Chapter 13

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A/N: this story might be getting more updates and quicker ones at that because I have ideas for this one, others will not be ON HOLD because I don't like doing that but updates will probably be doing a little slow

Mikey stared at the boy in the closet for an awkward five minutes. He was really awake...after three days, standing right in front of him.

He sounded so innocent and looked so beautiful. No longer hazel eyes, but with a tiny of red to them, still hazel, just not all the way.

"Frank...your alive." Mikey finally said. "I didn't - I thought it'd take longer honestly..."

"What do you mean 'I'm alive'? Haven't I always been?" Frank asked with a pout, his bottom lip coming over his top lip. He was beyond adorable. "I never knew I died..." He lifted up and arm and inspected it.

"You've always been alive. You just died - kinda, for a few days before being alive again...which is now!" Mikey stumbled over his own words and smiled sheepishly. "I missed you."

Frank opened his arms and pulled Mikey into a suffocating hug and then pulled away, leaving him to gasp for air. "I missed you, too!"

Frank walked out of the closet and sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes focused on the closed and locked door.

"Sorry, it'd probably be best if you didn't go out of this room for awhile..." Mikey trailed off and looked around for a minute. "I'll go get you something to drink." He rushed and out the door and closed it behind him.

Frank nodded even though no one could see him, his hands neatly folded in his lap as he looked around.

But then the someone started knocking on the door and Frank started panicking, he abruptly stood up and hid back in the closet, it was cracked open so he could see who came in.

The door eventually opened, from the lack of any life on the other side of the door. Gerard. Frank gasped quietly as the vampire walked into the room, he was probably looking for Mikey. He then shrugged and turned to walk out but stopped - he then turned and studied the closet for a minute and started making his way towards it but then the door opened all the way.

Frank's breathing quieted down a little as Mikey distracted his brother away from the door. "What are you doing Gerard?"

Gerard shrugged. "I thought someone - something was in there." He paused, looking to the door for a minute, "so I was gonna see."

"Well?" Mikey asked with wide eyes. "I've got it now, you can leave."

Gerard sighed and walked out, not before giving the door one last glance before shutting the door behind him.

"Shit!" Frank hissed, walking out. "He could've found me...why don't I want him to see me?"

"Because. He'll fucking kill both of us!" Mikey stressed.

"Why?" Frank asked. He eyed the cup in Mikey's hand. He wanted it. "What'd we do..?"

Mikey swallowed, "it wasn't exactly your fault. It was mostly mine." He looked uncomfortable. "Do you know what you are, Frank?"

Frank shrugged. "Last time I checked? Human." His eyes drifted to the cup again. "That smells good, can I have it?"

"Oh - um, yeah, you can." Mikey stuttered and gave the cup to Frank. He sighed and sat down. "I'm going to be here next to you, okay? Because I don't want to tell you right now, but I will tell you that you aren't fucking human." He left it at that and picked up his ringing phone, ending the call before he even answered.

"What is this?" Frank asked, sitting down next to Mikey, "it tastes good, but yet, kind of weird."

"It's juice." Mikey lied. He didn't even look at his vampire when he said it.

"You're lying." Frank stated, narrowing his eyes at Mikey. "I know you are."

Perhaps he was smarter then Mikey thought he would be when he woke up. "'s blood." He shrugged and laid down.

"Oh? Really..." He inspected the cup and drank it some more. "So um...exactly how long do I have to hide in this room?"

"Just for a while, okay?" Mikey answered in the most simple way he could and smiled up at Frank before patting the empty spot right next to him. "Not for long, just until I talk to Gerard about some stuff."

Frank nodded and crawled into the bed with Mikey before curling up in his side.

Mikey admitted that it felt nice to have Frank laying down next to him like he was, he wouldn't pull anything like he did a few nights ago. Never again, would he do that.

Once he was sure that frank wasn't really paying attention to anything around him, he quietly slipped out of the bed and snuck down the stairs to where Gerard was sitting on the couch, doing nothing but being spaced out.

"What'd you need earlier?" Mikey asked, sitting as far away from Gerard as he could.

"You know..." Gerard said quietly, ignoring Mikey. "When his body disappeared, I could've saved him. I could've put my blood into him and then he would still be alive."

Mikey's hear just sank. "Gerard..."

"But no. He's dead, and it's all my fault." He let out a choked sob and buried his face into the palm of his hands.


"Where is his body? Did you do something to it?" Gerard asked, suddenly clear from all tears and sadness, "where is it?"

"Um..." Mikey hesitated. "I can't tell you. You'll be pissed."

Gerard glared at his brother. "Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Boyfriend?"

"Uh -"

Mikey and Gerard both looked back to see Frank standing by the door. He then smirked and ran like fucking lightning out it without a single word.

"What the fuck, Mikey?" Gerard yelled in a pained voice. "He's-he's a vampire, isn't he?"

Mikey looked to the ground and nodded silently.

"You fucked my boyfriend and fucking turned him too?!" Gerard glared once more at Mikey before taking off after Frank.

Mikey ran too. He knew that it would make Gerard even more mad but who cares? Frank; a newly turned vampire was on the loose and no one knew what he would do.

"Frank?" Mikey yelled.

He was just a mike or so ahead and stopped at the demand of Mikey. "What?"

"I thought I told you to stay in the room?"

Gerard deadpanned. "The fuck? You think you can just order him around now because he's yours?" The thought really hurt Gerard - actually it wasn't a thought, it was a fact.

Frank Anthony Iero belonged to Mikey James Way.

And damn, that made Gerard even more mad.

No fucking words.

Xo - Cloee

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