Chapter 8

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Did it make Mikey seem older then he already was if he sat and  stewed? Like he was just sitting in his chair that he swore came from the Queen of England and stewed because Frank had denied him. No one had ever done that before; it was shocking. Frank really was smarter then he thought.

Like the fact that he'd been skeptical about the whole vampire scenario in the first place, referring to actions committed by Mikey and Gerard to vampire movies and/or TV shows.

Frank Iero had definitely done his research.

It honestly didn't help that Gerard 'snuck' out of the house hours ago to most likely go back to Frank's. It also made him a little curios as to what he was doing. Even though, everyone in the room knew what they were doing. Mikey could pretty much smell the fucking activity and he wanted to choke himself. Literally.

He was a little relieved when Pete showed up at his doorstep at Mikey request in the middle of the night. Man, those goddamned teenage hormones really get to you.

"Hi!" Pete grinned as Mikey opened the door to see the boy with blonde hair and hipster glasses. Pete is too cute.

"Hey Pete!" Mikey grinned and opened the door. "How are you?"

"Amazing...other then the fact that Frank broke up with me yesterday." Pete sighed as his eyes trailed to the wooden floors.

"C'mon, it was yesterday! You have me now, and I'm better then Frank anyways." Mikey tried and pulled Pete into a hug. Lies, Frank was so much better then him.

"I guess..." Pete sighed and wrapped his arms around Mikey.

"Did you um...did you ever have sex with Frank?" Mikey asked with an awkward tone. It was a personal question but he kind of wanted to know.

"No." Pete shook his head. "Neither of us have ever done it - especially with each other because we were best friends and knew we weren't gonna last."

"So why are you so sad?" Mikey asked with a frown, "if you knew it wasn't gonna last..."

"I don't know. I actually started to love him." Pete whispered into Mikey's shoulder. "But I guess he didn't feel the same."

Mikey almost laughed out loud at that one. Both people in a relationship didn't have to feel the same about the other. You could look at Frank and Pete and tell that Frank did not love Pete back. The feeling was not mutual.

He hummed and held onto Pete like he was life support. Even though Pete was the one that needed the support, for some unexplainable reason.

"Frank didn't feel the same way, baby." Mikey finally whispered back. "I could tell. But you deserve so much fucking better." Frank deserved someone more his type - like a vampire, the vampire that was not Mikey Way but in fact Gerard Way: the one that he is indeed is having sexual interactions with. Mikey will not say who tops. The one downfall about seeing through someone else's eyes.

"Mikey. Do you even like me?" Pete asked suddenly. "Because I don't want to be here if you don't like me."

"If I didn't like you - I wouldn't have given you a blowjob and sex in the bathroom." Mikey smirked, that was a total fucking lie but why not? Pete was gullible and the fact that he had taken someone's virginity was flattering. Pete blushed nonetheless.

"What do you think Frank is doing right now?" He asked, pulling away from Mikey and walking over to a chair that sat in front of the window.

Mikey smiled and looked over to Pete, in which he casually stated, "fucking my brother."

If Pete had a beverage in is mouth; let's just say that it would be all over the floor and Mikey's shirt. But he didn't, so all was good. "H-how do you know that?"

"He called." Mikey raised his phone in a 'duh' voice. Psh, why would Gerard call and tell Mikey that he was fucking Frank? He's more formal then that.

"Oh...." Pete trailed off, looking uncomfortable.

"Do you wish it was you being fucked by Frank?" There goes who tops. Pete shook his head and stood up again, pulling Mikey to the chair this time and sitting on his lap.

"I'd rather be here with you." He stated and leaned down. Kissing Mikey's lips. "You are willing to go further then Frank anyway." He paused and giggled, "or at least were."

Mikey's eyes widened as Pete began sucking on his collar bone. Where the fuck had this Pete been in the first place?

Definitely not here.


"Was this a mistake?" Frank asked as he sat inGerard's naked lap.

"Why would it be a mistake?" Gerard asked, blowing the cigarette smoke out of his nostrils. "Do you regret it?"

Frank shook his head, "I don't regret anything I do."

"So why would you ask?"

"Well...I've only just met you like three or four days ago." Frank mentioned, leaning in and kissing Gerard's neck. "Humans don't usually do this this fast...unless they are a whore or something." He shrugged.

"Well, I'm not human." Gerard smirked and licked the showable bite marks that littered from franks neck to chest. Red definitely looked good with Frank's pale completion. "You look good in your own blood."

Frank giggled. "I wouldn't be in my blood if it weren't for you -"

"'re the one with the obsession with vampires, you shouldn't be complaining."

"Oh no!" Frank denied, shocked. "I'm actually quite turned on by the fact that you bite me and make my skin bleed." He winked and stood up, walking to the mirror that sat on his dresser.

Gerard chuckled and walked after him. "Well, that's good. I plan on leaving more on are one smart boy."

"How?" Frank asked, turning away from the mirror to Gerard, who was cradling Frank's waist. "How am I smart."

"The fact that I have been in this world for over a hundred years and you're the only one who has found out about me and Mikey's secret." Gerard answered, inhaling the cigarette that he brought to his pale lips.

"Oh...?" Frank asked. Over a hundred years? And yet, Frank only looks 15. "Wait! How old were you when you became a vampire?"

"15, you're hypothesis was correct -"

"Will you stop reading my mind!?" Frank shrieked. "I don't like that."

Gerard chuckled and smashed the cigarette onto the ash tray that was for some reason on the dresser and leaned into Frank. "I'll try not to...but you just have so much interesting thoughts, I can't help myself."

Was it possible to get turned on by the change in Gerard's tone? Or was Frank just a really horny teenager?

"I know I can be sexy. And I've turned on many - sorry!" Gerard laughed when he saw the death glare set upon Frank's face.

"It's okay, now get in the bed vampire, and I'll show you who's in charge around here."

Gerard raised an eyebrow as if asking if this was really happening again and then jumped into the bed like a little kid who oddly happy about sleeping. But they weren't little kids...and they weren't sleeping.

Geesus, I don't know what I'm doing with my life, so...if to read this in time, is anyone going to see Gerard Way in Detroit, Michigan on the 17? 5/17/15?

I know that I am really excited!

Xo - Cloee

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