Chapter 12

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Mikey nor Pete moved for the longest time.

Pete stared at his best friend and ex-boyfriend's dead body with tears welling up in his eyes and looked to Mikey who looked like he had already been crying for quite some time without making a single noise.

Not only did he exceptionally strong feelings for the boy, but Gerard just killed him. Not only was he dead, but he wasn't like gone for ever dead. This was a whole new type of dead. Frank would wake up, but it wouldn't be right, it wouldn't feel right, to have Frank be a vampire.

That's when Mikey broke down. He covered his eyes, and ran up the stairs to his room. It was all his fault. That Frank wasn't breathing, that Frank would wake up with sharp teeth and a craving for blood.

All his fault. Gerard would be pissed, Frank wouldn't be dead like he expected. And Gerard would know exactly who transformed him. Mikey was an even more dead man.


Pete watched his boyfriend run up the stairs and then carefully walked over to the dead body of his best friend on the couch. Frank wasn't breathing, he couldn't be dead, could he?

Pete sat down next to it and laid his head on the shoulder of the body. "Why'd he do it?" He whispered more to himself then anyone-since there wasn't a single person in the room except him and the body which couldn't hear him anyway; no matter how loud he talked, Frank was dead. No one could do anything about it.

He sighed and pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs. He still loved Frank - maybe not a romantic relationship type of way anymore, but a best friend type of way.

And now he was gone. Why the fuck would Gerard kill his own 'boyfriend'? Or whatever the fuck you would call them?

Pete got on his knees and held the boys hands in his own. They were way to cold for his liking. It saddened him, "Frank...I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. You really didn't, I know it's to late to say anything, but you're fucking awesome, and I'm glad that we were - I mean, are friends."

He sighed and stood up, feeling that Mikey most likely wanted to be alone and mourn by himself; which kind of made Pete jealous a little, that Mikey seemed that sad that Frank was dead, yeah sure, Pete was too, but would Mikey be that sad if it were Pete right there in his position?

He sighed a quiet sigh and walked out of the house, closing the door with a quiet click behind him and shrugging down the sidewalk.

- - -

Gerard knew that Frank had a bit of rebelliousness in him, but this? This is was way to far...cheating on a guy with his own brother. The bitch deserved it.

But then Gerard also started crying. He sat on the little dock that went out into the lake, it was about one in the morning and not a single sound but Gerard's pathetic weeping over the fact that he killed his 'boyfriend' he didn't remember if they were actually dating or not.

"I fucking killed him!" Gerard shouted into the darkness beyond him. "It's my fault he's dead."

Little did he know that there was actually vampire blood in the boys system when his neck was snapped. He'd then be Mikey's vampire. Whether he went submissive as fuck to Mikey or went right back to Gerard.

Frank would still be Mikey's vampire, he would belong to Mikey...since technically, Mikey was the one that turned him.

"Frank..." Gerard moaned. "He's gone - you're gone, all because of me." He continued.

"Are you okay?" Ray asked. Gerard looked back. He wasn't sure if he'd actually ever met any of Frank's friends except for Pete. But he definitely knew that Ray Toro was a friend of Frank Iero's.

"Someone died." Gerard stated emotionless. "He meant a lot to me. And then I killed him because he cheated on me." He looked back up to see if Ray would leave with the piece of killing information.

But he didn't seem all that fazed. He only sat down next to the crying vampire and looked to Gerard with a sympathetic expression. "May I ask who..?"

"You'd know him." Gerard mumbled, looking into the water at his blurry figure in the black liquid. "Frank's dead, because of me." There was more crying at the end of the sentence.

Gerard looked over at the sound of Ray's jaw dropping and his heart literally breaking in two. "He's- he's what?"

The tears were visible, but anyone could tell that he didn't want them to be. "He's dead, Ray. Because he cheated on me with Mikey and I got mad...and-and I killed him."

"It's okay." Ray comforted. He was sad, you could tell, but his intentions were to comfort and try to make the crying boy to stop crying. Ray cared about everybody and anybody, and that would I continue even of somebody did something bad. "We'll miss Frank though-I'll miss Frank."

"I regret it." Gerard muttered. "I regret snapping his neck. I know it's too late, but I regret it, I really do." There was the truth in his voice, along with a little voice crack and his eyes clenching shut, trying to contain the tears.

"Yeah, we all do things we regret." Ray agreed. "I just don't think killing him was the solution."


Mikey had finally calmed down enough to get off his bed and sneak down the stairs to the living room where Frank's body was laying emotionless on the brown couch. With a choked sob, he went the end and lifted the boy up by putting his arms under his armpits and dragging him up the stairs.

With every thunk that his legs made with the stairs, he cringed, if he was still human right now then bruises would form.

But Mikey didn't really know if effects had started taking place yet - even though it had been at least two hours, he didn't know how long transformation took. Hopefully not long though.

Mikey dragged Frank to the closet and lightly laid him down before leaving and locking the closet door. He'd be awake...eventually.

- - - Three Days Later - - -

Gerard was still pissed and as soon as the older Way brother walked into the house, there had been a huge and messy fight and then he asked where the body was.

Mikey lied, since he didn't want anybody knowing where the body was.

But when he was on the bed watching some shitty news channel; Mikey never really liked watching the news though, so it was all shit to him to be honest.

He heard the noises coming from the closet door and then he jumped up, abandoning the TV remote and the TV all together before heading over to the closet and pulling it open with a bit of struggle.

Just to come face to face with Frank standing right on the other side. His red eyes burning into Mikey's.

"Mikey...where am I?"

Frank is alive! Frank is alive! I imagined that the last chapter was probably a little um...'NOO!! FRANK IS DEAD!!' But actually, I didn't know what your expression was, so um...and no-Ray and Gerard did nothing romantic is sexual or anything along those lines.

Xo - Cloee

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