23. Mother Dearest.

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"Now, Matthew, I need you to remember something very important," I began, holding him close in my arms. "Listen carefully, okay?"

His eyes widened with curiosity as he nodded eagerly, his small frame pressed against mine.

"Never trust my family or anyone from the pack," I emphasized, my voice firm but gentle. "They are not good people, and it's important to keep your distance from them."

Matthew nodded solemnly, taking in my words with a seriousness beyond his years. "And what about your powers?" I prompted gently.

His brow furrowed slightly as he concentrated on remembering. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone about them," he replied, his voice soft but resolute.

"That's right," I praised, a proud smile spreading across my face. "You're doing great, Matthew."

I playfully pinched his cheeks, earning a delighted giggle from him as he leaned into my touch. "I'm proud of you, my little champ," I said, planting a kiss on his forehead.

Lately, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was burdening my son with an abundance of bad news, leaving me with a sense of sadness and disappointment.

After enduring mistreatment from the pack, I was vigilant in protecting my son from any potential manipulation or exploitation by them. I had learned the hard way that they were not to be trusted.

"Grandma had very bad things to say about you, Mumma," Mathew's innocent voice broke through my thoughts as he hugged me tightly, his words catching me off guard.

My heart sank at the mention of Alpha Dominic's mother's thoughts. Even with my efforts to shield him from the toxicity, it seemed their thoughts had still managed to seep into his mind. I held him closer, vowing silently to shield him from any further harm.

My son would only hang around kids his age and caring adults in my pack, so he wasn't used to hearing such hateful thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I was completely flabbergasted. This was not good.

"I didn't read her mind on purpose," Mathew grumbled, looking down with a hint of sadness. "She called you the b-word and a rogue, Mumma. She's mean."

I knew bringing Mathew here was a very wrong idea!

As I processed Mathew's revelation, a whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind. How could Mathew be able to read their minds while I couldn't? Was it because he's the son of Alpha Dominic, which rightfully makes him a part of this pack? But then again, he could also hear mind links with others from Alpha Scott's pack. Did it mean he could read anyone's mind?

"Make sure you don't try to read their minds again, okay, baby?" I instructed him gently, to which he nodded obediently.

I'll quickly see my mother and swiftly take my son away from this toxic environment. If I couldn't find a way to block my son's mind from reading others, I would have to find a solution quickly to ensure his safety and well-being.

"I will be right next door to you too, just in case you and Mathew need anything," Alpha Dominic's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"So, you're saying out of all the twenty-six rooms in the house, you chose the one next to ours for our convenience? What are we, human?" I couldn't help but find his way of secretly staying close to us amusing, though I'd never openly admit it.

Ignoring my playful sarcasm, Dominic continued, "I will announce your return to the pack along with the announcement of my son."

"Go up to your room, Mathew. I'll be there soon," I smiled, watching as he obediently left.

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