14. The Revelation.

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"I have to go," I uttered, as the realization hit me hard—Alpha Dominic had my son. The urgency clawed at my chest, a mix of fear and desperation pooling in my veins.

As Alpha Scott and I approached, the playground seemed to blur through a haze of anxiety. Then, amidst the laughter of children and the distant hum of the pack life, I spotted a joyous image.

There, in the midst of it all, was my precious Mathew, his giggles dancing through the air like musical notes with his father Dominic.

"Such a beautiful image, isn't it? Don't tell me you can live with ruining such a beautiful thing," Alpha Scott whispered beside me, his voice a gentle reminder of the delicate balance hanging in the air.

As I stood there, torn between the beauty of the scene and the questions that lingered, I couldn't escape the realization that life had taken an unexpected turn, presenting me with a choice that held the power to redefine the very essence of why I had runaway to start a life of my own.

I observed the captivating image of my son at play with his unexpected companion, a swirl of emotions enveloped me. The joy radiating from Mathew's laughter tugged at my heartstrings, and yet, a complex of emotions unfolded within me.

Happiness for my son's uninhibited delight warred with the uncertainty and unease provoked by the enigmatic presence of Alpha Dominic.

Dominic's interactions with Mathew painted a scene that defied expectations. The genuine delight on Dominic's face as he lifted Mathew in a playful embrace resonated with the onlookers, creating an aura of familial warmth.

It was as if, for that fleeting moment, Dominic had seamlessly slipped into the role of a father, oblivious to the fact that this playful connection was born out of circumstances unknown to him.

The crowd surrounding them stood in awe, their hushed murmurs echoing the sentiment of witnessing an unexpectedly beautiful bond.

To an outsider, it would seem as though Dominic had been a part of Mathew's life from the very beginning. The oblivious joy with which he engaged with my son suggested an instinctive connection.

Mathew, usually reserved and cautious around strangers, displayed a remarkable ease with Alpha Dominic. The way he reciprocated the playfulness was nothing short of astonishing, as if he had found in Dominic a confidant rather than a stranger.

Alpha Scott stood by my side, his demeanor thoughtful and his words carrying a weight that matched the gravity of the situation. "Alice," he began, breaking the charged silence, "I wanted to let you know about Alpha Dominic. The pack warriors, and even his beta, were struggling mere minutes ago to keep him calm. His wolf is restless, especially after finding its mate."

His revelation hung in the air like a storm on the horizon. The complexities of werewolf dynamics unfolded before me, and I couldn't help but feel the intensity of the situation deepening.

The connection between a wolf and its mate, an instinctual bond that surpassed human understanding, was at the heart of the turmoil within the pack.

"Dominic's wolf," Scott continued, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene before us, "is adamant about protecting and staying close to its mate. It doesn't want to be apart. This insistence is causing a bit of a stir within the pack. You see, everyone knows a wolf, much less an Alpha, cannot function without its mate. They become feral, and the consequences can be dire."

As he spoke, the implications of Dominic's predicament became clearer. The primal instincts of his wolf were clashing with the rationality of the human side, creating a tumultuous internal struggle.

The very essence of Dominic's identity as an Alpha was now entwined with the yearning of his wolf, a force that surpassed the boundaries of control.

Scott's words echoed the urgency of the situation. "Soon," he warned, "I'll have to restrain him. If not, then I'll have to fight him in order to protect my pack. You know how devastating it can get when two Alpha wolves fight." The unspoken weight of the impending conflict loomed in his words.

Scott's eyes sparkled with a subtle curiosity, his words dancing in the air. "On a different note," he mused, "we've stumbled upon something intriguing with Mathew. There's a unique ability he possesses—calming Alpha Dominic's wolf. A phenomenon that even Alpha Dominic finds perplexing, unaware that Mathew is, in fact, his own flesh and blood. The unspoken connection resonates in the way his wolf instinctively urges protection, a silent plea that Alpha Dominic, perplexed by its origin, has yet to decipher. The answer should be apparent, but unfortunately not."

The enigma surrounding Mathew's connection to Dominic deepened, creating a puzzle with pieces that didn't quite fit together.

"Do you know why he hasn't detected that Mathew is his child?" I mind-linked the alpha, seeking answers in the silent exchange of thoughts.

"I suppose the moon-goddess isn't making it any easier on him." I nodded as Alpha Scott suggested. This was simply the only other reason to it.

Alpha Dominic abruptly rose, the tension in the air notable. His eyes locked onto mine, and it was evident that Mathew's calming effect had worked, for he would have sensed my presence minutes ago.

The intensity of his gaze left me feeling exposed and vulnerable, wanting me to run into his arms, urging me to shift my focus toward Mathew, who remained blissfully unaware of the unfolding situation.

The unspoken exchange between Dominic and me lingered, a silent dialogue fraught with complexity. As if attuned to an unseen presence, Dominic shifted his gaze toward Mathew, following my line of sight.

The profound awareness in his eyes hinted at a realization, a connection between Mathew's mysterious calmness and the internal conflict within Dominic's wolf. The air thickened with anticipation as Dominic's gaze lingered on Mathew.

Michael stood a few feet away, intentionally maintaining a respectful distance from Dominic and Matthew.

The air held a stillness, a quiet acknowledgment that something significant was unfolding within the pack. The gaze of every pack member seemed to converge on us three, and the weight of their collective attention added to the tense atmosphere.

As the scene unfolded before them, the pack's initial concern transformed into a mix of curiosity and contemplation. All eyes, however, were not just on Dominic and Matthew but also on me, the central figure in this unexpected drama.

At that moment, Mathew's keen eyes spotted me, and with an exuberant burst of excitement, he cried out, "Mumma!" before sprinting towards me. A radiant smile adorned his face as I eagerly scooped him into my arms, his joy contagious and momentarily easing the weight of the complex situation.

As I hugged Mathew tight, I caught eyes with Alpha Dominic. In that instant, I saw a spark of recognition in his eyes. He had just realized Mathew was his son.

Alpha Dominic, his eyes now fixed on me with an intensity that cut through the atmosphere, began making his way toward us. The determined strides mirrored the tumult of emotions within him.

Everything I had tried to build for so many years now fallen apart in the span of twenty-four hour.


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