Chapter 26

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[A/N: Is Frandy a thing? There's a bit of Gerandy up ahead...]

When Gerard woke up, he instantly realized that this room was not his. And that body next to his was definitely not his brothers. But it couldn't be his mom or dad either because they're dead.

They were both shot and hung from the ceiling while their blood dripped on the floor creating an awful stench that both fascinated and scarred the older Way brother as he walked in to see his little brother who was only 14, sitting on his knees and covered in blood that wasn't his and crying. He was taller then Gerard for being four years younger.

Since a young age, Gerard had been into the blood, scary movies and even vampires and werewolves thing. Whether they were real or not. But this- this was different.

Seeing his own parents dead- no mutilated in front of him and Mikey. That was different.

The last thing he remembered was taking Mikey out the backdoor and leaving because he was too much of a coward to call the cops. So in his opinion, the forest was the best place.

He doesn't remember this random room or this strange, but yet warm and cold at the same time boy or man in this bed next to him.

Where did the house and bed even come from?

"Are you awake?" The voice came from the body next to him, and that startled Gerard as that was the first noise to interrupt the darkness.

"Y-yes." Gerard cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm awake."

The body stood up on the bed and stretched. He was tall and had a deep voice and when he stretched, his tank top rode up and showed his belly button. "Good- I fucking hate sleeping. Follow me." He jumped gracefully off the bed and opened the door, only revealing only a slightly less dark hallway.

Gerard stood up and followed him. And seriously wondering why this place was so dark. And what the time was.

"What's the time?" Gerard asked, almost but not daring to poke the man who towered over him by several heads.

Even though this guy is lanky as shit and skinner then a fucking light pole. But Gerard wasn't in the 'mood' to fight anyone right now.

"Three." The guy answered, glancing over his shoulder but still focused on where he was going.

"In the morning?" Gerard asked, confirming.

He nodded and pushed through double doors. "Dude, hurry up."

"Sorry." Gerard mumbled and wrapped his arms around himself.

"Don't apologize." The guy sighed. "If you apologize for everything, I'll fucking rip your head off."

Gerard went to open his mouth but decided against it and shut it again.

"Through here." He ordered and turned into another door where an older boy sat, but wasn't as young as Paul Bunyan over here.

"Hello Andrew." The man sighed. "He's awake now."

"Duh." Andrew sassed and lazily sat down in the chair near him. "He's annoying though."

"I asked the fucking time." Gerard rolled his eyes and sat down in the other one. "And then apologized for pissing you off. I hardly call that annoying."

"Honey- I hate to break it to you, but I'm always pissed off and saying sorry doesn't help a goddamn thing. So it's best if you shut that pretty little mouth of yours and not open it again unless I tell you you can." Andrew snapped, he turned to the guy in the desk. "And call me Andy. How much times do I have to tell you to call me Andy?"

"Andy, Gerard. Stop arguing." The guy sighed, he sounded really tired of being on this planet. "Gerard; this is Andy."

"I think he knew that." Andy snapped. "Get to point old man."

"Andrew Sixx. Do not talk to me like that." He warned.

"Mitch Lucker. Carry the fuck on with whatever you had to say." Andy sassed.

"I think it would be much more fucking beneficial if you guys would shut the fuck up and carry on with whatever any of you have to say so we can skip happily along with the rest of our day, yeah?" Gerard asked, wide eyed at the two, who are acting way younger then they really are.

"Damn, this kid got some mouth." Andy chuckled. "Mitch. What were you saying?"

Wow, he actually listened? Gerard was actually surprised.

"Gerard." Mitch looked to him. "Andy found you and your brother in the woods. You guys were sleeping and apparently someone had a little crush and did something to make him yours. Therefore, you belong to Andy and your brother is perfectly safe with Chris."

"So he's here then?" Gerard asked, just making sure that he was with his brother.

Mitch nodded. "Yes, but you will have to do everything Andy says. And you will not disobey him."

Gerard sighed and nodded. "Okay, yeah, sure. What do I have to do?"

And Andy only smirked. "Anything I want you too."

"Oh." Gerard muttered, nodding and choosing to ignore whatever the fuck that meant. "Yeah...sure."

"So follow me pretty boy." Andy grabbed Gerard's hand and pulled him out of the room and down the hall.

Seriously? They didn't even know each other and they were even fighting not even 20 minutes ago. But Gerard only mumbled some incoherent words as Andy shut and locked the door and pushed Gerard onto the bed.


"How old are you?" Andy asked, playing with a strand of Gerard's bright red hair.

"18." Gerard sighed and slid up so he was laying further on the pillow. "You?"

"I'm 16. I actually have been for like five years." He mumbled.

"How?" Gerard asked, then it clicked, the doing something to make Gerard his and the 16 for five years. "No way! You're a vampire?"

Andy burst out laughing. "You're not so human, either, pretty boy."

"Am I? Is Mikey?" Gerard asked. "Why would you be talking about your brother right after sex?"

"It was one question." Gerard rolled his eyes. "Fine. Am I?"

Andy nodded. "Come closer." He groaned and pulled Gerard to his chest. "You're still so warm. I like it."

Gerard giggled and Andy nuzzled into him. "Stop it, seriously."

"Fine." He groaned and loosened a little.

"Can you hand me my shirt?" Andy asked, watching as Gerard got up and grabbed his clothes and sliding them on.

He nodded and tossed the torn up tank top at the skinny boy who was laying down.

If he seriously had to spend the rest of his life obeying this guy, he'd throw himself off a roof.


So I was writing this and realized that Andy's real name is Andrew and then in Billie's past, Gerard used the name Andrew, and Gerard and 'Andrew' are both bottoms (if that helps) and Gerard used Andy's old name for a fake name to use.

So hopefully this helps a little and it's really just a little about how the two became vampires because they are my favorite and I wanted to use them for pasts and then maybe there will be flashbacks on the others and shit. And I'm not sure how many chapters are left.

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