Chapter eight

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(Ollies pov)

I heard he lives down a river somewhere. With six cars and a grizzly bear. He got eyes, but he cant see.  Well, he talks like an angel, but looks like me.

I got my stuff packed and went to the go-karting track with Arthur. It was pretty fun. Arthur told me a whole lot about Jules. And to be honest I regret I didn't get to know him. He seemed like an always smiling, and very dedicated driver.


Arthur woke me up. It's now Wednesday, and we're leaving for Brazil.

I was excited to go. Brazil is apparently the best place for after parties and the track is supposed to be good as well.

And most importantly Sofia is there.

The airport in Monaco is busy as always. Everyone is trying to find their way to their gate. We met a few of the other drivers, like Theo and Paul.

Theo was going on the same flight as us, so we decided to walk with him.

Arthur wouldn't stop talking about me and Sofia. He was more excited to meet her than the race itself. Arthur had taken his girlfriend Carla with him. Carla always wanted to see Brazil.

But I was waiting to finally meet Sofia. I had a plan to kinda surprise her. I bought some tickets to her final game in Rio. The whole first row was free so that's where I booked.

I think she might be mad at me for not texting, but I was too busy. Even if I wanted to, I didn't know how. Should I just say "Hey" or "What's up"? I'm not good at that stuff.


Carla pulled us into a restaurant. I was honestly not too hungry. Luckily the restaurant served smoothies. They had a variety but I settled on the blueberry one. Carla got chicken fried rice and a ceasar salad while her very mature boyfriend got dino nuggets and chips.

I honestly think he's a 5 year old child in an 18 year old body. He takes nothing seriously and always orders the same. Dino nuggets and chips.

After a long day of walking we finally checked into the hotel. Arthur and I were for the first time staying in different rooms. But we still got to be neighbours. I was staying in room 163 and he was staying in room 165 with Carla.

It was starting to get boring so I went to the hotel gym. I had decided to stay there for about 4 hours. My goal was to get a whole cardio workout done.

I honestly hate cardios but it was the only thing that I could think about. As I was walking to the gym I saw a familiar face. I have no idea what her name is but it was Sofia's teammate and friend.

"If she's here then Sofia is here as well." I knew that she was in the same country but I wasn't expecting her in the same hotel. That gave me a new idea.

I would drop a small note in her bag to get her to come to my room. I wanted to see her.

"Excuse me." I went up to the girl. "Hello, I'm Oliver. You're Sofia's teammate right?" The girl looked at me like I was an alien.

"Yes, I'm Martha. And don't worry I know who you are. Sofia has told me a lot about you"

She didn't look too happy to meet me.

"Oh that dosen't sound like good stuff. I understand that she might be a little mad at me bu"

"Mad? Haha. No she's not mad. She's hurt and furious. Do you even know how much she talks about you? No of course you don't. You got your little racing career and a lot of fans to make you happy right. I know your type of guys. You only play around, and then disappear."

Martha was definitely not happy to see me. I had no idea that Sofia even thought about me at all. I was too sure that she had moved on with another guy.

"I'm sorry to have hurt her like that, and I was planning a big apology. That's why I got here faster. But on her instagram I saw that she was with a guy"

The girl's face changed completely.

"Ohhh. You probably saw her with Daniel didn't you? Daniel is the guy she's living with now, that... nevermind. Is that why you didn't text her?".

"Its partially why"

Martha's polish accent was making its way out with every word she said.

"Well then it's a misunderstanding. I will tell her that"

"No, don't." She looked at me like I was crazy again.

"I'll tell her myself" I said.

"Okay, but you better hurry up before it'll be too late"

Martha told me some stuff about that Daniel-guy. He was apparently an old family friend, who was filling the role of a big brother in Sofia's life. She had moved in with him last year, because of something Martha wouldn't tell me. But she assured me that there was a good reason and that I still had a chance.

Whatever that meant.


I was done working out and went back to my room, while making sure that Sofia wouldn't see me.

My phone beeped. It was a message from Arthur. He invited me over to have some fun before the volleyball final. He wanted to make sure that I was fully relaxed and ready for the stress tomorrow.

We watched an old race from Brazil to get used to the circuit. I started to get really tired. I went back to my own room, layed down on the couch and fell asleep.


It was time for the Volleyball championship final. I got dressed in some not too fancy clothes but fancy enough. Arthur was taking Carla out to see the city so he wouldn't bother me.

My uber came and I entered the car.

"Where are you going sir?" The uber driver asked.

"To the sports hall of Rio de Janeiro please"

"You got it"

The ride was pretty much silent. I wasn't interested in talking with the driver and I had my earpods in. I don't really like interacting with uber drivers, unless I've known them for pretty long.

I finally got to the hall and found my seat. Now all that's left is to find Sofie after the game.

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