18. At my place.

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"Unbelievable," I could hear Linda scoff underneath her breath, her wariness laced with a hint of disdain, as if something profound was amiss in the very fabricated story of Alpha Dominic's words.

"What does my mother dying have to do with me?" I folded my hands.

"I know you still have a heart," Alpha Dominic uttered, his words carrying a plea beneath the weight of the revelation, as if he was unraveling a long-buried secret. "Your mother's wish is to see you before she breathes her last."

The air seemed to hold its breath as the profoundness of the moment sank in. The mention of a mother's dying wish, a flicker of humanity amidst the turmoil, tugged at something deep within me. Was I as terrible as my mother? Was her last wish to apologize to me for every horrible thing she did to me?

"After all my mother has done to me, I'm supposed to go and see the woman who caused me pain?" I retorted, the bitterness of the past echoing in my words. The idea of facing the source of my wounds, even in her supposed final moments, felt like an unbearable demand on my already fractured heart.

"Is this the reason behind your relentless search for me all this time? Why didn't you disclose this truth from the very beginning last night?" I questioned Alpha Dominic, skepticism coloring my tone.

He met my gaze with a sincerity that belied regret. "I regret what I did to you, Freya. I want to make amends, and your mother's wish added urgency to finding you."

"I did not disclose it to you last night because it marked the first time seeing you after four long years. Imagine finally reuniting with the one you've been pursuing for so many seasons, only to deliver a piece of heart-wrenching news." Alpha Dominic spoke making me scoff.

"Heart-wrenching news?" and "reuniting?" seemed like a stretch, an exaggerated interpretation of a situation that held no sentimental value for me. There was no genuine reunion between Alpha Dominic and me, and the looming news about my mother's condition left me indifferent at best.

Luna Linda, visibly unimpressed by Alpha Dominic's dramatic statements, scoffed at his words before storming out of the room in a display of discontent. The tension between Alpha Dominic and me lingered, the atmosphere thick with unspoken truths and emotions left hanging in the air, unresolved.

Despite the lingering confusion, there was a silver lining in her departure. The absence of her annoying voice provided a momentary reprieve, though being left alone in the room with Alpha Dominic wasn't necessarily an improvement.

As Alpha Dominic's explanation echoed in my ears, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story. The weight of secrets, buried beneath layers of regret and unspoken apologies, left me grappling with a gnawing suspicion.

"If anything, that would be more of good news than bad news." I mentioned.

The journey to face my mother and confront the past suddenly seemed like a path veiled in pain, and I couldn't help but wonder if there were hidden motives yet to be revealed.

"Fine," I conceded, my voice carrying the weight of resignation. "I'll see my mother, but after she leaves this world, I'll leave the pack for good and return to my home. I want nothing to do with you people."

Alpha Dominic, reluctant but understanding, nodded in acknowledgment.

"When I return to your pack, I want to be isolated away from you and your..." I stopped after hearing myself.

Why would I grant them the satisfaction of leaving me alone, just as it happened in the past when I was ostracized for lacking a wolf? The wounds of the past, still tender, fueled my resolve not to be subjected to the same heart-wrenching solitude.

"When I return to your pack, I insist on residing in the east-wing of the pack house. I won't allow a repeat of the past, where I was ostracized and shunned simply for lacking a wolf. I want assurances for my son and myself. Luna Linda must be kept at a distance; I won't tolerate any threats or undue influence on our lives. I require her to leave from the house, ensuring a safe and secure environment for my child and me. While I'm there, I expect you to keep out of my way. I won't tolerate interference or attempts to control our lives." I stopped before continuing further.

"Moreover, I demand the freedom to leave when I choose. My son is my responsibility, and when the time comes for us to leave, you must not stand in my way. These are my terms," I declared, folding my hands as I fixed my gaze on Alpha Dominic. The weight of my words hung in the air, a firm assertion of my boundaries and a demand.

I observed the subtle movement of Alpha Dominic's eyes as they traversed the contours of my body. Despite my fervent desire to harbor resentment towards him, the inconvenient truth persisted — we were true mates. The more moments we shared, the more undeniable the strengthening bond between us became, ensnaring me in a connection that seemed to have a life of its own.

The struggle to distance myself was worsen by the relentless growth of our bond, a force that defied my attempts to resist. It felt like an invisible tie pulling me closer, leaving me entangled in a connection that cut across my conscious will.

Complicating matters further was the undeniable truth that Alpha Dominic had become even more striking than before. His features had taken on an enhanced allure, making it increasingly challenging to divert my gaze.

I witnessed a small smirk dancing on his lips, mischief glinting in his eyes as he locked onto mine before he spoke, his words carrying a suggestion of familiarity and shared history that ring through the unspoken depths of our connection.

"Your wish is my command, baby girl, but just so you know, no harm will come to you or my son. I plan on correcting my wrong," his words echoed, carrying a promise that, in the past, might have made my heart flutter with hope.

"I am not your baby girl, and we will never get back together," I asserted firmly, rejecting the pet name with a resolute tone that underscored my determination to maintain my independence.

"I have to go to work," I quickly excused myself, the urgency in my voice betraying the need to escape the notable weight of the atmosphere.

Alpha Dominic, a sense of urgency in his eyes, pleaded, "Let me spend the day with my son. I want to get to know him."

Reluctantly, I agreed. "Don't let him know you're his father," I cautioned Alpha Dominic, sensing his anger at the request.

"You can't expect me not to make my son aware that I'm his father." Dominic mentioned.

An understanding of the complexity of the situation passed between us, and I added, "I'll break the news when I get home." Alpha Dominic, reluctantly but with a nod of acknowledgment, agreed to the delicate arrangement.

"I have one request," Alpha Dominic's words halted me in my tracks, curiosity mingling with caution in my expression.

"What is it?" I inquired.

"My wolf has grown restless without my son and you by my side. I want to stay in the west-wing for the duration of your presence and at your place tonight. You understand how Alphas can be when their wolves are unsettled; I don't wish to resort to harming anyone just to find release," Alpha Dominic revealed, his words carrying the weight of a genuine concern.

I bit my lip, contemplating the implications of his request.

It was undeniable — Alphas, in their solitude, could be dangerous, their stability wavering when their mates or pups were missing. The revelation echoed through my thoughts, prompting contemplation on how Alpha Dominic had coped during the years of my absence. The realization struck me — he had Luna Linda to keep him company, a companion to share the burdens and temper the storm within.

"How do you plan to address that restlessness when I eventually decide to leave with my son, Alpha Dominic?" I questioned, my tone laced with a blend of curiosity and a touch of skepticism.

"It's Dominic to you; secondly, you don't have to worry about that aspect. I'll deal with it when the time arrives," he replied, the casualness of his tone masking an undertone that sparked a flicker of suspicion within me. His words carried a mysterious edge, hinting at an undisclosed plan or motive that lay beneath the surface.

"Fine, you can stay at my home."


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