31. Making progress.

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Third party Pov

As Linda paced back and forth in her room, her mind seethed with anger and frustration. The thought of being stripped of her position as Luna filled her with a white-hot rage, a fire burning in her chest as she plotted her next move.

"I have to find a way to stop that bitch Freya," she seethed to herself, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. She refused to let some upstart usurp her rightful place by Alpha Dominic's side.

But before she could formulate a plan, the sound of footsteps interrupted her thoughts. Turning towards the door, her heart pounded in anticipation as Carolyn marched into the room, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

"Well, well, well," Carolyn chimed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Looks like someone's not happy they're going to lose their precious title soon."

Linda's eyes narrowed at the taunt, her anger flaring at the smug expression on Carolyn's face. But before she could respond, Carolyn continued, her smirk widening with each word.

"You know, Linda," Carolyn said, her tone cautious. "There might just be a way to ensure that Freya doesn't become Alpha Dominic's Luna after all. But it'll require a bit of... creativity."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Linda's eyes at the suggestion, her mind racing with possibilities. Whatever Carolyn had in mind, she was willing to do whatever it took to reclaim her rightful place at Alpha Dominic's side.

"What is it?" Linda pressed eagerly, hanging on Carolyn's every word.

Carolyn's smirk widened as she leaned in conspiratorially. "There's a heat coming up, as the oracle has whispered to me." she explained. "With the pack getting better, it means they'll be fit to have kids again. All you have to do is pretend you were attacked by pack members who don't want you to be Luna."

A devious smile played across Linda's lips as she considered the possibilities. It was a risky plan, but if successful, it would ensure that Freya's ascent to Luna would be derailed indefinitely.

"And then what?" Linda prompted, eager to hear the rest of Carolyn's scheme.

Carolyn's eyes gleamed with mischief as she revealed the final piece of the puzzle. "Once Alpha Dominic obliges and allows you to stay in the pack headquarters with him, you wait a day before the heat to happen," she explained. "And then, you dose a drink of his with the potion the oracle gave you."

Linda's heart raced with excitement as the pieces fell into place. It was a cunning plan, one that would not only thwart Freya's ambitions but also secure her own position as Luna once and for all.

Linda's smirk widened at the thought of Freya's inevitable downfall, her mind already envisioning the chaos and turmoil her pregnancy would bring to Freya.

"Once I'm pregnant, Freya will be hurt by Dominic's betrayal that he slept with me and got me pregnant and then she'll run back to her pack," she mused, a malicious gleam in her eyes.

Carolyn chuckled in agreement, the sound echoing with dark amusement. "And the pack will definitely accept you back with open arms," she added, a sly grin playing at her lips.

But then, Linda's expression shifted, confusion clouding her features as a nagging question tugged at her thoughts.

"Where did you get the information that there was going to be a heat?" she asked, her brow furrowing in suspicion. "Usually, we wouldn't know. It would just happen."

Carolyn's grin widened, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she leaned in closer. "The oracle told me," she whispered, her voice tinged with excitement. "She said it was a vision she had, a glimpse into the future."

Linda's eyes widened in realization, a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. If the oracle had foreseen the heat, then their plan was all but guaranteed to succeed.

With the power of prophecy on their side, there was no way Freya could stop their ambitions.

"Wait, did the oracle see me pregnant with Dominic's baby in the future?" she asked, her voice mixed with hope.

"No," Carolyn said watching as Linda sighed, "Thankfully she has not seen if you do not have a child for Dominic which means it's not bad at all." Carolyn further added making her smile.

But as Carolyn's response made her hopeful, confusion clouded Linda's features once more. "Then what did the oracle take from you to give you such information?" she questioned, puzzled by the oracle's cryptic revelations.

To Linda's surprise, Carolyn's answer only deepened the mystery. "She took nothing," Carolyn replied, her voice low with a smirk. "The oracle has her own plans, and it seems she's on our side too."

Linda's mind whirled with possibilities as she processed Carolyn's words. If the oracle was truly on their side, then their chances of success had just increased tenfold.

But the oracle's silence on Dominic's future offspring only added to the intrigue, leaving Linda wondering what other secrets the future held.

Linda felt a burst of confidence from Carolyn's remarks, and her lips turned into a smirk. Her voice dripped with satisfaction, "And here I thought things were looking bad on my side," she said. "I just need to get through his rejection for tonight, and then I'll put my plan into action."

Carolyn nodded in agreement, her expression echoing Linda's determination.

"Having Freya as Luna is a no for me, she's too problematic and as too much control over my son." she affirmed, her tone resolute. "Plus, I can already feel my vitality coming back as long as she stays at the pack then I'll be good."

The prospect of Freya's downfall filled Linda with a sense of vindication, her resolve strengthened by the knowledge that victory was within reach and I can then rub it into that bitch's face.

With Carolyn by her side and the oracle's guidance guiding their steps, there was no obstacle they couldn't overcome.

As the knock echoed through the room, Linda's irritation flared, her anger fueling her strides as she marched towards the door, ready to unleash her fury on whoever dared to disturb them.

But as she swung open the door, her words died on her lips, replaced by a gasp of shock and horror.

Standing on the other side of the door was a male, his presence that of an omega as he met Linda's gaze with a steady intensity. And then he uttered a single word that sent a chill down her spine.



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