Chapter 7

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AB - Di, where are you going to sit?

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AB - Di, where are you going to sit?

I thought about it and then...

Ananya - At the back..

Tanya - But why?

Ananya - Because whenever I am sitting at the front trash people assume that I am his wife. I am going to puke.

Tanya - ohhhh...that's funny...

Ananya - I know, but whoever his wife will be, she is going to be so annoyed by him.

Tanya - Di, that is not nice... I am sure that it will not be that.

Ananya - Will see about that in the future. 

AB - If both of you guys are done talking outside please sit inside.

Tanya was sitting at the back...

Ananya - Tanya.. can u go sit at the front?

Tanya - But di...why?

Ananya - Cause I want to rest

Tanya - Ok di.

She goes and sits at the front, and I get happy knowing that my plan worked as I wanted to see them happy together. Then, I started dozing off while they talked and laughed. After a while, both of them wake me up and we go inside...

We see Nehu and go to wish her...

We see Nehu and go to wish her

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(Neha's outfit)

Ananya - Happy Birthday Nehu

Tanya & AB - Happy Birthday Neha di.

Neha - Thank you so much.

Ananya - Where do I keep this?

I said pointing to Nehu's gift.

Nehu - There is a table on that corner. Go keep it there and enjoy.

Ananya - Ok Nehu.

After putting the gift on the corner table all of us ( Ananya, Tanya & Sid) went, talked with Nehu's dad and step-mom, and then we go talk to our friends. After a while...

Neha - I made a game including all the names in the list. So I pull chits that have names...and then those two people have to dance together

I was hearing all the names and I got paired up with Aarav, while Sid and Tanya got paired up together. Ananya made sure that everyone had the partner they were supposed to be with, after that she told the DJ to start the songs, and everyone started dancing with their respective partners.

Aarav - Hi...

Ananya - Hello...

Aarav - Wanna (Want to ) talk and dance at the same time?

Ananya - Sure...It will feel less awkward if we get to know each other.

Aarav - So, let's start with names. My name is Aarav.

Ananya - My name is Ananya.

Aarav - What are you doing in your life?

Ananya - I am in university and doing an MBA (Masters of Business Administration)

Aarav - Oh, me too! Where are you doing it?

Ananya - I am in the same university as Neha.

Aarav - Oh, how come we never saw each other even though we have the same class?

Ananya - Oh, that is why your face seemed familiar, but I could not remember you.

Aarav - That's what I thought as well. So, how are you here? I mean what is your relation with Neha?

Ananya - She is my best friend. What about you?

Aarav - She is a family friend.

Ananya - That's nice.

Aarav - Do you have any siblings?

Ananya - Yeah, I have a younger brother.

Aarav - Oh, I have a younger sister.

Ananya - That's so nice. I always wanted a younger sister. But I also love my brother very much.

Aarav - I wanted a younger brother, but since I did get a sister, I will do anything to make sure that she is happy.

Then the songs end...

Neha - Everybody can go and eat or take a break we will continue this after a while with a different game.

Ananya - Bye, see you soon, I better go find my brother.

Aarav - Me too, I better find my sister.

Ananya - Byee Aarav.

Aarav - Bye Ananya.

Both of us go in opposite directions, and I keep searching until I find my brother. So I go up to him...

Sorry for the blurry pictures.

I had fun writing this, I hope you enjoy reading it as well. So, please make sure to comment and give me suggestions of what I could have done better or give me a suggestion for the next chapter. Bye-bye, the next chapter will be uploaded next Saturday 6th January.

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