30. What Mathew wants.

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As I gathered my belongings. The decision to leave Alpha Dominic and his pack was not an easy one, but it was one that I knew I had to make for the safety of myself and my son, Mathew.

Alpha Dominic's stoic demeanor did little to mask the pain radiating from him, and despite his outward indifference, I could feel the depth of his anguish. It was a pain mirrored in my own heart.

As I glanced back at Alpha Dominic, a lump formed in my throat, threatening to choke me with the weight of my emotions. He was my mate, and the thought of leaving him behind filled me with a profound sense of loss.

I know, I know, he caused me pain but watching his entire pack and him die due to his mistake was even more heartbreaking than before.

Tears welled in my eyes as I struggled to come to terms with the enormity. With a heavy heart, I turned away from Alpha Dominic and his pack, knowing that our parting was inevitable but hoping that one day, fate would bring us together again.

As my eyes scanned the room, I couldn't help but notice the varied reactions of those gathered.

"Goodbye, Freya." My mother exclaimed, her words seemingly genuine, her words however were unsettling given our history.

Linda wore a smirk which was expected, Carolyn, however, held a glare at the ground, her hands tightened in frustration. The others remained neutral, their reactions inscrutable.

But as the front door swung open, my breath caught in my throat, a gasp escaping my lips at the sight that greeted me.

Almost the entire pack had gathered, their faces solemn as they knelt before me, offering tokens of respect and reverence. It was a gesture of unexpected humility that left me speechless, my heart swelling with confusion.

But the moment took an even more surprising turn when one of the elders stepped forward, his voice ringing out with authority. "Freya, the Luna, has come to save us all," he declared.

As I turned behind me, my heart sank at the sight of Alpha Dominic, his gaze averted and his hands folded in resignation.

But my thoughts were quickly interrupted by Linda's venomous words, her voice dripping with malice as she stepped forward. "You're not the rightful Luna, I am," she spat, her eyes blazing with anger. "Freya is nothing but a fraud!"

My mother stepped forward, her voice calm but firm as she addressed Linda.

"Mind your words, Linda," she admonished, her gaze steady as she spoke. "Freya is the rightful Luna, and you know it. The pack doesn't see you as their rightful Luna neither does the Alpha."

Linda gasped, "Dominic you see how their speaking to your mate?! Why won't you stop them?" Linda stepped forward to Alpha Dominic. Her face angered with displeasure.

The elder stepped forwards once again. "Since your return, Freya, we have witnessed remarkable improvements," he began. "Our crops are flourishing, the pack is less lifeless, and our health has noticeably improved."

His words sparked a murmur of agreement among the pack members, confirming the truth of his statement and underscoring the significance of my presence among them.

"We believe that you should stay and rule alongside Alpha Dominic," the elder continued, "Together, you can lead us to a brighter future."

If only they knew me staying here meant I'd end up dead in the end.

But before I could voice my decision, the oracle stepped forward, her expression grave as she delivered her warning. "Linda is the Luna," she insisted, her voice ringing with authority. "We should leave from here and return home Freya."

"I will remove Linda as the Luna tonight seeing as though the pack no longer see's her as their rightful Luna," he declared, his words shocking everyone in the room. "However, I will have no Luna. Freya should leave."

A collective gasp filled the air as the implications of his statement sank in. Alpha Dominic was rejecting Linda as the Luna, leaving the pack without a leader by his side. It was a bold move.

"Over my dead wolf!" Linda lashed out before storming away.

"I think this is the right move you're making son." Dominic's father acknowledged.

"You can't be serious." Carolyn rebutted, wide eyed.

Immediately something came to mind, "I have a plan." I murmured turning my attention towards Dominic.

Alpha Dominic's eyes met mine and I almost blushed, I took note in the fact that because I was this close to him, my anger for him was being replaced by our very mate bond that wanted us together.

"I could stay here and help, just until things got better. Once the attack is over then I would leave." The oracle immediately shook her head side to side rejecting my proposal.

"You know that won't work." The oracle objected.

Alpha Scott's spoke up, addressing me directly. "It should be your decision to make, Freya," he stated.

But before I could respond, the oracle stepped forward, her hand reaching out to grasp mine.

"Please, Freya, may I speak with you in private?" the oracle requested, her voice gentle but urgent.

I frowned, what could possibly be so urgent that she needed to take me away at a time like this?

Alpha Dominic intervened, his tone authoritative as he asserted his position.

"I will tell you whatever the oracle had planned to tell you in private," Alpha Dominic stated firmly, his voice brooking no argument. "But for now, there are things that need to be done. We can discuss whether you stay here or not later."

I nodded reluctantly, understanding the need to prioritize the immediate concerns facing the pack. I wondered what both had to say to me?

As Mathew's sobs echoed through the room, a pang of concern gripped my heart. I turned to look at my son, my eyes widening slightly at the sight of his tears. Mathew had been silent since learning that we were returning home, his acceptance of the situation surprising me.

But now, seeing him crying, I couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt wash over me. I knelt down beside him, wrapping my arms around him in a comforting embrace. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" I murmured, my voice soft with concern.

Mathew hiccuped between sobs, his tiny fists clutching at my shirt. "Don't want to leave Daddy," he whimpered, his words barely understandable through his tears.

My heart broke at the sound of his distress, and I held him closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I know, my love," I whispered, my voice tender as I rocked him gently. "But we'll see Daddy again soon, I promise."

Suddenly, in a swift motion, he wriggled out of my grasp and darted across the room.

"Mathew, wait!" I called out, reaching out to him, but he was already in motion. In a matter of seconds, he had reached his father's side, his tiny arms outstretched towards Alpha Dominic.

Without hesitation, Alpha Dominic swept him up, cradling him close as Mathew buried his face against his chest, his sobs gradually subsiding into quiet sniffles.

Alpha Dominic held Mathew close, his embrace warm and comforting as he whispered soothing words of reassurance. "It's okay, buddy," he murmured, his voice gentle and full of love. "Daddy's here. Everything's going to be okay."

With each tender stroke of his father's hand and each whispered word of comfort, the tension in Mathew's tiny frame began to ease, replaced by a sense of security and love.

Now I knew why he was so silent and now I knew I'd never be able to separate from Dominic.


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