Chapter 9

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The next morning, I woke up and did my daily routine (freshening up, cleaning my room, taking out my clothes, and then I went downstairs to make food while also waking up everyone, and watering the garden.) Today, I felt so tired, I wanted to sleep more but I made myself active and went to university.

I walked into the lecture hall and the first face I saw was Ravi's, I was so happy but I didn't know why so I just ignored the feeling and went to go to my seat. He asked me to sit with him using his fingers and eyes, but I ignored him and went to my seat. He came and sat near me with his friend group.

Aarav - Hi Anu.

Ananya - Hi Ravi.

Aarav friend group - Hi Ananya.

Ananya - Hi guys.

I wanted to get out of there because they were playing with each other and that was making me lose my focus which got me frustrated. So, I wrote "Ravi, can you ask them to calm down? I couldn't get enough sleep which is frustrating and now they are annoying. I will end up doing something that is not me. So please ask them to stop." on a piece of paper.

I saw him wondering what it was when I gave it to him, and after he read it he stopped his friends from talking and made them focus on the lecture, and I said "thank you" to him, while saying "No problem".

Then he gave me a note that said "Here is my number, so instead of writing so much just text me if you need me to do something." I then replied, "Thank you so much but no."

Aarav then wrote, "Why?" I responded by "Because I don't wanna." and then he started saying" It's because you hate me... ok fine leave it." He knew that it was my weak spot as I hate to see someone sad because of me and he made me agree with him.

So, I ended up adding his number... I was so annoyed... that I wanted to just focus on the lecture, so I did whatever he wanted me to. After a while, the professor gave us an in-class-assignment to do with a partner.

But I didn't want to partner up with anyone because I didn't have any friends in that class but then...

Ravi - Do you want to do this together?

Ananya - No, you should do it with your friends, I will talk to the prof (Professor).

Ravi - No, because one of my friends is not here, and the other 4 already paired up leaving me alone.

Ananya - Ok, fine we can do this together.

Ravi - Thanks!

Ananya - You are welcome, so let's start.

Ravi - Ok. Let's go to the prof and ask her our topic.

Ananya - Yeah

Prof - Ok, so you two are pairing up?

Ananya & Ravi - Yes

Prof - Ok so you are doing the SWOT Analysis [(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for a specific company or industry and presenting their findings] for the ----- company.

Ananya - Ok, prof.

Prof - Oh and Aarav, since I don't get to see much of your written work as you take the oral part of the assignments and presentations you will be writing this time, and Ananya will be helping him.

Ananya - Ok sure prof.

After this, I and Ravi came back to our spots, and we sat down together, so we could work on the assignment.

Ananya - Let's start the research for the ---- company.

Aarav - Yep, let's do this, I want to get a good grade in this assignment.

Ananya - Yeah same, I also want good grades for my work.

While doing the research for the company, Ravi's friend group came and we all sat in a circle. I was feeling very weird as I was the only girl in between those guys... but all of them were very nice to me.

I got to know them a little bit, and all of us finished our work on time. So we went to hand in our work to the professor and started walking back to our seats when...

Prof - Ananya?

Ananya - Yes?

Prof - Did Aarav do what I told him?

Ananya - Yes prof he did.

Prof - Ok, you can go and wait.

Ananya - Ok.

Then when I was going back to my seat I saw that Ravi and his friends were staring at me, and I knew the question they were gonna ask as soon as I sat down on my seat.

Sorry for the blurry pictures.

I had fun writing this, I hope you enjoy reading it as well. So, please make sure to comment and give me suggestions of what I could have done better or give me a suggestion for the next chapter. Bye-bye, the next chapter will be uploaded next Saturday 20th January.

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