vampires?

"How do you know his name?" Gerard asked, "do you watch the show?"

Frank blushed and turned his head to his face in his shoulder, "um...I have an obsession with vampires okay? And I'm only a little embarrassed to admit that I do own every single twilight movie."

Mikey burst out laughing, making Frank blush even more.

"I think it's cool." Gerard smirked, obsession with vampires? Well there's one right in front of you..."have you ever watched Interview With A Vampire?"

Frank nodded, "yeah...but they aren't as cute a the Salvatore brothers or the Cullen boys."

Gerard smiled. "You can't possibly get any more adorable." He chuckled as he grabbed Mikey by the neck and dragged him home.


How much more names is Frank gonna get called today? And how many times is he gonna blush? He might as well just paint his face in firetruck red.

Frank stared after the two for a minute and leaned against the doorframe. He'd known enough about vampires from all the movies and TV shows that there is something different about the two. Compel? The fast running, the disappearing into the darkness (very cliché if I may add) and the mind reading.

But how are they out in the sun? Frank groaned, they have rings, don't they? Frank started freaking out, he was gonna turn into Elena wasn't he? This was to much like Vampire Diaries and he didn't like it at all.

But this was Belleville and that was Mystic Falls. There's one plus at least.

"Frank...who are you talking too?" His mom asked from the living room where she was folding laundry.

"Some boys from school." Frank answered and shut the door before walked up the stairs to his room.

His life was starting to become one cliché movie.

It was nearing 9 at night and his mom was already in bed due to the fact that she had to be to work at 5 in the morning and Frank was watching some vampire movie that was on TV and he had no idea what it was called.

"Do you have a vampire kink or something?" A voice asked from the windowsill. "If you do, I think it's hot."

Frank looked away from the TV and blushed at the boy that was dressed in a black. He honestly didn't see how he couldn't tell he was a vampire sooner.

"I -" Frank's voice went really high pitched.

"C'mon, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't fantasize about the vampires in some of these shows...come on, tell me?"

"Okay fine...I do, but I also have a major crush on Jacob from twilight also." Frank confessed.

"Wow, you have no idea how hot that is." Gerard got up from the windowsill and laid on the bed on his stomach just like Frank.

Frank shrugged, "hey Gerard...are you a vampire?" He asked again.

"Why would you say that?"

Frank sighed, "your talking to the boy who has watched almost every vampire-related thing in the world."

"But that's stereotyping vampires." Gerard frowned, obviously offended by that.

"Believe it or not; there is fake stuff and there is pretty realistic stuff out there to." Frank explained.

" you think there is vampire porn?" He asked with a smirk.

"Not sure." Frank shrugged, "if there was, I'm pretty sure it would've been watched by me."

Gerard smiled, "you're cute."

"I've been told." Frank said smugly and looked Gerard in the eyes-which were only a few centimeters away.

" me." Gerard smiled, looking right back at Frank.

It was seriously one one of those cliché moments where they stared into each other's eyes for the longest moment.

Then Gerard leaned in and kissed Frank on the lips. Frank was stupid to not see it coming but was smart enough to kiss the vampire back-because Gerard had not denied being a vampire.

Finally, Frank's vampire kink was actually not stupid and he'd be able to fulfill his pathetic little supernatural dreams.

I just had to reference some vampire shows in here, I used to love Twilight and Vampire Diaries so and Interview With A  Vampire is one of my favorite supernatural movies.

Sorry if you didn't like the shows but c'mon it's a vampire story so...

(There may or may not be crappy smut in the next chapter)

Xo - Cloee

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