Chapter 9

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Gerard hid in the shadows as he stalked the boy who appeared to be about the 'same' age as himself, or rather Frank. But this boy was not Frank. He went by the name of Oliver, the over-confident boy who seemed to be way to popular for his own good, so he'd be missed, right?

Those were the people he loved to kill the most. The kids that had so much friends they couldn't count them. They were bitches and didn't deserve a whole lot if they were going to be assholes about the fact that they have friends.

It honestly didn't matter who the fuck died at this point though, blood was blood. Except Oliver's smelt fucking intoxicating - it doesn't compare to Frank's; he never would.

"Can I help you?" Oliver asked, suddenly very close to Gerard's face. "You've been stalking more for like 10 minutes now. Dude, it's creepy."

Gerard stared at Oliver for a minute, wow could be have been so stupid? No wonder Oliver's blood smelt so amazing-he wasn't human. "What are you?" Gerard asked with a stern glare. Why did this mans blood smell so good? He wasn't human, and vampires don't find pleasure in other vampires' blood...unless it was for sex; with Frank he had no idea how he didn't wind up killing Frank with all the blood that he lost. Frank enjoyed the biting though.

It was a vampire kink. And a rather attractive one at that.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asked with an annoyed sigh. "I'm a kid just like you -"

"Cut the crap, Oliver. Who the fuck are you? I mean what are you?" Gerard snarled, grabbing the front of Oliver's jacket and slamming him against the tree. "You're not human."

"Damn!" Oliver groaned, "that hurts do you know my name?" Oliver asked. "That's even more creepy!"

Gerard chuckled and let go of the boys jacket and stepping away. "I am creepy, Oliver. Now...what are you? Werewolf?"

Oliver dusted his arms off and crossed them, staring intently at Gerard. "How do you know?"

Gerard smirked. "I just know things, now come with me..." He grabbed Oliver's arm and dragged him to the old gothic house that was shared with Mikey.

He just wanted to know more about the werewolf; who at first declined that he wasn't anything but human.

As soon as the door opened in the house, Gerard cringed, "ew..."

Oliver laughed. "Your brother should close the door -"

"Mikey!" Gerard yelled, locking the front door and storming up the dark wood stairs and to the open door of the younger Way's bedroom. "Close the fucking for next time!"

Gerard covered his eyes and slammed it close. Not really wanting to see his or his boyfriends dick tonight. Or ever in fact. "I thought you weren't coming home tonight -"

"So let's leave the door open while we ravish our boyfriend. We don't care if Gerard is home or not...really? You left the windows open to?...unbelievable..." Gerard slammed the door closed and saw that Oliver was at the top of the stairs.

"Brother troubles?" He guess with a wink. The wink could have gone forgotten.

"Fuck you. I just want to know something and then you can go away." Gerard groaned. "Why do you have good smelling blood? Are you a new werewolf?"

Oliver looked away from Gerard with an uncomfortable look. "Yeah...just last week, I only woke up today with nothing but a note in a sour smelling alley."

"Oh...would you like a shower?" Gerard asked, motioning toward the closed door that was closest to them.

"Thanks..." He mumbled and walked past them. "If you needed more answers...I'm afraid that I can't answer them."

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