Chapter thirteen

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Can you handle the curves? Can you run all the lights? If you can, baby boy, then we can go all night. 'Cause i'm zero to sixty in 3,5. Baby you got the key. Now shut up and drive.

I walked back into the kitchen where Oliver was making french toast. It was his idea mainly. I was more hungry for a bowl of fruit loops.

"Sof, can you get one more egg from the refrigerator? And the milk"

The fridge was full of different exotic fruits. I took the milk and the egg for Ollie, and took out a passionfruit. My idea was to spice up the toasts, and make a passionfruit topping.

Since Ollie had already made me my portion, I took it and put a bit of passionfruit between each toast. Oliver turned around to see what I was doing and smiled awkwardly.

"That looks interesting."

"Wanna taste?"

I got a fork and a knife from the drawer, and cut him a bite size piece.

"Open wide, the car needs a pit stop" I joked. The boy nearly choked himself with saliva. I put the food in his mouth and waited for a reaction.

"So, was it good?" I looked up at him.

"Interesting flavour combination. Eggs and fruits. Haven't tasted that before. But it's actually really good. Better than a typical British breakfast. Would you mind doing the same thing to mine?"


"He liked them. He actually likes my stupid ideas."


I made the same mixture again and filled Ollies toast with it. We sat down in the dining room and ate the food.

"What are your plans after the season?" The boy looked at me with toast on his fork.

"Well we did win so probably some celebrating with Diana and; Oh shit I didn't tell you about who she is. Since it's important for the topic then I'll tell you. So, Diana is a friend that i met back in my old volleyball club and well she made the best first impression you'll ever hear. She literally just walked over to me and said something like "Hello I'm Diana and honestly I have no idea what to do but your coach told me to help you". And well the fun thing was that I neither knew what to do. So that is who Diana is and well I'll probably be celebrating with her when I come back. But apart from that no idea. How about you?" I said in one breath. And realised afterwards that i probably said the most random stuff that I could.

I looked up from my plate and caught Ollie speechless. I really wished I could take a picture of his face. He looked so cute and so confused at the same time.

"First of all stop laughing. I'm impressed at how you could say all that in one breath. Second of all, Diana seems really nice. And well I have a break in like two weeks so maybe you would want to go with me and my family on vacation?"

I nearly choked on my food. Ollie laughed.

"I know it's kind of unexpected and all, but I don't know when we would met if not then"

I was definitely not expecting this. An Invitation for a vacation!? I've only seen this man twice! But honestly a vacation sounds nice and even better if it's with him. I accepted the offer.

"I can already feel how nice it's gonna be, probably the best one yet. But I gotta get going so could you send me the details later today?"

Ollie looked as if something just woke him up from a great dream. He got up and found his phone.

"Could you write your number then? And this time remember to save it." He joked. I took the phone and put in my number this time making sure to save it.

Then I remembered that I didn't take any clothes with me, and the ones that I came in here with were in the washing machine. Oliver looked at me. He probably saw me stressing a bit.

"You can keep that. Like I said yesterday it looks better on you anyways."

His eyes pointed over at the clothes I was wearing

"I swear you're a lifesaver" I hugged him.

I walked over to the door with Ollie following behind me. I put on my slippers and took my zip up hoodie.

"Well i think it's the time to say goodbye." he walked over to me and hugged me tightly. 

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