"Wait. Wait!" Lillian called out, jumping up from her seat. She stumbled a little, grabbing her balance as she ran over to Daryl. "You can't go."

Daryl scoffed. "Why not?"

"Daryl—" Lillian sighed. "He killed Randall," Lillian continued in a hushed tone. She adverted her eyes to the ground as she spoke the last part. "He tried to kill me."

"I'll be back." Daryl completely dismissed her in a grumbled tone. Lillian furrowed her eyebrows, she expected this. Of course he didn't care. She watched as he walked out of the house. She turned around and looked at everyone who stayed seated, they watched but didn't seem like they heard what Lillian had said. She was grateful for that but she did feel like crying as tears burned her eyes. She quickly blinked them away, not wanting to cry in front of everyone.

"He'll be back, honey." Carol reassured her from her previous spot. Growling noises could be heard from outside of the house. Lillian turned around and quickly walked out of the door. She quietly shimmied in front of Glenn to see what the noise had need and what they were looking at. Her eyes widened as it turned out to be a massive herd of walkers approaching the house. That's when a couple of others came out of the house to see as well.

"Patricia, kill the lights." Hershel whispered.

"I'll get the guns." Andrea told them. Both her and Patricia went back inside.

"Maybe they're just passing, like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn suggested. Lillian thought about it logically, it would make sense if they were all really quiet and walked on their tippy toes.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about." Daryl retorted. "A herd that size would rip the house down." Okay, maybe it wasn't all that logical. Lillian suddenly felt really intimidated by the walkers.

"Carl and Colton are gone." Lori came out side, speaking frantically.

"What?" Daryl questioned.

"They were upstairs. I can't find them anymore."

"Maybe they are hiding." Glenn suggested.

"They're supposed to be upstairs. I'm not leaving without my boy." Lori stated.

"Colton isn't up there?" Maggie asked urgently, running back into the house.

"We're not." Carol reassured. "We are gonna look again. We're gonna find him." A group of them went inside to search the house.

Daryl turned and looked down at Lillian. "Go inside."

"I wanna help."

"You've done enough." Daryl grumbled, his voice stern as he looked right at her. Lillian wanted to break down and cry right then.

"Come on, sweetheart. Help us look." Carol walked up behind Lillian, placing a hand on her shoulder. Lillian looked up at Carol to see that she was giving Daryl a mean look before she guided them inside. When Lillian got inside, she immediately looked under the couches. She thought that it might have been stupid but you never know. But realistically if the boys weren't inside, they definitely weren't hiding anywhere in there either.

"The barns on fire." Beth announced, looking out the window. Patricia walked over to the window looking through as well. Lillian got off the ground and sighed as she sat on the couch instead.

"They're headed for it. Maybe Rick set it to draw 'em in." Patricia announced.

"I can't find them anywhere." Lillian turned to see Lori running down the stairs. She immediately stood up, pretending that she was doing something.

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