Chapter ten

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You make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven, for too long, for too long.

I went out in the lobby and asked about room 163. The room was one floor above me, so I took the lift to the fourth and sixth floor and walked around searching for the room.

And there it was. I was standing right in front of the door of room 163. I knocked three times in the usual melody.

The door opened slowly and I saw a pair of golden brown eyes, and a few brown locs.


Oliver welcomed me in. He had already prepared some food.

"I read that you like noodles so I ordered some"

I was still mad at him for not reaching out for so long. His white t-shirt looked a bit dirty. It looked like he spilled some water over it or some other liquid.

"Sofia are you okay?" Ollie looked at me worried.

I didn't want to answer him but I did.

"I'm feeling just fine, '' I said with a fake smile.

Ollie walked over to me and gave me a hug. That hug was the last poke. I bursted out in angry tears.

"You said you would reach out. Why didn't you? Did you even think about how I could feel? Did you even try to imagine how much I missed you?"

Ollie didn't know how to calm me down.

I had been hiding those feelings for too long. It's like a pot of boiling water. The water represents the emotions and the pot would represent me.

If you put the lid over the water the water will overboil at some point, unless it gets lifted by someone.

My lid got lifted a bit too late. But it's still good that it got lifted.

Ollie hugged me tighter. I swung my hands around him, and hugged him. I was finally able to calm down.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was planning on reaching out, but I didn't have time. And when I saw that guy in your story, I just gave up" He whispered in my ear.

We were down on the floor of his room. Hugging tight. We sat there on the carpet.

Ollie looked at me.

"How about we switch to the couch?" His smile was like the streetlights in the dark. He swiped away my tears with his fingers, and helped me up. I could feel the warmth of his body. Ollie sat me down on the couch and went out to the kitchen to get the food. He had ordered a Chinese take out.

The food was warm and tasted good. But I was more excited to hear what Ollie had been doing for the past four months.

"So what have you been up to?" Ollie had just taken a mouthful of noodles. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand.

"Ohm, well I have been racing. I came here to Brazil with one of my friends actually. Arthur. He is the one who has been keeping me busy for so long. You know he's actually staying in the room across from me. But yeah, me and him had been doing some charity races and some grand prix."

He looked excited and told me a whole bunch about Arthur. Apparently he had his girlfriend with him.

"How about we go on a double date someday while we're here in Brazil? I'm staying here for at least a week more since I have a race. So we have quiet some time."

I looked at him surprised. Normally race drivers only arrive for the race on a wednesday and leave monday.

So Oliver had to come here just to see me. I had to think about the double date offer. Ollie told me that Arthur wanted to meet me for a while since we had been on a dinner date.

Someone knocked on the door. Ollie excused me for a minute and went up to the door. I could only hear some laughter, before a guy stormed in.

"Hello you're Sofia Kowalski right? I'm Arthur Leclerc and that's my girlfriend Carla."

The guy had a heavy French accent. But used British grammar. I had never heard that combination and honestly it sounded very funny.

"Yup that would be me. Hello and nice to meet you. Ollie has told me that you're partially the reason that he didn't text." I said jokingly

"Ohh about that. I apologise for keeping him busy, but I had to so he could focus on racing."

"I didn't know I was that big of a distraction for him haha"

Ollie rolled his eyes at me with a smile.

He then welcomed a girl in as well. That was probably Carla, I guessed.

The girl walked into the living room wearing a beautiful green dress.

I was still in a hoodie and shorts so that must have looked fun.

We are two fully different people. Carla was the most elegant person I knew while I was just the comfy type.

Even with the differences we still got along pretty well. Carla asked a lot about my volleyball career.

"I used to play some back in Monaco when I was still in middle school. But that never really inspired me that much." she said.

We talked a bit together about the boys and their careers. Apparently I wasn't the only one that got mad for being ignored.

Arthur and Carlas relationship started in a similar way. They met up and then didn't say a word to each other for a month. But met again in a store in Monaco.

After they left me and Ollie finally got some time alone. 

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