Chapter thirty nine

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And tell me, why does my heart burn when I see your face? You have made your decision, put me in my place. And the lies you've been hiding, taking up your space. Tell me, why does my heart burn this way, when I see your face? When I see your face?

(Ollies pov)

It was Sunday, time for the feature race. I was really exited. The quali had gone really good and the sprint as well. I was in the top 5 in both close to p1. I had a feeling that I could win this race if just I did everything I could.

Arthur had also been after me the whole time. He was behind me in the sprint which annoyed him.

"Ollie mate, this was supposed to be my weekend. And I'll show you today that I can win this whole thing." He pushed me playfully.

The team had also been doing amazing. We had the fastest pit stops and both cars were functioning at their best. I was really feeling this race week.

I was minutes away from the start of the race. No stress, no hard feelings, no anything. Just pure excitement and happiness. I was ready to smash this weekend.

The race started with a minute silence for Dilano, who had died here last year. Motorsport was really affected by it that year. But everyone had to move on somehow.

I got in my car and tried focusing on actually winning.


Inhale and exhale. Inhale... And exhale


I got my focus on the point, I was now officially ready. I looked down on my wrist where I had a bracelet Sofia had made me. I kissed it and the car started.


Oh how I missed this one sentence. I clutched down the pedal and started driving. I always hated the starts. Everyone was so close to each other. Maybe even a bit too much. It was a bit stressful. I overtook a silver hitech car. Probably Paul. The black painted nr. 17 was pretty noticeable.

I got a few laps done before I could be 100% sure and feeling safe for overtaking and fast corners. I sped up a bit and went straight into corner 8.

The feeling of braking the wind felt so good. You could sometimes feel how aerodynamic the car was. This was my home. This was my life. Fast cars and fast tracks.

"Radio check" I heard my engineer calling. I clicked the button and answered him.

"Radio check, I can hear you loud and clear."

I heard a beep back and knew it was all fine.

A few laps later and I was leading by some seconds, which in f2 is pretty much. To put it in better perspective, while I was exiting the corners the others were only going in.

It felt amazing. Until I started feeling some weird things with the car. Something was definitely wrong.


I had to know if it was safe to continue. I didn't want my race to be ruined by a vehicle failure.

"It seems like your tiers can be a bit worn out, but that's the only thing we can see."

That wasn't that bad. I decided to do a lap more before pitting. The pitstop was smooth and fast. I knew the team would be great. Even after the pitstop I was still leading. But there was still something off.


"Yes Ollie its the only thing we can see could have been a problem"


"If you want to retire then we for sure can"


I got into a fast corner again. But I still felt something was wrong. I spun the steer right, and that was when I lost complete control over the car. The tiers went fully off track and I went flying into the barrier. I could feel the whole car lifted up and spun around in donuts.

I could only hear complete silence. The commentators even stopped mid sentence. And my whole world went black. I could hear the sirens of the safety car, and someone getting me out of the car. But I couldn't move or talk. Not a single muscle wanted to listen.

I fully lost consciousness for a bit.

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