Chapter twenty

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I threw a wish in the well. Don't ask me I never tell. I looked at you as it fell, and now you're in my way. I trade my soul for a wish. Pennies and dimes for a kiss. I wasn't looking for this but now you're in my way.

I walked out to the gates where Ollie said he would be. I was looking for him everywhere but didn't seem to find him.

The waiting area was nearly empty so I sat down on one of the chairs waiting for him.

I opened instagram and posted a story from the airport. While it was loading, I noticed a big shadow over me. I turned my head and saw the biggest smile.

"Ollie!" I jumped out of the chair and over to his arms. " Oh how I have missed you!"

Oliver smirked "Now you won't. You'll quite the opposite get enough of me."

I laughed and hugged him even tighter. My foot hit the suitcase as I felt my feet leave the ground.

"How about we get out of here and get going to Chelmsford?" He said, setting me down on the floor again.

I bent down to reach my sports bag and suitcase, but Ollie already had them. I took one bag from him so he didn't have to take both, and walked out of the airport.

"My car is over there but what would you say to put the stuff there and walk around for a bit?

I nodded.

Ollie took my hand and walked over to the car. I put my stuff in the back and closed the trunk. Oliver was taking his hoodie off and putting it in the car as well.

I was used to hearing how cold London was but apparently it wasn't that bad. Daniel used to tell me that it constantly rained and that it was really windy. But here I am in London wearing a t-shirt and I'm too hot.

Ollie showed me around for a bit. He did know the place like his pocket, so he was my tour guide.

We walked a bit around the airport talking and then went back to the car.

Ollie opened the door for me before I even could reach for it.

"Mademoiselle" He said, opening the door. I knew he was teasing around. I bowed and sat down. The boy went over to the other side and sat down in the driver's seat. He handed me the AUX cable and told me to put some music on.

"So, what plans do you have for us for the next week?" I asked him.

Ollie took one of his hands from the steering wheel and held my hand.

"Well I can't say much, but there will definitely be some exploring and sport."

I liked that idea. I know that London has a beautiful museum. It had been my dream to visit it for the longest time. And I hoped that Ollie would take me there.

"I know you like museums, and astronomy so trust me you'll like it." He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

We drove for around 40 minutes and through all that time we talked. Ollie's laugh was such a nice thing to hear. I think I'm falling even more in love.

We drove to the national museum and walked around for a bit. Ollie got fascinated about some dinosaur bones, and since I had a little dinosaur phase I could tell him some fun facts.


Ollies mom opened the door.

"Hello darling, oh, you're so much prettier than I imagined. Oliver maybe does have good taste,haha. But come on in, I'll show you around and help you pack out. Oliver, are you guys sleeping in one room or two separate?".

I already liked his mom. She sounded like the sweetest person. Her style wasn't bad either, she had a pretty relaxed outfit. Sweatpants and a nice t-shirt. I followed her and Ollie in.

"Ehm, I don't know. Depends on Sofia."

"I would prefer one room." I said, trying not to sound rude in any way.

"Okay than, I think I'll place you two in Olivers old room."


"Old room? I thought he lived here in Chelmsford. I guess not"


I went in with his mom into ollie's room and packed out my stuff. Oliver's mom helped me a lot. Even though I didn't have much with me. Ollie went somewhere with his dad and left me with his mom. I really enjoyed it. His mom showed me some baby pictures of him and some of his stuff that he had left behind.

Ollie came home with his dad after what he called it "a bonding and tiring trip".
As he entered the house a dog came running. I got down from the couch to pet it

"Mom, why are my albums on the table? Wait no don't tell me you showed Sofia my pictures"
Ollie walked over to me and sat down in the empty spot next to me.

"Well, I thought it would be fun so she can see how much you changed Ollie"
He looked over at his dad in disbelief.

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