Chapter 2

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In the dimly lit office, the air felt heavy with tension as Doctor Eline sat across from Lucy, her gaze unwavering despite the guarded expression on her patient's face. Lucy, her features drawn tight with suppressed emotion, sat with her arms crossed defensively, a silent barrier between her and the world.

"Lucy," Eline began, her voice gentle yet firm, "I understand this is difficult for you, but I need you to try to talk to me. Can you tell me about your first day with Leo after you were kidnapped?"

Lucy's response was a dismissive shrug, her eyes darting away from Eline's probing gaze as if to avoid the pain of reliving her past. Eline remained silent until she fed her some information. "It was just like any other day at the rehabilation camp," she muttered, her voice tinged with bitterness.

She remember Belle telling her she had to go to Declan. She remembered the fight in the bathroom. The feeling of her betrayal. That's why she rarely made friends. People were good at betraying eachother. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it doesn't come from your enemies, but always your friends. 

But Eline refused to accept her patient's stoic facade. She could sense the turmoil brewing beneath the surface, the anger and resentment simmering just out of reach. Taking a deep breath, she pressed on, her voice gentle yet insistent. "Lucy, I need you to trust me. You can tell me anything. What happened on that first day?"

For a moment, Lucy seemed lost in her memories, her jaw clenched tight as she struggled to contain the flood of emotions threatening to engulf her. And then, with a surge of raw emotion, the words spilled from my lips, a torrent of anger and despair. "I almost escaped but Leo showed up and broke my wrists and ankles," I confessed, my voice trembling with suppressed rage. Just speaking his name... "Over and over again, just to get me to that pack. And then he locked me inside, like some kind of animal. I wasn't allowed to go outside, to see the sun or feel the wind on my face."

But even as I spoke, I refused to delve into the details of the abuse, my words veiled in a cloak of anger and defiance. Eline sensed her patient's reluctance, the instinct to protect herself from the horrors of her past at all costs. ''What else?'' She pushed. 

I scoffed, of course. We had been doing this sessions for about a month now. She wasn't making progress so she had complained to Declan. Who in turn told me to open up more. I didnt have to open up to them, but I had to talk to Eline. They believed talking about it would make everything go away. 

Because of my silence, Eline scribbled something in her notebook. ''We won't get anywhere if you don't open up.'' 

It made me smirk, she was fed up with me. But she kept smiling just because of Declan.

Fine, let's play this game.  ''In the past he had tried marking me numerous times, you know what that does to one's mind. Uh, let's see, rape, broken bones, fists and claws, biting, scars and god, lot's of blood. Do you also want details with that?''  

She was taken aback by my outburst and gulped. ''Shouldn't you write that down?'' I added, nodding to her stupid notebook. 

Instead of writing it down, she placed her pen down and took a deep breath. She took a moment to catch her bearings. "Why aren't you training with Abel?" Eline asked gently, her tone softening as she shifted the focus of their conversation away from the whole Leo ordeal. 

Lucy's expression hardened at the mention of Abel. "He knows how to push my buttons," she admitted through gritted teeth, her voice laced with sadness. "I'm just not ready for that yet." 

Eline's sigh was heavy with resignation as she listened to Lucy's defiant response. Despite the tension crackling in the air between them, she remained calm, her eyes meeting Lucy's with unwavering compassion.

"Tomorrow, you will train with Abel. The Alpha will bring you," Eline stated firmly, her tone brooking no argument.

"What?" Lucy's voice was a low growl, filled with anger and frustration as she pushed herself up from her seat, startling Eline with the intensity of her reaction. "You won't force me to do anything," she spat, her eyes blazing with defiance.

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