Chapter 21

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We sat on the sofa on the side and started reading the book that I chose but I couldn't read it and my attention kept shifting towards him and the book as he was sitting so close to me

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We sat on the sofa on the side and started reading the book that I chose but I couldn't read it and my attention kept shifting towards him and the book as he was sitting so close to me... after a while, we left the book cafe.

Then we went to watch a movie in the theatre. We were sitting next to each other and talking to each other when the movie started so we stopped talking. While watching I felt a hand suddenly touched mine... and I saw it was his hand.

He was watching the movie like nothing happened while I was feeling my ears and cheeks heat up for the first time. Moving my hand away would be way too awkward, so I just left it there. After almost an hour he got up and went somewhere and when he came back I saw a bucket of popcorn, and two Coca-Cola's.

He offered me those and we started eating while watching the movie and after it ended we went near his car and started walking around while talking and went to a park nearby. We were talking when two small kids came towards us...

Kid 1 & 2 - Hi, Massi

Anu - Hi Mary, Hi Kri. What are you two doing here?

Mary - Massi, we were playing here when we saw you and uncle.

Anu - Ravi, this is Maryam and this is Krish. They are twins and one of my friend's elder sister's children.

Ravi - Oh ok.

Anu - Where is your mom?

Kri - She is talking with Neetu Massi

Anu - Oh ok I am going to go meet them.

Ravi - Uh... I am also here?

Anu - Oh sorry... you come as well.

He made an annoyed face but still came with me while Maryam and Krish went back to playing with other kids.

Anu - Hi Neetu, Hi Di.

Neetu - Oh, hi Anu. How are you here?

Anu - Nothing I was just coming by and saw Mary and Kri so came to meet you guys as well.

Neetu Sis - Who is he though?

Anu - He is Aarav we are in the same class at Uni. Ravi, this is Navneet and this is her sister.

They talked with each other for a bit while Neetu kept looking at me and later she signaled me to come with her.

Anu - What is it Neetu?

Neetu - Why is he with you?

Anu - Cause... he is?

Neetu - Be careful... I don't want anything to repeat like last time.

I started thinking about what happened until she shook me.

Anu - Neetu, they don't know anything... Chill

Neetu - Hmm but be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you.

Anu - Ok now let's go they are looking this way like we are aliens.

With that we started laughing and went back to them.

Ravi - Anu, let's go it's almost time to drop you back home.

Anu - Yeah sure. Bye Neetu, bye Di.

Neetu - Don't forget to call me when you are at home. It has been so long since we talked.

Anu - Yesss I will.

Di - Bye guys.

Ravi - Bye everyone.

With that we walked to the kids, said bye to the kids as well and went walking back to the car in silence... a comfortable silence...

Ravi - What were you and Neetu talking about?

Anu - Since when did you start calling her Neetu? She doesn't like everyone calling her by her nickname.

Ravi - She allowed me to that's when. Now tell me what you guys were talking about.

Anu - Nothing she just had a gossip to tell me about one of our past classmate.

Ravi - Who?

Anu - Stop being a detective and drive to the university fast.

Ravi - Ok

Anu - Also... you should stop calling my brother a "chimpanzee".

Ravi - But he is a "chimpanzee"

Anu - True

Ravi - We reached.

I got down from the car while he also came behind me and dropped me off in front of the university.

Anu - Bye Ravi.

Ravi - I hope you enjoyed.

Anu - I did.

Ravi - I have to go now. Reach home safe. Bye.

Anu - Bye bye.

Saying that I left and he also went back to his car and started driving away while I reached home.

I had fun writing this, I hope you enjoy reading it as well. So, please make sure to comment and give suggestions of what I could have done better or give me a suggestion for the next chapter. Bye-bye, the next chapter will be uploaded on Saturday 20th April.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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