19. A soon to be son?

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Luna Linda's Pov

"Ughhhh." I thrashed everything in our room.

That fucking bitch Freya. She thought she could embarrass me like that and get away with it? She thought she could come into my life and steals whatever was mine and I sat back and let it happen? She had another thing coming.

Before she got her disgusting hands on my mate Dominic again, I'll make sure she gets what's coming to her.

How fucking dare Dominic sit there and watch as that bitch put her filthy hands on me. I'm the Luna! I will never sit back and watch my mate be taken from me.

I rejected my mate just for the sake of Dominic and now he wants to take back that bitch just because the moon goddess told him that he needed to correct his wrong by finding his true mate. Damn that Moon goddess, I'm his true mate!

The weight of Alpha Dominic's mother's expectations hung thick in the air. She pleaded with me to have sex with Dominic, to become the comfort for the unrest going through our pack.

But for an enduring four years since Freya vanished, yet Dominic hardly ever touched me after Freya left even while his mother begged him to, his emotions protected against my every attempt to seduce.

A restless longing settled within for alpha Dominic, a yearning unfulfilled by failed seductions. Dominic's numb resistance erected a barrier, leaving me with an ache for a connection slipping through my fingers.

Worse Dominic's mother was growing increasingly impatient with me, her constant nagging always irritating me but yet her urgency mirrored my own quiet yearning for the laughter of a child.

I wanted a child. I watched all my friends have their pup yet being marked by the alpha for so long without a child made me look weak and like a laughingstock for the entire pack.

His mother's words keep flashing in my mind, "You've been Luna for four years and you still haven't managed to conceive a son. You're a disgrace. Imagine I went out of my way to get rid of his mate and you can't even manage to produce an heir to settle the packs unrest."

Her words made me angry each time I heard it, another reason why I can't let Freya come back and have a child for Dominic, my ego would never let that happen, that would be disgraceful for me.

Alpha Dominic, too caught up in keeping the truth a secret, lacked the spine to confess the truth to Freya. The realization sparked a scheming plot within me.

As I contemplated the secret, a sinister plan took shape in my head. When Freya stumbles upon the hidden truths, her anger will never let Dominic get close to her again. I'll ruin any reunion between the two by having his baby.

The very reason Alpha Dominic sought her out would be my ace – a cunning advantage I eagerly planned to exploit. The prospect of disrupting their fragile reunion became an exciting game.

A sly, triumphant grin adorned my face as I imagine the chaos, the wreck of concealed secrets that promised to dismantle their delicate connection.

Armed with this deadly knowledge, I eagerly anticipated the moment to assert control, ready to tip the scales and manipulate that damn bitch.

Through gritted teeth, I muttered to myself, "One way or another, Freya will have to meet her demise." The venom in my words echoed the festering jealousy within me, a poison fueled by the cruel twist of fate that made Freya even more beautiful.

The bitter resentment surged as I remembered Alpha Dominic's eyes lingering on Freya, a gaze I hadn't witnessed in the four long years of being Luna.

His hungry stare devoured her, contrasting starkly with the scornful glances he reserved for me. It stung – the stark realization that I was nothing but discarded pieces compared to his precious Freya's allure.

The image of her, transformed into a goddess with porcelain skin and flowing white hair, played vividly in my thoughts. The moon goddess, in her fickle nature, seemed to have created a spell that enhanced Freya's beauty to ethereal quality as if she wasn't pretty before although I would never admit it.

I couldn't shake the bewilderment at how Freya, once a timid omega four years ago, now radiated an intimidating aura. The very essence of her being seemed more powerful, leaving me to wonder about the mysterious forces at play.

My mind churned with questions. Why was Freya suddenly so alluring? How had she become more powerful, eclipsing her former self in ways that defied explanation?

The unsettling realization gnawed at me as I grappled with the enigma of Freya's transformation, and a simmering jealousy whispered dark thoughts of revenge and disruption in the shadowy corners of my mind.

My gaze shifted to the window, revealing a scene that twisted the knife of jealousy deeper. There, Alpha Dominic stood with the boy I had seen him with earlier. The pang of bitterness intensified, morphing my earlier determination into a sinister resolve. He's always with that damn boy.

It was clear he wanted a son that's why he admired that boy so much hence the reason why I'll give him the son he needs and want.

If I had a son for him maybe he wouldn't hate me this much? I then remembered what his mother said to me, and a smirk graced my lips.

With a sinister resolve, I stealthily made my way to the oracle's chamber which I had been searching for quietly since I've been here, seeking a secret solution to secure a son from Alpha Dominic.

In the dimly lit chamber, I approached the Oracle, Sage, with a plea that slipped from my lips in hushed and desperate tone. "Sage," I whispered, my voice carrying the weight of my desperation. "I seek your guidance in a matter of great importance."

Sage's eyes, filled with a wisdom, bore into mine as she spoke up before I had the chance to.

"I know why you're here, Luna. You want a son from your Alpha mate, Alpha Dominic." She stated as I nodded my head.

Of course she would know.

"Luna Linda," Sage spoke, the tone of their voice resonating within the room. "To shape destiny requires sacrifice. What are you willing to surrender?"

It always bewildered me that even though the oracle was very old, a thousand years old, she still looked very young and beautiful, not Freya beautiful but beautiful. Ugh. No doubt the mood goddess was blessing her with not only knowledge but looks.

"Whatever it is that you may need, I will grant it to you." I begged her.

"You have nothing that I want or will need... however." She stopped before continuing. A smile forming on her lips, "Even though I'm an oracle from time to time I also need my desires sufficed or taken care of." Immediately I knew what she wanted.

"For your mate to give you a son, I will give you a potion to use, the bottle contains two droplets of love potion." Sage spoke, handing me a vial containing a liquid that shimmered with unearthly look.

"This is to be used whenever he is drinking or eating. Make sure you're the first person he sees or simply make sure no one is around whenever you give it to him. You should be in his line of view when he consumes it. You wouldn't like what happens next if he see's someone else." She says smirking.

I could've simply gone to a witch, but a witch can never be trusted, an oracle on the hand can be trusted but they always needed something in return but at least I wouldn't be double-crossed.

"Now, where were we?" I smiled.

"Fine." I stated stripping my clothes for the Oracle.


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