37. Being tortured.

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Lost in thought, I found myself standing in the kitchen, my mind consumed by the events that had unfolded earlier in the day. The memory of Alpha Scott stepping in to stop Alpha Dominic from marking me lingered in my mind.

Relief flooded through me as Alpha Dominic was stopped before he could mark me, but it was quickly overshadowed by concern for him. I couldn't bear to see him hurt, and there was a longing inside me to help him, to ease whatever pain he was feeling.

In an attempt to restrain him, Alpha Scott and a few other pack warriors hurried forward but Alpha Dominic's strength was almost second to which was astonishing to see.

I thought he was weak along with his pack?

Alpha Dominic marking me stirred a complex mix of emotions within me. While part of me felt a primal urge to submit to him completely, another part of me struggled with the idea of surrendering myself so completely to his dominance.

I shook my head, attempting to chase away the thoughts that were threatening to overwhelm me.

Not only was I being affected by the pack sucking my enegry dry, but I was also being affected by my constant hunger for Alpha Dominic, which appeared to be becoming stronger every day and for which there was nothing I could do.

I was unable to refrain from staring at the vacant seat next to Mathew, which was Alpha Dominic's regular dining spot. It was odd not to see him there; his absence was like having a hole in our daily schedule.

Yesterday morning he had made breakfast for me with a smiley face inside the egg.

He must be hungry. Had he eaten Linda's breakfast she had given him?

Definitely not!

I hadn't even seen where they had dragged him off to calm him.

I was jolted back to reality by Mathew's discontented expression as he nibbled on his breakfast. I frowned, concerned by his sudden change in demeanor. Thankfully, he hadn't witnessed his father's violent behavior just minutes ago.

Reaching out, I gently ruffled Mathew's hair, trying to distract him from whatever was bothering him. "What's wrong, baby boy?" I asked, my voice soft and reassuring.

Mathew sighed, pushing his food around on his plate. "I miss Daddy for bweakfast," he mumbled, his voice held sadness.

Mathew had become far accustomed to his father.

My heart clenched at his words, the ache of missing Alpha Dominic mirrored in Mathew's eyes. "I miss him too, baby boy," I admitted, my own voice tinged with longing. "But Daddy will be back soon, I promise. He has a few matters he needs to take care of first."

Thankfully I had found a way to stop Mathew from reading my mind with barrier or else he would probably freak out with what I was going through my mind not too long ago.

"Mumma, what's marking a mate?" Mathew asked innocently, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Surprised by his question, I turned to him, "Why are you asking about that pumpkin?" I replied, trying to keep my tone gentle and reassuring.

Mathew frowned slightly, clearly struggling to articulate his thoughts. "I... I heard Daddy thinking about marking mate to keep you safe," he admitted, his words coming out in a halting rush.

My heart skipped a beat at his words, a mix of emotions swirling within me. It was both heartwarming and unnerving to see how much Mathew had grown, his budding abilities allowing him to pick up on his father's thoughts.

"Well," I began, choosing my words carefully, "marking a mate is a special bond between two people, like Daddy and me. It's a way for mates to show their love and commitment to each other. When you become older you will know."

His Rejected MateWhere stories live. Discover now