Chapter 24

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(Next few chapters in Billie's past, then I might put Gerard's past...I really don't know when this fanfic will end..)

Billie walked down the hall of the old house that he had found himself in earlier that week. He didn't even know where he was; like the city or town or the time of day- or night. But as he walked by a slightly open door, he stopped at hushed voices coming from inside it.

Peering through it, he saw a boy (that he would be happy to admit) was extremely attractive and another boy who was only a little less. But still quite fine.

"You can't tell Andrew, okay? He'd kill me." One whispered.

"Why would I?"

And then that's when the sound of kissing tuned Billie more into this conversation as his eye peeked through the crack and saw the two kissing, one pressed up against the wall.

And Billie couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of this because 1) Billie is sexy as fuck and 2) he'd been here for a week and not one single person had noticed to puny 'human' wondering through the halls. That's another thing really, Billie was under the assumption he wasn't human.

He had this major headache, tooth pains, his mouth hurt and eyes. He was also hungry but nothing seemed to sound good to him.

So he was beginning to think that maybe he wasn't exactly human at the moment.

"And what are you up too?" A voice asked with a grin from somewhere behind him.

Billie turned around. "I'm fucking lonely that's what." He said and saw a guy with bright red hair.

"And why would something delicious looking as you be lonely?" He looked Billie up and down before walking forward and catching a glimpse of the two inside. "That's Keith and Simon. Simon is with Anthony but likes Keith so they sneak around." They guy reached for the doorknob and closed the door. "It's annoying."

Billie smiled. "I haven't talked to a single person in like two weeks." The week here and the week at home when his mom and brother stopped talking to him because they found out he had a boyfriend.

"Oh really?" The guy looked genuinely surprised. "I'm Andrew. And I'll talk to you."

Billie chuckled. "I'm not even sure how I got here."

"Are you human?" Andrew asked.

Billie shrugged. Assumptions; but no actual answers.

"Hold on a second. Let me check." Andrew leant his head forward and his lips hovered on Billie's neck before clamping his mouth shut and drawing blood.

Billie fell back against the wall as Andrew smirked and moved his hands to Billie's waist.

Then pulled back. "You're not human. But indeed - a pretty powerful vampire."

"How can you tell?" Billie raised an eyebrow.

"There are some humans who are born with a gift- that gift being that you are meant to be a vampire, but vampires are not born, they are created. So those types who are turned and have that gift are the ones with the more powers...did you know that I'm one?"

Billie gave a lazy shrug. "You were able to tell that I'm like you, so I could've figured that out."

Andrew smirked at the boy. "Do you remember what happened before you wound up here?"

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