Chapter 6

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MG (Mysterious Girl) -  Hi

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MG (Mysterious Girl) -  Hi..

Ananya - Oh, hi. How are you?

MG - I am good. What about you?

Ananya - I am also great

MG - That's good. you have any plans for today evening?

Ananya - Yeah, it is my friend's birthday and she organized a party. So I will be going there.

MG - Oh, it's even one of my friend's birthday party, so I brought my stuff with me. So, if we get late in the project can I just get ready here?

Ananya - Yeah sure.

MG - Thank you Di (Sis). Can I call you Di?

Ananya - Yep you can sis.

MG - Ok di. But call me by my name

Ananya - Ok so what is your name?

MG - Oh my bad. I forgot to tell you. My name is Tanya.

Ananya - Oh, your name is so nice, and it even rhymes with mine.

Tanya - Oh, what is your name di?

Ananya - Ananya

Tanya - So can I call you Ananya di?

Ananya - Yep

Then bro (Siddharth) came...

AB - Tanya, can you come? Everybody has done their work. Can you just double-check everything?

Tanya - Yeah sure.

AB - Thanks.

Tanya goes back to Siddharth's (Sid) room and when she does my phone starts to ring and the caller ID is MOM.

AM - Anu

Ananya - Yes mom

AM - We are coming home soon.

Ananya - Ok mom. Oh, and Sid's classmates came as they had to finish one of their group projects.

AM - Are they working?

Ananya - Yes, Mom.

AM - Ok. Bye.

Ananya - Bye bye.

AB - Di. They coming?

Ananya - Yep. So tell them to behave properly in front of them.

AB - Ok di.

He goes, and then I clean the kitchen and go to Sid's room. All of them were packing up their stuff to go home except Tanya as she decided to stay. Then my parents came...

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