Chapter 20

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Frank pulled away and only stared at Mikey for a few minutes trying to process what the fuck just happened and exactly how alike this time was gonna go like last time.

"Why- you kissed me?" Frank accused, absently bringing his fingers to his swollen lips. "Again..."

"Come on. Gerard's not here."

"You have Pete. We'd both be cheating and I am not a whore." Frank shook his head. Nope, he was indeed not a whore.

Mikey smirked though and walked back to the couch and perched on a knee with his face right up in Frank's. "Face the fact Frank; you are- but so am I, follow me babe."

Frank didn't move for a minute and sat there with crossed arms and debating whether or not he should listen to whore #1 and follow him.

But he went with the louder voice in his head and grabbed the hand of the younger Way brother and followed him up the stairs.


Gerard sat on the couch of the once familiar home and wondered if it was actually even a good idea to be here. Frank told him he loved him and then Gerard just bolted.

He was scared to admit that he might also be starting to love Frank, but he couldn't take it and ran to the person who'd captured his interest before he'd even moved to the godforsaken town he was in now.

And that's why he sat on this couch, he had a very nice view Bert McCracken's ass and those jeans did do him justice.

"So what made you come 'round here to see me?" Bert asked and sat down opposite of Gerard, not wanting to get as close to him as he had once been.

"Some guy." Gerard answered truthfully. "He told me he loved me and I don't want love- so I left and here I am...I kind missed you anyway." Not a complete lie. 

"Oh?" Bert sounded surprised. "Gerard Way, missed me? I don't believe it."

"Well, you should. Because I did." Gerard said with seriousness. "Only a little though, you're not that special."

"You don't wanna fuck me, do you?" Bert asked with narrowed eyes, "because I'm not going back to you."

"No. I just wanted to talk- but bitch, if I wanted to fuck you- I would have, I get what I want and you know that." Gerard said with threatening eyes that seemed to grow black with anger. Nobody told him what to do.

"Hm..." Bert shrugged, seeming not at all fazed by Gerard's threat. "I heard your little toy- Frank was turned into a vampire...was that you by any chance?"

"No." Gerard shook his head, "kind of, I guess." He changed his mind with a shrug. "It wasn't my blood in his system but I triggered it when I snapped his neck for cheating on me with my brother."

"Frank's to much of a hottie to be tied down." Bert giggled. "If I were him, I'd cheat on anyone with at least the same about of attractiveness as you that came along."

Horny witches, Gerard's scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

"You better hope I don't see him Gerard, because then I'll have no choice but to play with him myself."  Bert giggled again and disappeared upstairs leaving Gerard shocked and just a little bit pissed off.

No- Bert better hope that he never comes across Frank because then Gerard will out his hands on him and fucking knock him out.


Mikey watched the news with only a little bit of interest until the name Ray popped up on the screen along with his face. They finally did something with the body?

But his eyes widened even more as the names Alicia Simmons, Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge popped up also, oh fuck, was Frank screwed...

All the bodies had the same marks so they'd automatically think it was the same animal, yup, Frank was definitely in danger.

The one thing that really came to mind was a solution that would piss a lot of people off. Including; Gerard and Pete. But why not?

Mikey clicked the TV off with the remote and ran upstairs where Frank was staring intensely out the window.

"Frank- we have to go." Mikey said as soon as he approval end the younger boy.

"Where?" Frank asked, seeming to forget the question 'why' in the midst of his intense staring at the empty road. He must've already knew why...

"Anywhere but here." And Mikey jus couldn't stress enough how much and how quick they needed to be out of Belleville.

"I heard, Mikey. Let's go." Frank turned around and smiled big at the taller boy. He also seemed to forget about the existence of Gerard Way and Pete Wentz. That made Mikey smiled too, such a good boy Frank.

"Let's go then." Mikey reached out his hand for the second time today for Frank to grab and they left the house with nothing but themselves and went right out the back door and disappeared down the street. Gone without a single trace that Mikey Way and Frank Iero had been at the house...well, besides the mess that Frank left and the dead body that Gerard had created and left so that Frank not-willingly took the blame.

Anyway, they still left the town silently and no one even knew they were gone.


Gerard didn't have to sit there and listen to Bert talk about wanting to fuck Frank if he ever saw him. So he left, simple as that.

But as he approached the old and big Victorian house that Gerard had managed to be able to live in for quite a long time, he sensed that something was wrong, the lights and fire were out and not a single sound came from the house except his occasional echo from his feet hitting the linoleum floor.

Mikey and Frank were gone. And hadn't left a single thing behind telling Gerard where they went off too.

Was this because of Gerard running off to another city?

Gerard sat down on the slightly warm couch and buried his face into the palm of his hands. Frank left because of him, didn't he? And he left with Mikey.

Gerard's boyfriend left with his brother and he doesn't even know where they went off too.


Aw...Gerd, I'm so sorry.

Anyway, do you think it was a good idea for Fronkeh and Moikey to run off together like that? Do you think that Gerard and Pete should run off into the sunset and have Gete babies and stuff...or Perard, hm...

Anyway...stay on that side of the street motherfucker, I'll knock you out (or however that goes ^_^)

Xo - Cloee

Bite Me ➳ FrerardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora