Chapter thirty

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I'll be honest. Looking at you got me thinking nonsense. Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in. When you got your arms around me, ooh, it feels so good. I had to jump the octave. I think I but I forgot him. And I can't find my chill, I must have lost it. I don't even know I'm talking nonsense.

(Ollies pov)

I saw Sofia get out of the room dressed in a red dress, and my jaw dropped to the floor. Sofia is a beautiful girl, but that dress made her even prettier. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand while kissing it.

"You look wonderful love." I said and walked her out the door.

Sofia smiled and giggled like a 5 year old. We walked over to the car and I opened the door for her.

"So, today is actually our 5 month anniversary from the first time we met and went to that restaurant in italy. So I thought we could recreate that day but in a different country. I found an italian restaurant and booked a table for us two."

I looked up at Sofia and waited for a reaction.

Sofia had her hands in front of her face covering her mouth and only left her eyes visible. Her eyes were teary but it looked like she was smiling really hard. It gave me a bit of relief. Not much but still a bit.

"Ollieeee. Awww. You'll make me cry of happiness. You're too sweet. I'll actually ruin my makeup." She said while flapping her hands to prevent the tears from falling down. It made me laugh a bit. That was definitely not the reaction I expected.

We drove to the restaurant and laughed and talked the whole time there.

When we got there I helped Sofia out a bit and that was when I noticed that she had taken my hoodie with her.

"Is that my hoodie?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

She acted confused while having the hoodie in her hand.

"What? Where? Whose? No, I don't see any hoodies." She smiled at me, keeping up the act.

I decided to follow her lead and act like I didn't see it and walked to the restaurant

"Hello and welcome to the taste of Italy. Do you have a reservation?" The waitress had a really fancy green uniform with a black tie underneath. All the staff had the three different colours from the Italian flag. The cooks had white, receptionists had red, and waitresses had green. It looked really aesthetically pleasing.

"Yes. The reservation is under the name Philips, James."

Sofia looked really confused. I knew it would confuse her but I never booked anything in my real name. My dad always told me to just fake a name to get out of trouble.

"Yes I got it here. Table for two at 16:35. Just follow me."

She guided us over to a table at the end of the restaurant with a beautiful view of the London eye. The table had a small bouquet of flowers and three coloured napkins which were folded and had the utensils in.

"Your waitress will come over with the menu. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Sofia was really fascinated by the view and the napkins. Her eyes lit up everytime she looked around at the place.

"Ollie this is beautiful. How did you find this place? I literally feel like a princess on a date with her prince. The only thing that's missing is this."

She reached out to her bag and took two little crowns out. One was gold with pink rhinestones and the other silver with blue rhinestones.

I was happily surprised. I helped her unpack her stuff when she arrived and never saw any crowns.

"Where did those come from?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well I was out shopping with your mom earlier and she found those adorable little crowns, and I decided that they would be perfect for us and we just had to find the perfect situation. And you made the occasion so I used it"

She walked up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Oliver James Bearman, on this special day I'm crowning you as the king of my heart" She placed the crown on my head, did the same with hers and sat down again. 

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