36. Mine.

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I moved through the bustling pack grounds, a smile playing on my lips as I exchanged greetings with various pack members who hailed me as their Luna.

Despite the warm welcomes and the sense of belonging that surrounded me, my thoughts were solely on my son, Mathew, and Alpha Dominic.

As I moved through the pack, my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of them, wondering where they might be. The longing to see them again lingered within me, even though I had seen them mere hours ago.

I had made breakfast for the two hoping they would already come back but unfortunately they haven't.

Mathew must be hungry.

I craved the familiar comfort of Mathew's laughter and the reassuring presence of Alpha Dominic by my side.

My mind drifted back to the dream, replaying the vivid scenes of passion with Alpha Dominic. I shook my head, trying to shake off the images.

There was no way I would allow him to have such control over me, to dominate my desires like that.

But despite my efforts to push the thoughts away, I couldn't ignore the rush of heat pooling at my core. It was already affecting me, stirring up desires I didn't want to acknowledge.

Gosh how I wish I had slept longer. I would've felt his....... No!

I shook my head I needed to stay focus. Then realization hit me hard: the heat was already taking its toll, and I needed to find a way to resist it. Maybe I should take drastic measures, like sleeping with a duct tape over my mouth, to prevent myself from calling Dominic to me.

But then the question nagged at me: how could I stop my arousal from reaching Alpha Dominic? I feared I wouldn't be able to resist him for long.

I knew I had to find a way to maintain my independence and strength, even in the face of his intoxicating allure.

"When will you conceive?" The interruption pulled me out of my thoughts like a sudden slap to the face. A pack member approached me, their question sending shockwaves through my mind.

I blinked in confusion, struggling to comprehend what they were asking. "W-wait, what?" I managed to stutter out, my voice tinged with disbelief as I stared at the girl before me.

"Also, when will you have your mate Alpha Dominic mark you as his?" The female pack member giggled making my eyes widen.

"The pack's eagerly waiting for Alpha Dominic and you to have a baby," she explained. "We're all praying to the Moongoddess for this. We can't wait to have him officially make you Luna. Thank you for also bringing back Mathew to his rightful pack since he'll be the Alpha in the future." She carried  on before walking away.

Then I spotted him. Alpha Dominic among the others. My heart fluttered with a mixture of longing and frustration.

His presence, so commanding yet reassuring, drew me in despite my efforts to resist. He had Mathew by his side, Alpha Scott, the beta, and the pack warriors surrounding them.

Then my gaze settled on Alpha Dominic's shirtless body, clad in nothing more than simple grey sweatpants. I was drawn to his well-defined six-pack and his toned body, which was oozing with sweat. I was annoyed, but yet impressed by his commanding and succulent presence.

But my moment of admiration was abruptly interrupted as I spotted Linda making her way over to them. Annoyance prickled at the back of my mind as I watched her approach, feeling as though I couldn't catch a break from this whore.

All I wanted was to see my son and mate, yet this unwanted wretch seemed to continuously invade my damn presence.

Maybe if I killed her, no one would notice she's disappeared!

As I watched Linda distributing food from her baskets to my men, a flicker of confusion crossed my mind.

"Wait, did I just say my men?" I thought to myself.

Before I could dwell on it further, anger bubbled through me. Dominic knew better than to accept anything from Linda, especially food. I clenched my fists, my jaw tightening with frustration.

Just as I was about to march over to them, my attention was diverted by a sudden movement. Mathew, my smart little boy, threw the food away on the ground, his innocent expression belying his mischievous actions.

A wave of affection for my brilliant son washed over me.

Suddenly a male pack member approached me, I could see the pain etched on his face, his leg clearly injured and in need of attention. It was clear he had limped his way to me.

"I've heard you're good at healing," his voice filled with hope. "I beg for your help, they say you're good on healing others."

His request took me by surprise, but I nodded, understanding the urgency of his situation.

"I'll do my best to help," I replied, my voice soft with empathy. "Let me take a look at your leg."

With gentle hands, I examined the wound, noting the severity of the injury. It was clear that it would take more than just a simple bandage to heal it.

I nodded, as I focused on the task at hand. Closing my eyes, I summoned the healing energy within me, directing it towards the injured leg.

I could feel the torn flesh mending back together beneath my touch as the wound slowly started to heal. The pack member then tested his newly healed leg and smiled with joy in his eyes.

Then to my astonishment, the pack member kissed my hand and pulled me into a warm embrace. I was confused of how to react to his unexpected show of affection, so I just stood there, frozen, my body tense.

Just as I was about to pat his back and ease away from him, the hug was abruptly shattered when Alpha Dominic appeared in a flash, his eyes flashing red which I've never seen before.

With a growl of rage, he gripped hold of the pack member, his nails sinking into his skin as Dominic threw him away before I could even respond. His eyes were flashing with possessive fury.

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the nearby pack members as they witnessed the sudden display of dominance. I could hear their voices, a mixture of shock and apprehension, as they watched Alpha Dominic's actions unfold before them.

"Dominic," I whispered.

My heart raced as Alpha Dominic turned his attention to me, his teeth extending into fangs as he pulled me close, his grip possessive. I swallowed hard, my eyes widening in shock as I realized the gravity of the situation.

If it wasn't for the situation I was in, then I'd surely take time into assessing how effortlessly he pulled me into his arms.

My blood ran warm with a mixture of adrenaline and fright, sending a tingling sensation down my spine.

His teeth were just inches from my neck, and I was unable to take my eyes off of him as his warm breath caressed my skin. An adrenaline rush coursed through my body as I realized what was going to happen next.


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