Chapter two

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(There singing happy birthday. You just want to lay down and cry)

It was now the end of my free weeks. I've really enjoyed spending my free time with my family and friends. Diana took me out to multiple places, such as night clubs, restaurants. I've also attended Diana's boyfriend's birthday. It was actually quite fun for a 14th birthday.

My January sum up is actually pretty good. I've achieved a lot and started the year off really nice. I got on the national team, Won the semi-finals, received paddock passes and spent quality time with important people.

Now I'm here on my bedroom floor packing all my stuff again. I've got my volleyball stuff and some more elegant stuff. My flight is leaving tomorrow but I still have some pre-game interviews. I'm supposed to talk with bbc and some polish channels. It's quite impressive that I got on the Polish national team as a 15 year old, so many people want to talk to me.

It's actually quite hard going from a nobody to a celebrity in just two weeks.

I've always played for local teams. Never really played in anything bigger. Until last year, when I dropped my local club and went into another one. There I got on their D1 team and played in the nationals. I never really knew that there were national team selectors in those tournaments until November. I was playing against a team from Ikast (Denmark) and after our victory an elegant looking man walked over to me.

"Hello, and congratulations on the victory. My name is Adam and I'm one of multiple selectors."

"Hello. Thank you, but it's not only me who won."

"Of course. I understand but we've actually been to all of your matches and noticed that you play really good. What I'm trying to say is that you caught our eye and we would like you to play for the national team."

"OMG!!! Sorry, it's just very good news for me. Of course I want to!"

"That's good. I'll just need your number or email to keep in contact."

I gave the man my number and just days after i had my first practice with the national team.

My phone beeped. My taxis here. I've been told that the BBC journalist will be waiting for me at the coffee shop.

The taxi driver was a nice, 25 year old man. I got my stuff into the back and got into the car.

"Hey, where are we heading today?"

"Just leave me at the Marinas coffee shop."

"Okie dokie."

The coffee shop was not too far away so I could technically just walk there. But my baggage was a little heavier than I expected, so I called a taxi.

Mathew. The driver. Was really nice and got me there faster than the GPS showed.

The interviews all went well and I still had about two hours to get to the airport. So I decided to call my childhood friend Daniel.

Daniel and I go way back. We met when I had just moved to Denmark. We were 4 years apart but still got along pretty well. He always helped me when I needed a hand. Daniel even suggested that I move in with him, as he lived closer to my school and my volleyball club.

We've lived together for 6 months, and honestly I felt better here than at my parents.

"Hey, I saw you left the apartment pretty early. What's up?"

"Hey Daniel, wanna go get some lunch together? My interview ended faster than I thought."

"Sure thing. I'll be there in 5 minutes. The usual place right?"


I really craved some pasta. It's really one of the best inventions in the world.

Daniel just got home from work so he was kinda tired. But we still had a longer conversation. Daniel complained about the usual stuff: me being away too much. And work. Not anything new.

I really admire how he never changed. He's still the same Daniel that I met when I was 3.

It's getting late, and i still have a flight to catch. Daniel waved over the waiter, and payed for the food. I wanted to pay for myself but he insisted in paying.

"let me do one good thing before you leave for a week again". He said while paying.

People around us were whispering. I think they might know who I am. I heard an older man's voice.

"I thought she was single. Well my sons not gonna be happy with that"

Ew. Ew. And once again ew. Some older people are weird. It's not his business if I'm taken, single or married.

Why do people get so involved in other people's lives? I know I'm quite known. But it's still not an excuse. I'm still only 15.


I got to the airport an hour before departure, so I could get the security checks and not have to worry about time.

Like I expected , nothing happened. Everything went fine, and I got on the flight in time. I sat down in my seat, put on my headphones and leaned back.

The flight was shorter than my last one. I only had to get to italy. So it only took 5 hours. At Least i got some sleep.

The flight landed and I got out. As always I double checked if I had everything with me. I did. So I moved on and got to the hotel in a taxi.

I'm so grateful that I learned italian. It's really helpful, as about half the matches are played here.

I checked in and went straight to bed. Danm in tired. The clock is literally 4 am.

I arrived two days before the match, alongside some of my teammates.

It's kinda hard being the youngest. Everyone is more mature than you, and you have to keep up with that somehow.

Italy is quite famous for their vine so of course Martha had to taste it. Martha is the second youngest. But still an adult. Which makes it hard to find a good topic to talk about. Normally we just talk about volleyball, or how our breaks vent. Nothing really juicy or exciting.

We did some exploring around Rome using my favorite methode. Walk. Just walk. Don't look anywhere. Don't check the signs, gps or map. That way you get to see some part that you never would have seen otherwise. We saw a beautiful forest, a little town outside of Rome and many other nice places.

I decided that I want to live here. That's my goal. Get Daniel to move here with me. Or just another person that could take care of me. 

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