Chapter six

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(Forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room. You can bring your girlfiends and meet me at the hotel room)

I woke up early to make sure that I had everything ready. I made my usual french toast and a cup of fruit tea. The speaker woke up with me. I use music to relax and get in the match day zone.

Martha woke up to the smell of my toast. She walked into the kitchen and begged me to make her some as well.


Our ride to the sports hall arrived. The bus was ready to drive us there. All the girls got in and of course at least one of them had a big speaker. She turned on baby by Justin Biber and the whole bus burst out singing.

I'm sure the driver was vibing as well. Even though the bus had twice as many seats as people we filled the whole bus.


I was done with my warm up and got out to the court for the official warm up. I decided to take a look into the stands. And there he was. Oliver freaking Bearman. He was sitting there in the front row. How dare he even show up. He wasn't even brave enough to text me in all this time. But here he is. I didn't even have to look for too long when we made eye contact. Oliver smiled at me, but I decided to ignore him like he had done for the past few months. I was mad at him, and he had to feel at least a bit of my pain.


Even when the warmups began I couldn't stop looking over at him. Just to see if I wasn't hallucinating. He was looking at me, and me only. None of the others caught his eye. I felt some kind of relief.


"Sof concentrate. Get your eyes off that guy. Pretend like he isn't here. Pretend like you don't know him. But I can't. He is here. And he's here for me. I know it. But the match must go on. I have to concentrate if I want to win."


The match began. I was stressed the whole time. Stressed like I never was before. I kept thinking about Oliver. Knowing he was right next to me made me excited. I was finally able to take control of my body when I saw how far behind my team was.

" POLAND NEEDS 7 WHOLE POINTS IF THEY EVEN WANT TO HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN". The commentator was shouting. I had to do something to earn those points.

The serve crossed the net to our side and got received easily. Martha was about to set the ball.

"BEHIND YOU". I shouted so she knew that I was ready.

She set the ball perfectly behind her.

Now it's my time to shine.

I could see the ball move over to me. It all felt like it was in slow motion. I ran to the ball. Jumped as high as I could, and swung my arm right through the air where the ball was. I could feel the burning sensation of the hit. The ball went straight to the floor on the opponent's side. No one even had the time to react. As I was landing I saw a girl sliding to get it. Even though it was already dead. I did it. We did it. Now we just have to serve some good serves and the first place will be ours.

First serv went over the net. I could feel it flying over my head. The ball was received, but to our luck, was received wrong.

Second serv was an ace. The ball hit the floor.

And that's how the serves went.



The cheers of fans stormed from the stands. I was proud to represent such a beautiful nation. We got on the podium and got our medals and the trophy.

The national anthem played. Everyone was so loud that the background music was impossible to hear, yet everyone sang in harmony.

Those moments are worth everything.


We changed into some casual clothes and made our way to the bus, when I had to use the bathroom. I left my backpack and went to do my stuff. I came back, grabbed my back and ran out to the bus.


"I kinda miss Oliver. I miss his sight. I miss his eyes. I miss his voice. I miss his smile. I miss him."


The team decided to do an afterparty in one of the nearby clubs. But since I'm only 15 I'm not allowed to enter one. So I stayed home. I had my own little party with some nice food and music. I had a nice time on my own. I had to put my match clothes in the washing machine. I started unpacking my bag when I saw a little paper fly out of my bag. I took the paper and read it.

"Meet me at the hotel room.

Hilton hotel Rio de Janeiro Copacabana, room 163"

"I wonder who put this here."

I was staying in that hotel so why not check. 

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