Chapter 2

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Frank had finally got home, after quite some time thinking about how much of a weirdo Gerard is. Definitely not a good first impression, Frank thought, but whatever.

His mom had been curious as to where he was. He lied and said that he and Pete fell asleep watching movies and forgot about the time. Honestly, at Pete's he stayed for dinner and did watch movies but then swore he was being followed by Gerard.

Not quite sure though. It could've been one incredibly scary coincidence...or Gerard's just one sick creep. But Frank was judging to soon: he barely knew the guy.

Frank did know him enough though to know that his hazel eyes were absolutely breathtaking and almost hypnotizing. Almost.

But now he couldn't sleep. He wanted to, but he couldn't. It was stupid to be so hung up on a guy he didn't know very well but he just had so many questions, all ones that he knew Gerard wouldn't answer.

But Frank was told not to talk to strangers.

Not that he ever listened to the rule. Remembering back to the day when he was playing at the park and a man in a van actually did ask him if he wanted candy. And Frank loved candy, so he said yes and climbed in.

That was the first day that Frank got high...and lost his virginity to a creep - the same creep (at the age of 12) Frank knew what he was doing when he was doing the drugs and getting into the van, but in all honesty - he didn't expect to be raped. Frank never told his mom either about any of it.

For all she knows: Frank was an innocent virgin, and didn't know what he was doing.

"Frank...are you sleeping?" His mom asked from the other side of the door.

He sat up in bed and walked to the door and opened it, "no, why?"

"Pete's on the phone." She smiled and handed the phone to Frank.

"Yeah?" Frank asked through the speaker.

"You should really get a phone, man!" Were the first words that came from his boyfriends mouth, every time there was a late night call, that's what he complained about.

"Not the first time you've told me that babe, what's up?" Frank smirked.

"I was making sure you got home okay, I saw that Gerard kid walking down the sidewalk
- he didn't bother you did he?" Pete asked worriedly through the phone.

"No." Frank lied, "I passed him but we didn't even look at each other."

"Okay...that's all I needed to know, well wanted but anyway, I love you, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Love you too." Frank replied and hung up, setting the phone on the floor right to the side of the door and he closed the door before climbing back into bed.

"But you might want a band-aid." Frank whispered to himself. It was weird, the way be turned around quickly at the sight of my knee.

Maybe he was squeamish? Yeah right, a guy with the looks he has...scared of a little blood? Please...Gerard was just a weirdo who had nothing better to do then stalk kids - who happened to be the same age as him - around town.

But maybe it really was just a coincidence? Frank scoffed, and I'm the Queen of Emos.


Let's just say that Frank didn't get much sleep and he was really fucking tired the next morning, it was really hard to even sit up in bed, let alone reach over and slap the snooze button on his alarm clock.

Pete's chirpiness didn't add on, it was just added noise to his slight headache. "You look like shit, baby." Pete laughed and grabbed Frank's hand in his own.

"Wow, you really know how to make a boy feel pretty." Frank said with fake cheeriness and smiled a little when he saw Pete's grin. Pete could make anyone smile, no matter how they are feeling.

"But seriously: are you okay?" He asked with a small frown. "You look like you don't feel good."

"I didn't get much sleep last night." Frank mumbled, because you couldn't stop thinking about Gerard, Frank frowned to himself, he couldn't stop arguing with himself could he?

And now he was starting to sound a little crazy.

"Oh, that sucks, I had plenty of sleep, you should get to sleep earlier," Pete chuckled.

"I was - I just had a lot on my mind, that's all." Frank corrected, it wasn't that he should've went to sleep earlier. Stupid Gerard.

"Were you thinking of me?" Pete asked, that made Franks frown deepen, it made him sad. He wasn't thinking of his boyfriend - he was thinking of a creepy stalker that had nothing better to then well - be creepy.

It was wrong, wasn't it?

Frank just felt awful and guilty, and he didn't realize anything around him except that someone was pushing by him, almost knocking him to the floor.

Gerard rushed by at an almost inhuman speed and man, did he look pissed.

It looked even more menacing with the several coats of eyeliner that made Pete look like an amateur. That's really saying something.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Pete snapped and helped Frank back to his feet.

The simple action made Frank feel even more guilty. Especially since he hadn't exactly been thinking about Pete at all, but he said it anyways...even if it was five minutes late.

"Pete." His boyfriend look at him, "I was thinking about you, I'm always thinking about you."

Stupid, mushy fucking lies.

But it made Pete smile nonetheless, that was good. He was gullible, shut the fuck up Frank!

"Hey! There's the two love birds!" Brendon popped from no where and squirmed his way between thr two of them.

Technically, Brendon and Ryan were more love birds than them - hell, more them any of them. They could have a baby tomorrow and no one would be surprised, they'd just think that Ryan would totally be the mother.

"You have no room to speak, Urie." Frank laughed, "you'd just be a hypocrite."

He shrugged, "I guess."

Pete let go of Frank's hand and started talking to Brendon, so he looked off to see Gerard storm into a bathroom.

So Frank did the only thing he could think to do...

He followed.

Second chapter and a little pointless stuff, I honestly hadn't even planned putting that as Frank's past but it just got put - sorry if it made any of you weirded out or anything. I'm sorry


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