6. A new life.

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4 years ago....

The mix of vulnerability, overwhelming emotions, the weight of my struggles, the pain of grief and loss, all seemed to converge upon me at once. I found myself screaming beneath the pouring rain, feeling utterly lost with no one to talk to, consumed by a sense of being used, dumped, and devoid of purpose.

As the rain came down harder, I screamed even louder, a surge of intense heat overtaking my body. Suddenly, an excruciating pain like no other coursed through me, causing me to collapse onto my knees. In that moment, the memory of my first shift flooded back to me. This sensation was similar, and as my bones began to crack, I realized that I was shifting.

Moments later, I found myself in my wolf form, my white fur shimmering in the rain. A profound sense of redemption, joy, and happiness washed over me as I embraced my wolf identity for the second time.

Contemplating my next move, I pondered whether I should return to my pack, torn between the memories of my past human life and the allure of my wolf existence.

No they don't deserve me, after everything I've been through I'd never return to a horrific pack like the Silvermoon. They were the cause of my distress, they won't delight in my joy.

Picking up my bag with my mouth I sprinted off into a direction. I didn't know where I was going, soon the rain stopped, I glanced up at the sky confused. There behold was a rainbow in the sky, usually it would be in the day but never in the night?

I ran to my hearts content before finding a tree somewhere, I laid my bag and laid my head to rest contented with a smile on my face.

I lay beneath the sprawling oak tree, its leaves rustling gently in the breeze, providing me with a comforting canopy. The world around me seemed to blur as exhaustion washed over me.

My eyelids grew heavy, and before I could summon the strength to resist, a strong hand gently cradled me, effortlessly lifting me into their arms. The sensation of being carried was both strange and oddly soothing, like a dream merging with reality.

I tried to protest, to utter a word of surprise, but my fatigue was overwhelming. My voice remained trapped within, and all I could do was surrender to the warm embrace, my body aching with weariness. As I drifted away, I felt myself slipping into a deep slumber, the world fading into obscurity.

The next day when I awoke, it was with a start, my surroundings unfamiliar. The soft light filtering through a modest window revealed a small yet cozy room. I was nestled beneath a warm quilt, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air.

I blinked away the remnants of sleep, my eyes scanning the room as I began to piece together my surroundings. An initial sense of confusion gave way to mild alarm as I realized I was dressed in fresh clothes that weren't mine. The realization set my heart racing, questions swirling in my mind. How had I come to be here? And who had dressed me?

My gaze darted to a corner of the room, where my bag lay neatly placed. Relief washed over me as I recognized my belongings. At least, it was some semblance of familiarity.

As I contemplated my situation, the door quietly swung open, and two women entered. They both wore friendly smiles, their expressions warm and welcoming, but my fear lingered because I didn't know them.

The first woman had a gentle demeanor, her kind eyes framed by glasses. Her dark hair was pulled back in a neat bun. The second woman was younger, with a more vibrant energy about her, and her cheerful disposition seemed to contrast with my unease. She had a warm, freckled complexion and curly red hair that added a burst of color to the room.

"Hello, dear," the older woman began, her voice soft and soothing. "I'm Nurse Emily, and this is Nurse Sophie. You're in safe hands here."

I tried to muster a response but found my voice caught in my throat. My heart pounded as I struggled to process the situation, my wariness overshadowing the friendly introduction of these unfamiliar caregivers.

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