Chapter twelve

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We only met each other just the other day, but you already got me feeling some type of way. Now, if we could figure it out, I'd take you back to my house, so we could meddle about.

It was 10 pm. I was getting tired and I could feel that Oliver was tired as well. The movie was nice. It got me to understand how dangerous motorsport really is. But I was too tired to analyse anything.

"You look pretty tired." Ollie looked at me. "Wanna go to bed?" The boy took his hand of me and stood up. I followed him.

The bedroom looked just like the rest of the hotel room. Black walls, light furniture and green plants.

I laid down on the bed, pulled the quilt over myself, and turned around to see where Ollie was. But I didn't expect what I saw.

The boy was standing there in just shorts. His abs were really showing. Kind of what I expected from a formula driver. It made logical sense that he was more muscular than anyone I know.

"Wha... Damn. That was unexpected." I whispered hoping he wouldn't hear it.

Ollie raised his eyebrow.

"Surprised?" he smiled. That smile just assured me that he had heard me.

I didn't say anything after that. Not like I didn't want to, I just didn't know what to say.

Oliver laid down next to me so only our backs were touching. He seemed a bit shy, so I decided to make a move.

I turned around and hugged him from behind. This was enough for him to turn around as well and place my head on his chest, pulling me closer. His skin was really warm to the touch. It was warmer than under the blanket. Meanwhile my body was cold, but it seemed like he didn't mind.

I couldn't think of anything else than him, and the fact that he made me believe in love again. I could feel every breath he took and everyone of his heartbeats. That was the only music that I needed to help me fall asleep.


I woke up still in Ollie's arms. He was already awake, just waiting for me to wake up. I lifted my head slightly to see his face.

"Did you sleep well Sof?" He said and tightent the hug. He looked even cuter in the morning. His brown locks were messy and eyes were still a bit asleep. I put my leg around his.

"I slept really well but I also had the craziest dream ever. I literally dreamt that I was racing in the same race where Lauda crashed, and I somehow survived, even though he crashed into me first and then to the wall. And honestly I would really like to go karting in the future. I can already feel the pressure from the wind that you would try breaking going so fast. But I guess you do know that feeling since you have done that for like 10+ years right?"

I looked over at Ollie who was surprised. I guess he just wasn't used to me talking that much, and anyone talking that much just after waking up.

"Well, I do know that feeling. But may I ask where the fuck you just got that much energy from. You literally just woke up." The boy's eyes were still a tad closed. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

I started explaining my diagnosis to him and that I normally take pills before going anywhere to actually be able to focus and not wobble too much. He looked interested, and asked questions. It was like he really wanted to understand how I feel, and maybe also how living with me would be like.

"Okay, so let me do a recap. Without your pills it's like a party in your head where multiple people are yelling and the music is loud, and that makes you just talk about everything on earth couse of an overload. But with the pills it's just peace and quiet?" He seemed to understand ADHD but again it's not everyone that experiences it the same way.

"Yeah exactly. But that's just recapped and well not everyone has it the same way. But actually going back to the sleeping topic did you know that sea otters hold hands while sleeping to not drift away from each other? Kind of like we did today. So technically we could say that we slept like sea otters"

Ollie laughed "that's actually really sweet, but also really random. Also i'm starting to get hungry so how about we go make some breakfast and we can continue talking there?"

To be honest I was getting quite hungry as well, so I got out of bed without even hesitating.

Meet me at the hotel roomOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant