Chapter twenty two

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She asked me if I do this everyday, I said often. Asked how many times she rode that way, not so often. Bitches down to do it either way, often. Baby I can make that pussy rain, often. Often, often, girl I do this often. Make that pussy poppin. Often, often. Do it how I want it.

I was sitting with Ollie in his room. I kind of teased him about the girlie stuff he had in there, even though I knew it was his sister's.

His sister wasn't home yet. Oliver kept talking about how she is, and what they usually do together.

"My sister is the type of person who likes to play a lot of games. You know hide and seek right?"

I looked at him sarcastically.

"Nahhhh, we don't have that kind of stuff in either Denmark nor Poland. Of course i know it you idiot" I said as openly sarcastic as I could.

Ollie put his head in my lap. His eyes were looking straight at me.

"You know I've been wondering about something." He said, looking away from me again.

"Yes? I'm listening"

"Why haven't I asked you to be my girlfriend yet?"

My cheeks were burning red now.

"I don't know. Why haven't you? How dare you not ask me that"

I liked to fool around with him.

"Okay than. Since I haven't done that yet I must say. Sofia, since the first time I saw you in that match in Italy, I knew I liked you. You immediately made me smile. And then at the restaurant when I finally had the chance to actually have a talk with you, I realized that you're all that I'm looking for in my life. So, Sofia, would you like to be my girlfriend.?"

I was speechless. My hands flew up on my face at first, trying to cover my red cheeks. And then around Oliver.

"Of course I do!"

Ollie's hands joined mine as our fingers braided together.

We were finally officially together.

"But, ehm, Sofia. Since both me and you are, well, kind of public. Should we announce it?".

I didn't know what to say. I mean I did want to. But then people would be all around and over us.

"How about this? We can be friends in public and lovers in private. At Least like 3 months, cause I know people will find out after that. And if they don't, then we will say it."

Ollie nodded, and we agreed to not tell anyone but family and the closest friends.

"Oliver, Sofia, dinner is ready!" Terri called us downstairs.

"We better go down or else my dad will eat it all." Ollie joked.

We walked down the stairs and sat down at the table. Oliver sat next to me and across from me was now a girl. She looked exactly like I would imagine Ollie in a female version.

"Omg, I have been so excited to meet you!" She put her hand out in front of me, waiting for me to shake it.

"I'm Amelie, Ollie's sister. You must be his girlfriend right? I heard you would arrive today so I was exited the whole day, and I have a little gift for you"

"Yup that would be right. I'm Sofia but I would prefer you to call me Sof or another nickname that you can come up with."

While I was presenting myself, she reached into her pocket and fished out a knotted bracelet. It was light blue and white made in a pattern that kind of resabled hearts.

"Awwww, how sweet of you. I think I also might have a thing or two for you in my bag." I saw her eyes light up and a smile appeared. She ran around the table and gave me a hug which I returned.

"Okay Amelie, I think it's time to eat. You can go and talk with Sofia and Ollie after, okay?"

Terri took out the food and placed it in the middle of the table.

Ollie put some food on his plate and reached for mine. But of course my independent mind refused his help. 

Meet me at the hotel roomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن