Chapter 13

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(Ananya's outfit for the car event)

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(Ananya's outfit for the car event)

I have so many questions. And I have none of the answers. The car show ends here. We all start to leave, and this bro is going to the washroom, I wait at the side and now Aarav sees me. He's coming to me, having the same smile as before.

Aarav- Oh, Anu?? You here??? Do you also like cars?

Ananya- Oh, no no, I'm here with my bro, he LOVES cars, he forced me to come here with him.

Aarav- Oh ok, that makes sense, haha. This kind of things happen in most places!

He started laughing... he barely laughed for a few seconds, but for those few seconds, I felt like I went to a different world... I don't know, but it felt so good when he laughed. WHY???? I HATE THIS!!!

Aarav- Oh and I just realized that it's the fourth time we coincidentally met. First at the birthday party, then the library and now here. Weird, right?

Ananya- Oh yeah that's true, and a little bit weird as well, as we met without even expecting we were going to.

Sid finally comes from the washroom, looking at Ravi suspiciously, probably wondering who's this guy, what's he doing here, and why is he with me. And I'm sure he's thinking he's my boyfriend.

Ananya- Sid, this is Aarav, or Ravi, my friend, I met him at Nehu's birthday party. Ravi, this is Siddharth, or Sid, my younger brother, too annoying, though.

Sid- Hi Ravi, how are you?

Aarav- Really well, how about you?

Sid- I'm good as well. You here to see the exotic cars?

Aarav- Yeah, I finally got to see my favourite Chevy.

Sid- Oh, that's great, nice choice, bro!

Aarav- thanks bud, what's your favourite car?

Sid- Actually, any car with a V8 engine, or like any average car as long as it's not electric. But G63 Amg is my top choice.

Aarav- Wow, great choice.

Now it's an awkward silent moment, as everyone is just staring and smiling at each other. I assume it's time to go home.

Sid- Let's go home, sis!!

Ananya- Yeah bro, let's go

Aarav- Oh and I also gotta go now, as my mom told me to come home early, so I'll leave now, bye, Anu, see you!! Bye, Sid, nice to meet you!

Ananya- Ok, bye, Ravi, see you soon!

Sid- Same here bro, bye-bye!

He leaves, but I had a weird feeling when he was leaving, like when he goes far, I feel like I'm losing something. But I ignore this feeling again, as I see my bro coming out of the washroom.

We started going home, and on the way, I couldn't stop thinking about Aarav, like why did we meet 2 times, why do I care about his favourite 1969 Chevrolet C.... nah I mean his favourite car, why do I feel weird when he leaves. So many questions, but no answer. We reached home, but my questions didn't stop. We go inside.

AM- Welcome home, children, your food is on the table, enjoy!

We ate our food, and then after watching TV for the next 30 minutes, we went to our bedrooms to sleep.

I lay down on my bed. Time is going slower than usual. The darkness in the room is feeling darker than usual. The blanket feels heavier than usual. I don't know what's going on, but tonight, I am hearing the sound of silence, but I am really confused.

The cold wind from the window makes it harder to sleep. Every time I close my eyes to sleep, all those thoughts and questions strike back into my mind, and I don't know why but I wanna know where is Ravi, what's he doing. I JUST CAN'T SLEEP. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I had fun writing this, I hope you enjoy reading it as well. So, please make sure to comment and give suggestions of what I could have done better or give me a suggestion for the next chapter. Bye-bye, the next chapter will be uploaded next Saturday 17th February.

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