10. Not what I had expected.

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Frozen in shock, I couldn't budge or utter a word as his menacing growl filled the air. His massive black wolf loomed, startlingly conspicuous. How had I missed his presence, and the pressing question lingered – did he catch a glimpse of my true wolf form?

A surge of awareness hit me when his eyes trailed over my body, snapping me back to reality. Swiftly, I snatched my clothes and dressed, all the while feeling the weight of his unwavering gaze. My face burned as the blunt intensity of the moment unfolded, a rush of blood adding to the surreal encounter.

As he shifted back into his human form, my eyes traced the mesmerizing shift from wolf to human. I found myself captivated, taking in every nuance of the metamorphosis.

Yet, before I could fully grasp the significance of the moment, a rush of self-consciousness swept over me, and I averted my gaze as he effortlessly slipped into a pair of shorts.

The contours of his chest were a testament to raw strength – a canvas of stone-hard, well-defined muscles that seemed to ripple with every movement.

His towering frame exuded a quiet power, the kind that commands attention without uttering a word. In the moonlit night, his blue eyes held a subtle luminescence, adding an enigmatic allure to the scene.

Caught in this surreal display, I couldn't help but feel a magnetic pull, an unspoken connection to the unfolding mysteries that lay beneath the surface of his formidable exterior.

I stood there, feeling both vulnerable and resolute, facing the man I had run away from four years ago, Alpha Dominic.

Alpha Dominic, with his azure eyes that had haunted my thoughts for years, stood before me, just a few feet away. His presence was commanding, and the weight of our past actions and choices settled heavily in the air.

For a timeless pause, neither of us moved, the unspoken weight of the past settling between us. The howling wind was the only sound, the world holding its breath.

And then, at last, Alpha Dominic spoke, his voice low and filled with a mixture of emotions I couldn't quite decipher. "Freya, it's been too long."

In response, I denied any knowledge of the name. "I don't know of any Freya you speak of."

Undeterred, he asserted, "Even though your appearance may be altered, Freya, my wolf and I can detect our mate from a mile away. I sensed something was amiss when my wolf grew anxious about finding his mate nearby today, plus I know my mate's body." His rationale hung in the air, his eyes casting down to my body once again.

In the wake of his revelation, I chose silence, an aloof response to Alpha Dominic's softened voice.

His words carried a weight of remorse as he continued, "I've searched for you for years, Freya. The pack has suffered in your absence, and I've been living with the guilt of my choices."

Meeting his gaze, I felt a swirl of emotions between us. Yet, my response held a cold, distant tone. "Guilt isn't enough, Alpha Dominic. You caused me immeasurable pain, and I've built a new life away from Silvermoon." The echoes of past wounds lingered, casting a shadow over the possibility of reconciliation.

A step closer, and Alpha Dominic's eyes reflected a tumultuous blend of longing and regret. "I know I can't change the past, Freya, but I want to make amends. Come back, for the pack, for your family, and for me," he implored.

His plea met with my scoff. "Why, Alpha Dominic? What's your true motivation? Why would I ever return to that pack? Have you forgotten? I was rejected; I'm no longer a part of your pack."

I remained distant, my decision unshaken. "I will never come back, Alpha Dominic. My path is different now, and I can't risk reopening old wounds."

As we stood in the moonlit forest, Alpha Dominic's voice softened, and he said, "Freya, you don't need to call me Alpha Dominic. You can call me Dominic instead."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in response. "Why is that, Alpha Dominic?"

Dominic's gaze held a mix of weariness and a hint of a knowing smile. "You know why, Freya."

My voice held a touch of sarcasm as I scoffed, "Do I? Enlighten me, Alpha Dominic."

The tension between us was still present, and the unspoken history lingered in the air.

"Freya," Dominic began, his voice filled with realization, "you can go against my instructions, can't you? You've always had that ability because you're my mate."

I scoffed at his words, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "Your true mate is Luna Linda, not me. You and your parents made that entirely clear that day you rejected me as your worthless mate."

"Don't say that, back then I was confused, immature and stupid, Freya." I scoffed.

Dominic's azure eyes held a mix of emotions as he sensed my wolf's presence, and he smiled, a hint of warmth in his expression. "When did you shift, Freya?"

"I like your hair and your...." Dominic trailed off, his eyes trailing down my body seductively, clearly taking in my curves which was thanks to my son of course.

Foolishly my skin tingled loving the way he was taking me in.

As our conversation hung in the air, I felt a sudden, inexplicable pull deep within me. It was an urge, an overwhelming desire that tugged at my very being. My heart raced, and my instincts screamed at me to be in his arms, to mate with him, and to never let him go.

Overwhelmed and frustrated by this sudden and powerful sensation, I blurted out, "Stop it, Dominic."

His expression mirrored my confusion, and he replied, "Freya, I can't control what my wolf feels. It's my wolf, and he wants his mate. He's calling your wolf."

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, that underlying bond between mates, and it left me both vulnerable and conflicted. This was all new to me, considering it was the first time my wolf ever responded so desiringly to another wolf.

As the intense connection between us persisted, I couldn't help but demand, "How did you manage to find me, Dominic? I've been hidden for years, and I should have been able to detect any wolf nearby."

Dominic's eyes held a cryptic glint as he responded, "I have my ways, Freya."

His answer left me confused and unsettled, a growing sense of unease settling in as the mysteries of the night deepened around us.

As Dominic's enigmatic response hung in the air, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of relief. Perhaps he didn't know about the unique nature of my wolf. However, the weight of his presence now knew of my location, and that left me wondering how much longer I could hide our son from him.

Breaking the silence, Dominic's voice held a stern edge, and he finally spoke with a determination that cut through the tension. "Freya, I'm here to make things right. To apologize for the pain I've caused and to offer my support."

I turned to face him, my own resolve unyielding. "Dominic, it's too late. My life is different now, and I will never go back. Your support is not needed."

With those words, I walked away, leaving the moonlit forest behind, my footsteps echoing my unwavering decision, and the knowledge that my life was about to change in ways I couldn't predict.


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