Chapter 11

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Front desk lady - Anu, can you help me sort out the books?

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Front desk lady - Anu, can you help me sort out the books?

Ananya - Yeah sure. Just give me the books and the list I will do it right away.

She gave me the list of books, which had the books name in the correct order they were supposed to be. The list was long, and so was the pile of unsorted books. I started sorting them one by one as it shows in the list, by the first letter of the last name of the author of the book.

I was done one-fourth of the pile and saw my favorite book, that I wanted to read for so long. It's about 2 teenagers, that fall in love, and are facing many challenges in their relationship.

I wonder what exactly gonna happen in the book, as the name says, "Forever and Always: A Tale of Teenage Love and Triumph" according to the title, I can assume that they had to face challenges but they were successful in keeping their relationship safe. I am too excited to read this book.

Ananya - I love this book, and I want to read it, is this book free for now? Can I borrow it for a few days?

Front Desk Lady - Yeah sure, why not? It's free for now, nobody has put it on hold yet, put this on the side of the pile, and I will scan it and put it under your account.

Ananya - Thank you so much.

Front Desk Lady - No problem, Anu.

I smile and continue sorting the pile of unsorted books following the list. I was having fun and was almost done, only a few books were left, but suddenly, I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw Ravi, coming to the library. He enters and suddenly looks at me with a surprised face.

Aarav - Oh, Anu? You here?

Ananya - Yes, I'm here, sorting out the books, but surprised to see you here.

Aarav - Don't be surprised, as I love books, so expect me in every library around, haha.

Ananya - Oh okay, even I love reading, another common thing between us.

Aarav - Yeah true.

He goes to the front desk and asks for a book, and it's surprising as he asked for the same book I borrowed.

Aarav: Hi, do you have the book Forever and Always: A Tale of Teenage Love and Triumph?

Front Desk Lady - Unfortunately, no. You are a bit late. Someone JUST took it. But if you like, I can put it on hold for you, so when I get the book back, I can inform you and you can come grab it. Would you like me to put it on hold for you?

Aarav - Ok sure, please put it on hold.

Front Desk Lady - Ok, done.

Aarav - Thank you so much.

He now started looking at other books around. He really seems really interested in reading as he said. Usually, boys hate reading, but he is different than others. I wonder why I can't stop thinking about him and why the fact that he loves reading affects me so much. Now that Aarav is done looking at the books, he comes to me.

Aarav - Alright, Anu. I'm gonna leave now.

Ananya - Wait, Ravi. Which book were you looking for?

Aarav - Forever and Always.

Ananya - Oh ok, I just took it.

Aarav - Oh ok, it was you who took it.

Ananya - I already have another book to read, I just took it so nobody else takes it before me, as it's always taken whenever I ask for it. So you can take it, and give it back to me when you are done.

Aarav - Oh ok, well, if you have something to read for now, I would love to have it so I can read it.

Ananya - Ok great. You can take it.

I give the book to Ravi. Now he's leaving. Even I have nothing to do here, so we both exit together, he is going the other way, and I'm going to the other side.

Aarav- Bye bye, see you soon, Anu!!

Ananya- Yep, byee, Ravi, see you!

And then we both leave.

I had fun writing this, I hope you enjoy reading it as well. So, please make sure to comment and give suggestions of what I could have done better or give me a suggestion for the next chapter. Bye-bye, the next chapter will be uploaded next Saturday 3rd February.

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