034 - Begging

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*slight mature content ahead (you can read ahead safely, no smut in this chapter lol since I'm very bad at that stuff)


"I like you...A lot."

Taehyung said confidently placing his hands over Seokjin's shoulder. Seokjin was different today, he was bold and practically one step away from begging him to fuck.


He said softly, too shy to make an eye contact. He opened the door, held Taehyung's hand and dragged him in. Not bothering to switch the lights on, grabbed onto his coat, and went for a kiss, closing his eyes.

Taehyung wasn't hesitant, pulled the latter by his waist and slowly kissed him. Their lips moving softly. He wasn't in a hurry, he could do this all day after all. He wanted to make sure Seokjin was comfortable.

"Hyung are you- uh! Disgusting"

Soobin switched the lights on, only for a sight he wished to never witness again.

Taehyung pulled both of them apart, Seokjin looked at him with doe eyes. He did not approve of it, he wasn't concerned with anyone veiwing. All what mattered was the moment being disturbed right now and he hated it.

Well this was how drunk Seokjin actually was.

"Hyung. Here's a kid! Why are you hanging out with, him?!"

Soobin asked particularity focusing on the him as Taehyung lowered his gaze. He feared the younger.

"You don't get to say a word about him. Go back and sleep."

"But h-"

"Get back and stop making fun of my boyfriend. I don't like it."

Taehyung felt overjoyed and confident. It was the first time Seokjin actually scolded the younger, he was more than happy. And the mention of the word boyfriend was a turning point.

A turning on point.

"Dont go please."

Seokjin pleaded hugging the latter, placing his head on his shoulders.

"There's a meeting-"

"No. Please."


Taehyung was in Seokjin's room, in his clothes, on his bed, that too in the midnight. He was sure of the outcome, but refusing would simply result in Seokjin crying and Soobin beating the shit out of him, maybe.

"You look good." Seokjin said coming out of the bathroom, dressed in a comfortable oversized blue shirt and matching shorts.

"Y-ou too."

Taehyung said hesitantly. He tried hard not to look at those thighs, well 'tried' and failed miserably

He picked his phone up, scrolling and reading the details of the upcoming meeting as Seokjin frowned. He climbed on bed, waited for a move or a comment and getting none, he crawled up to him, getting closer and went for a kiss, again.

Taehyung was taken aback, he almost threw his phone  away and let Seokjin finish.

Well he had great lips, maybe the best but to call him a good kisser would be a big lie.

Taehyung grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"I'll teach you."

His voice was- hot ofcourse.

He straightened seokjin, seating him on his lap placing one of his hand over his waist while the other held his chin.

"We'll go slow and sw-"

Seokjin did not listen. He simply wasn't in the mood to listen. But it was new to him. Tongues getting involved was new. Taehtung biting on his lower lip was new. Him continuing even after being out of breath was new and it, made him feel hot.

Seokjin started whimpering, and that was it for Taehyung. He pulled himself back, Seokjin was all red and hot.

"Lets not."

He said in a firm tone as Seokjin stared at him longingly.


He said in a soft tone holding Taehyung's hand.


He pleaded again. Getting no response he held on the latter's shoulder, stood on his knees.

"If you don't I'll undress."

"I w-ont. Please sleep, you're not in the right mind."

"I b-eg you."


Seokjin stared at him with teary eyes, pulled his shorts and sat down, throwing the peice of cloth away. He held Taehyung hands and placed them on his exposed thights.

"Plea-se, CEO Kim."

It was enough for Taehyung, more than enough.

"You're bad."

He raised his arms taking the shirt off, getting completely naked. This was probably the moment Taehyung had dreamt of every fucking second. His hands were on Seokjin's milky thighs, the latter undressed and begging him to fuck him.

It wasnt less of a miracle to him.

"Honestly I've wanted to do this so fucking bad."


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